In business, taught by my mentors, I advised commonality of purpose; acquiring and organizing germane and proven skills in assembling and/or managing human resources for achieving common goals and objectives-, not to be unduly influenced by ethnic, cultural, and/or gender diversity. As I was taught not to seek compromise in ameliorating differences of opinion in achieving those goals and/or objectives but rather the determination of the best solution to the problem being addressed! Simply inferring we have got to move away from cronyism, pandering and politically correct distortions that have so adversely permeated our government and it's permutations to the point of masking our should be, and must be sacrosanct constitution, our law of the land that has served us so well for so long! In this democratic society of ours it is tantamount to our survival. Our efforts as responsible citizens must be to exercise with great care, discretion and consistency the choosing of our leaders, to assure that fundamental premise is practiced in our selection process.That's why after reading Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father and knowing his history I couldn't foresee why anyone would consider this man as a candidate for President of the United States let alone elect him a two term President! But, I'm not going to go there anymore, enough of beating that dead horse to death! He is not going to change his ways nor is he going to go away! In that said, I beseech you, if you have not, read our country's Declaration of Independence and Constitution, which essentially should be the mission statement of anyone who is chosen to govern in these United States, please do so. In turn, cast your appreciation of those document's fundamental truths, intent and purpose, against the intent and purpose of our candidates for public office (sans our engrained biases, our political party of choice's platform, our personal perceived to be social well being) and vote for what is best for our country! Perhaps our last chance to do the right thing! To give you pause, I refer you once again to the poignant and germane wisdom of Thomas Jefferson:
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those
who are willing to work and give to those who would not. ".........
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them"..............
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. " ...............
"To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. ".............
I know these are different times, that in many ways, as a nation we are more divided than ever before, that the deck is seemingly stacked against us, but we have surmounted challenges every bit as threatening in our history-, to our very union, to our sovereignty, from within and from without, and survived the test of time! If we can just muster up that once great and indomitable American spirit and appetite for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness we will prevail! In retrospect this Great Divider President of ours might just, in his disastrous administration's record reignite that spirit, awaken us from our lethargy! And yes, forget about me throwing in the towel, as a fit of pique, I've gotten my second wind, let's move on!