Thursday, June 30, 2022

I’ve Had It

Subtlety has never been my forte. So let me vent. I'm fed up to my teeth with the negativity permeating our country. The voices of Maxine Waters, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, The Squad, Bernie Sanders, our president himself, and their ilk degrading our country every chance they get; the thought to be legal scholars that come out of the woodwork advising our judicial system is dysfunctional that our founding fathers drew a flawed constitution have me apoplectic. All in complete disregard of what this country, as a nation, as a society, has accomplished in science, industry, and culture, what it has meant to the world as a facilitator of peace and purveyor of benevolence, preserver of the environment. Perfect no, but other countries of international influence pale in comparison. I can't bring myself to suggest they know not what they are doing. Collectively they are nothing more than ingrates and rabble-rousers disguised as public servants; self-aggrandizing terrible people that don't deserve the wealth and fame they have amassed at public expense.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

It's All They've Got

Racism, abortion, guns, Trump-bashing, January 6th, and contrived social inequities are the talking points of the Democrat’s assault on the ‘22 mid-terms and ‘24 elections. The economy, our balance of payments, supply chain difficulties, our faltering international presence, immigration, crime, and federal government overreach are addressed only in a malaise of minimizing contradictions, confusion, and misdirection. The polls have got it right; we are in a world of hurt.

Monday, June 27, 2022

The Generalization of Racism

This race-baiting drives me crazy. Apparently, what racism means to too many Americans is White people subjugating people of color, explicitly subjugating Black people, and supposedly believing the practice is peculiar to the United States. I wish those of that mind would research the history of slavery, its subsequent abolition, and the demographics and status of people of color other than in the United States. No question, biases, and prejudices are a human condition and can be harsh and demeaning, but to be thought disproportionately and specifically to black people because of their color in today's society is absurd. Statistics say otherwise. To dislike a person, a group, or an organization, for we rational folks, has to do with character and agenda, not color. No question, contrived disparaging stereotyping of one’s ethnic origin or race can be cruel and offensive. They should be destained, but when those biases and prejudices are broadly interpreted as proof of systemic racism play into the liberal white-supremacist narrative intentionally intended to be divisive and destructive. I’ve known white, black, yellow, and beige folks that I disliked, but it wasn’t because of their color, and I'm sure that's the vast disposition of most true Americans. Don't let them mask their true intentions in their endless efforts to divide us for their nefarious purposes.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

The 14th Amendment

The abortion-rights movement keeps saying that their 14th Amendment rights are being violated in the SCOTUS RvW decision. I can't see the relevance. Overturning RvW hardly qualifies as depriving any person of life liberty or property without due process. The only “person” being deprived of life by the Planned Parenthood advocates appears to be the fetus, which is never considered in their purview as a person or even in the developmental stage of becoming one. Apparently it's too much to ask the dissenters of the SCOTUS RvW decision to read Alito’s statement in the court's decision.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Let’s Hear It For Elon

You have to find Elon Musk's refreshing counterpoint to the sensitivities of woke culture. As reported in the WSJ, a small cadre of SpaceX employees subjected their fellow workers to a letter looking to gain support to “separate the company from Mr. Musk’s personal brand”, particularly his “public statements and behavior”, finding him “embarrassing and distracting”. In simpler terms, some employees didn’t care for Mr. Musk’s politics and failed to realize where they fit in the food chain. What is truly refreshing is the company response. It is nice to know that in America, some corporations recognize that they need not succumb to the leftist whining, woke culture, and bend to their whims. Ms. Shotwell, SpaceX President and possessing a most appropriate surname, responded by conducting an internal investigation, outing the culprits, and promptly firing them. But their First Amendment Rights, wailed the left. Not in this case. They inappropriately used company time, company resources, internal e-mail, and “diverted employee’s attention from company operations.”  Bravo. And after all, SpaceX is Elon Musk’s company, it is his vision. You don’t like it? The door is that way. American corporations take note. And stop pandering to the left. 

