Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Ian Spin

Hurricane Ian hadn’t even made landfall when it started. 3-2-1…..Cue the climate change hysteria. In this, the least active hurricane season in recent memory, the climate lobby has gone so far as to suggest that voting democrat is the only way to prevent an existential crisis. Like those idiots can control the weather. We will now hear that this is somehow nature’s wrath inflicted on yet another red state for their climate-denying rhetoric. Never mind the fact that red states most often border hurricane waters. And it is indeed hurricane season, so named for a preponderance of, well, hurricanes. We will hear how republicans’ climate policies caused the weather events, how they failed to prepare, and watch as they get crucified in the liberal media for their response. Florida Governor and Republican presidential heir apparent will be scrutinized and roundly criticized for managing this crisis in the hope that the democrats can nip his candidacy in the bud long before the presidential primaries. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has suggested that the best thing you can do to prepare for a hurricane is to get vaccinated. Seriously? Sure, I have nothing to eat, no potable eater, and I can swim in my living room but damn, good thing I’m vaccinated. Really, Joe, I think batteries and plywood rank higher. So rather than show concern for the actual Americans affected by this monster storm, let’s instead continue to bicker over partisan policy and engage in more political theater. Perhaps tune in to The View. Sure, that will be helpful. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Shame On Us

It is not emigrants, illegal or otherwise, nor the remnants of The Greatest Generation, the Baby Boomers; it's Gen X and Z and the Millennials, privileged young Americans that have taken Counter-Culture, Wokeism, Socialism, and Whatever as their cause and are running with it. It is our own pampered progeny that has turned on us. In the final analysis, we too, their predecessors, have failed in not keeping our eye on the core of our democracy; the preservation of our Declaration of Independence granted rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness as governed by our Republic’s Constitution. In complacency we have raised generations of Snowflakes and Malcontents.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Again I'm Flommaxed

I have grown weary of trying to reach you on an intellectual plain, lost all patients with the mealy mouth RINO among us who posture ambivalence in light of the Democrat's onslaught of lies and deceit. What are you afraid of hurting their feelings? They have given you no quarter, reciprocate you, ninnies. This is politics; there are no Queensberry Rules in play. Call them out on their distortions, fabrications, and misdirections; put their feet to the fire! Let no propaganda of theirs go unchallenged. Get some steel in your spine; tell it like it is. They have apparently come to the realization we don't have the stomach to meet the absurdities of their socialist agenda and civil order, too cowardly to speak out in defense of our American culture, society, and country. Well, we damn well better, or we will surely go down the tubes come November.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

California 2035

So what do you think, Glen T, my automobile buff friend, is the combustion engine and its fuel source the bain of society; obsolete in the advent of EVs? That's what the Progressives want us to believe while stoking the fires of climate hysteria. Yet the technology and economic  circumstances of its purview belie that supposition. To me, a promising technology to soon exploited. It appears inevitable its time will come, but to rush it has the potential to destabilize today’s fossil fuel-dependent economy; raise havoc on the mobility and general competencies of societal order and the international balance of power.  Look at the consumption rates of energy sources. Renewables are barely a contributor of note in the grand scheme of things, for a good reason. Get a grip, you well-intended Greenies; you are getting ahead of yourselves.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Plain Mean Spirited

Partisanship is not just detrimental to our country, but sometimes it’s just mean-spirited. Lauren Boebert, the Republican representative In Colorado’s third congressional district, rose to prominence when she and her husband established Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado. The grill was known for its servers openly carrying pistols on their hips, a Second Amendment theme of sorts that infuriated the left, especially in increasingly blue-tinged Colorado. Ms. Boebert then parlayed her notoriety into a successful campaign to unseat the incumbent Republican representative in her district. Young and fiery, she had further enraged her detractors by adopting a position diametrically opposed to the “squad” as a staunch supporter of Second Amendment rights. She is widely known for poking the bear when woke activism ascends to heights of absurdity. So what. The left has the increasingly shrill AOC and Omar, and the right has Boebert and Green. Point and counterpoint. Ying and Yang. But recently, the successful Shooters restaurant was forced to close its doors when the real estate owner elected not to renew their lease. Cue The schadenfreude. The liberals are in full celebration mode over Ms. Boebert’s misfortune. Now hold on there. The party of the everyman, the downtrodden, the working class is rejoicing over the closing of a business and the loss of jobs?  Really? Their waitstaff, busboys, cooks, bartenders, hostesses, and dishwashers are now unemployed, and you find this a cause for celebration?  Because you don’t like their politics? And the real estate owner, despite claiming the decision was purely business and not political, is the proud owner of Rifle’s marijuana dispensary. Hmm. Wonder how he votes. So once again, we don our hip boots to wade through the sea of hypocrisy. The party of the people was positively giddy over the loss of jobs when those jobs belonged to conservatives, the loss of business on the supply side, and the suppliers that relied on Shooters for the purchase of food and drink, paper goods, and cleaning supplies. The loss of traffic into town by customers who spent their money at other local businesses. But what do you expect from politicians who never held jobs in the private sector other than a complete lack of understanding as to how the economy works? 

