Another piece of meaningless legislation is working its way through Congress, purported to reduce the deficit and save the planet, including increasing the number of IRS auditors to go after “tax cheats.” Now that’s ironic. What, we aren’t squeezing enough out of the working class? You know, that 62% of the available workforce that actually chooses to participate? The lowest participation rate in history, incidentally. Well done, Senator Manchin. What happened to your mantra about not increasing taxation and expenditure during a recession? And after all your political grandstanding, your capitulation comes after a closed-door meeting with the devil himself, none other than Chuckie Schumer. Hmm. What dirt does Chuck have on you, or more likely, what prize have you been offered? Double standards and backroom deals with no regard for the working American. That is the new America. It’s disgraceful.
Friday, July 29, 2022
Paulie P & The Wicked Witch of the West
Paul and Nancy Pelosi amass millions in perfectly timed stock trades that reek of insider trading. Yet nobody seems to recall that Martha Stewart served jail time for her insider trading scandal that earned her a paltry $30000. Equal justice in America is indeed fiction. Just ask Hunter Biden and the “Big Guy.”
Thursday, July 28, 2022
I’m Depressed
Reading the WSJ and listening to the news is enough to put you in a funk. Biden is dithering us into a nuclear-armed Iran and assuredly a middle east conflict of potentially biblical proportion. His continually showing weakness on the international stage will undoubtedly encourage China to move on Taiwan and Putin to increase his energy war in Europe by closing the natural gas spigot. At the same time, Interest rates here jumped another three-quarter of a percentage point in an economy in full recession, despite the administration's attempts to redefine that economic barometer. Further, the administration touting full employment despite a workforce participation rate of 62%. And, we have that walking talking advertisement for hair gel, posing as the prime minister of Canada wanting to follow Sri Lanka and the Netherlands lead in restricting nitrogen emissions from fertilizer. A concern, we in our “green initiative” seem inclined to follow suit. What with Ukrainian wheat export production in the harper, why reduce the productivity of farms in North America to compensate, courting famine for those nations dependent on grain and wheat imports? Not very bright or realistic, these green globalist elites.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Yet Another Existential Threat
It’s hilarious listening to the climate change alarmists go off the rails when a heat wave strikes. Interesting that temperatures hit 100 degrees in England, and they are telling us that the asphalt roads are melting and they have to cover the metal structure of bridges with reflective foil to keep the girders from bending. Seriously? So steel now melts at 100 degrees? And according to mainstream news sources, apparently, people are dying in the streets. Yet statistically, more people die yearly from cold exposure than from heat. We don’t hear much from the hypothermia alarmists. And of course, the solution is to have President Mumbles declare a climate emergency and through executive order or the misused reconciliation process in Congress restrict fossil fuel consumption by regulating the oil industry into bankruptcy while China and India continue to consume Russian oil and grow their economies. And ditto online: homes burning and oceans rising. Death and destruction, an existential crisis. The solution from all these pundits: Government regulation, and we all know how much good that will do us.