The Hieght Of Hypocrisy

You not only have to be LGBTQ, but you have to be committed to the liberal progressive’s agenda in its entirety to be welcome on any of the mainstream media’s platforms. Witness Caitlyn Jenner and Martina Navratilova. It’s hard to believe that there isn’t anyone on the Left standing up and saying, “Hey, wait a minute,” but look what happens to anyone who goes against the narrative. We have proven Hillary was behind the Russia collusion hoax, we have proof that the Biden’s are engaged in a money for influence scheme, we have proof that Swalwell was sleeping with a Chinese spy, we have evidence that BLM organizers absconded with the cash, we have proof that government plants were in the January 6 crowd, we have proof that transgender women have an unfair advantage in women’s sports, we have proof that the man who shot Steve Scalise was a fervent Bernie Sanders supporter, we have proof that most school shootings can be linked to mental health issues, we have proof that an assault weapon ban does not affect crime, we have proof that Biden’s anti-fossil fuel policies are to blame for rising gas prices, and that’s off the top of my head. Where’s the outrage that the facts don’t fit the narrative?

Monday, June 20, 2022

Is This Really Necessary

I’m starting to get fairly irritated by the MLS (major league soccer) decision to become social warriors. First, it was their total embrace of the BLM movement with their staff and pre-game warm-up jerseys adopting BLM slogans. Now we have outrage that the NE Revolution team sponsor, United Healthcare, has donated money to Ron DeSantis, a move that has been interpreted as anti-LGBTQ, and whatever other letters they have recently commandeered because of DeSantis’ “don’t say gay” bill. In support of LGBTQ rights, the Revolution will sponsor a “pride night,” taking in donations for a Boston-based soccer organization that promotes “connecting” gay youth through soccer and will be flying the rainbow flag over the stadium. Players and coaches will be wearing pride shirts that, of course, are manufactured by a “black-owned apparel company.” Seriously? This is ridiculous virtue signaling at its worst. somebody deep within the American soccer has to reign. Soccer is not thriving in this country because of its links to BLM or any other alphabet soup activist organization. It’s thriving because of the game itself, and no misdirected marketing ploy will convince me otherwise. Or maybe the league executives should be required to tune into something other than MSNBC for their news source. Need we repeat what the rest of the country already knows?  BLM is a Marxist organization whose founders chose to enrich themselves rather than serve their community, rioted, burned out cities, looted our businesses, promoted the dissolution of the nuclear family,  and through the defund the police narrative, made America a lot more dangerous for the rest of us. And that’s not my opinion; it’s a fact. Google it, college-educated suburban white women. Yes, I’m talking to you. And enough of this “don’t say gay” nonsense. It is not the name of the bill, no such wording is contained in the bill, and not the bill's goal. Another fact, or as the left likes to say: “an inconvenient truth”. The bill prohibits school-sponsored discussion of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation to children below the fourth grade.  Make a note of that: below the fourth grade, a distinction is either missing or buried deep in the liberal counterpoint. That’s eight years old. Hell, I don’t want the state teaching my kid anything other than the three Rs (reading, writing, and arithmetic for you city folk) below the age of eight, and they’ve proven they’re not very good at that either. Stay in your lane. And speaking of which, back to my point: corporations are not in the business of promoting social causes. They are in the business of satisfying consumers of their products which in turn benefits owners and shareholders. And that, in the world of capitalism, means making money. In the case of MLS, that means putting fans’ backsides in stadium seats. It is more than a stretch to suggest that pandering to Black Lives Matter and the LGBTQ will achieve that goal, despite the fact that until now, soccer in this country, unlike the rest of the world, has been a middle-class suburban phenomenon. So at the risk of alienating true fans of the game who shockingly watch the sport for entertainment and love of the game, fans that prefer their choice of leisure not to include social posturing, try giving us a superior product on the pitch and less promotion of your social causes. And that goes for the rest of corporate America as well.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Adding to the confusion

The recent WSJ editorial on the hearings wasn’t very defining. Although they scoff at the notion that this was an insurrection, they are quick to report that Trump incited it and did nothing to prevent it; although in circumspect, they seem, however, to favor the Democrats overall assertions. I’m getting tired of them and others dancing around the 2020 election results with semantics. On one hand, they tell us Biden received more votes than Obama, which seems improbable, especially when they report on, but fail to explain that there were voting “irregularities.” Then in the next breath, they claim that there is no evidence of voter fraud. It’s infuriating. Is there suspicion those so-called “irregularities” gave Biden the win or not?

Friday, June 10, 2022

Who Are The Insurrectionists

I’ve about had enough of Biden, the patriarch of what has been unequivocally determined to be a family business peddling influence. 

Yet claims he, as president, is running an administration that “plays it square,” implying that the Republicans cheat and are “a threat to our democracy.” After two years of Russia collusion followed by the January 6 hearings, Americans are no longer skeptical that the democrats play by the rules. They have struck their true colors! Allowing our institutions to be attacked, our cities to burn, and our Supreme Court justices to be exposed to violence, that is where the actual insurrection lies. When his cooperative Nancy Pelosi failed to call on the National Guard to protect the Capitol, when Trump was concerned that the protest might get out of hand, and when she obstructed bipartisan legislation to protect Supreme Court justices from attack, it makes you wonder who is fomenting the chaos, who gains power from the tearing down of our institutions and who are the real Insurrectionists.

Trump Bashing

From the clips I saw of the January 6 hearings, (Admittedly, I couldn’t stomach too much of the direct feed), it appears that this is yet another Trump witch trial. It’s remarkable that he has instilled so much fear and loathing in the democrat party to warrant such a protracted campaign to assure his political demise. What is it that gave rise to such blatant partisan attacks?  Is it Mr. Trump’s abrasive personality, his policies, or perhaps his woeful disregard for the Washington status quo?  I think he’s onto them, has exposed their self-serving scam to the light of day, and is a threat to their culture of perpetual antagonism with a wink while the cash continues to flow. He threatens to decouple public service from self-service, and Washington can’t have that. It’s a voracious beast that thrives on money. Your money.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


And now we have a crazed liberal Californian would be assassin targeting a conservative supreme court justice. Enraged because of the decision to kick the abortion issue back to the states where it belongs. Like he would have noticed any change in abortion services in the people's republic of California. Any means to an end for the left, be it leaking privileged Supreme Court communications, opening our southern borders to invading hoards, or eliminating a conservative justice so that president mumbles can install another activist judge in his place. This is what happens when the rule of law is turned on it’s head when you elect liberal district attorneys who allow them to publish the home addresses of court conservatives when you allow them to be threatened in their own homes by your “peaceful” protesters when you allow those same protesters to burn our cities, to loot our businesses and assault our citizens without consequence. And as gas prices surge to record highs, hopelessly incompetent Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen “ums” her way through another prepared monologue, commenting about equity and gun violence while spewing the party line that Putin and Covid conspired to cause inflation that shockingly surprised her by not being transitory. What a dope. Stay in your lane Janet. She already made her fortune, with an estimated net worth of 13 million, so what does she care if the peasants can’t put food on their table or gas in their cars? But instead, what is this administration concerned about? Preparing a made-for-TV special to convince the American public that January 6 was an actual insurrection, or at the least, going with the NPR assertion that this is a conspiracy akin to Watergate. It is brought to you by the same cast of reprehensible characters that spun the Russia collusion yarn. Right. That and passing another slew of preposterously ineffective gun control measures. I know; let’s ban those evil-looking assault weapons. Again. Because it worked so well the last time, we tried it?  No. It didn’t. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result, then what is the state of mind of an electorate that continues to vote for the same politicians with the same tired old ideas that yield no results, but serve only to enrich themselves?

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Second Amendment

The 2nd Amendment has been with us from our 1776 beginnings, so what has changed to foster the rash of mass shootings over the last ten years? True guns have become more lethal, but we have enacted stringent laws that govern their ownership and use. The attitude of the law-abiding adult population, most of whom have never owned or fired a gun, has not changed, being fully aware of their menace to society in the wrong hands. So again, what has changed that has manifested this relatively recent lawlessness, this carnage? What has changed, in my observation: Our gun laws are not being enforced; our society’s characteristics and demographics have created a more conducive environment for disorder in being piled on top of one another in major urban areas, better suited for fermenting hostilities and aggressiveness; anarchists of every stripe have infiltrated our society and given latitude to further their agendas; our tolerance for lawlessness in our policing has increased in the politicization and defunding of our law enforcement; our tolerance for graphic violence in our entertainment media has undoubtedly had a corrosive effect on our psyche; the mentally ill have been infused into the general population in the guise of compassion; the availability of mind-altering drugs certainly to be considered a contributing factor. All of the preceding are exacerbated by the ubiquitous internet presence in our lives and its ever-taunting social media, cable, and NPR platforms content. Those tech and media companies' purveyors of a din of disinformation through data collection can thought drive distorted opinions and inflame emotions. I can’t imagine we are in the minority in this causal appraisal; the question is, why aren't we doing something about it? Why do we dwell on the inanimate gun for the solution as opposed to the human conditions?