And another thing: the media chiming in to join in the revelry is in poor taste. Remember when Newsweek was considered a reliable news publication? Well, sort of. Their online outlet, as part of the story on the restaurant closing, saw fit to re-post tweets from insignificant internet trolls, to use their own juvenile millennial terminology, positively ecstatic over the business’s demise. Nice. So as California invades Colorado, residents fleeing from progressive policies, they bring their voting biases with them and will now turn Colorado into the same disaster that they left. I believe Agent Smith said it best:  “there is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. It’s a virus.” Brilliant. But I digress. There has to be some level of civility if we intend to remain a republic. It should be evident that we shouldn’t rejoice in the personal misfortune of those on the other side of the aisle, we should not protest in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices, and we should not destroy personal property in the name of protest. Alas, ethics, manners, and civility all seem to be casualties in the post-Covid era. Anything to further a political ideal. It’s just mean-spirited. And it does not bode well for our future. 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Before Our Very Eyes

This is how an empire dies, and we’re watching it in real-time. In the news: fourth-grade test scores, considered to be a “crucial indicator for educational and economic success,” have plummeted, with math scores recording the most significant drop to a level not seen since the 90s. The average lifespan dropped for a second consecutive year, an additional 0.9 years, after a steep drop of 1.8 years in 2020. The average American can now expect to live 76.1 years. California is expecting a heat wave to strike this weekend that will “likely stress the electricity grid and raise the risk of wildfires.” Authorities have responded by urging residents to avoid going outdoors, drink water, check in on your neighbors and never leave children and pets alone in cars. They have additionally requested residents to voluntarily conserve energy by keeping thermostats no lower than 78 degrees, avoid running major appliances, and do not charge electric vehicles. You know, the vehicles they are making us buy. In Jackson, Mississippi, an estimated 150000 residents are without reliable running water as the city’s crumbling water infrastructure struggles to provide clean drinking water and sufficient water pressure. What happened to us? Alas, when a country fails to educate its children, keep its population safe and healthy, is unable to provide clean running water and a reliable electricity grid, it has devolved into a third-world crisis. The usual excuses abound, with Covid leading the list, followed by climate change and, of course, racism. How long are we going to allow the democrats, the party in charge, to harangue us with these tired old mantras?  Perhaps we should consider a different set of excuses: the unfortunate appointment of idiots to positions of authority, the demise of meritocracy in favor of race-based appointments, the mismanagement of natural resources, and the demonizing of the fossil fuel industry to worship at the altar of green energy initiatives, the wanton destruction of the nuclear family with children reliant on educators more concerned with their own well-being and a curriculum that no longer emphasizes a real-world skill set and a government that completely mismanaged and politicized a pandemic. November is the tipping point where we choose success as a nation or continue our decline into third-world status.

Friday, September 2, 2022

We Are Scorned

This sudden tactic by the Biden Administration to declare “MAGA Republicans” fascists and a threat to democracy are a bit unhinged. Speaking from a podium in front of a starkly red-lit background with flags and Marines at attention, last night’s venue was peculiarly reminiscent of another angry, fascist totalitarian orator in style, tone, and demagoguery. However, it appears from recent democrat election success in New York (of course) and Alaska that those wins were based solely on single-issue campaign strategies, simplifying the abortion issue into an all-or-nothing vote, a trend that is concerning. The democrat party may have finally, with the help of a compliant media and the teachers union, succeeded in a tactic of dumbing down the electorate sufficiently to get them to believe virtually anything.  Such hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness to have declared Trump a serial liar when we now have such blatant fabrications as “semi-fascists,” “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” “transitory inflation,” “inflation reduction act,” “zero inflation,” “Russian collusion,” “Putin’s price hike,” “Russian disinformation,” “peaceful protests,” the “deadly insurrection,” the Secure southern border,” not to mention virtually everything they told us about managing the Covid outbreak. All their talking points are condensed into simplistic bumper sticker-sized sound bites to appeal to a mesmerized TikTok generation. Always be cognizant of the observation that the democrats are experts in the art of projection: what they accuse you of is generally what they themselves are practicing. The end result will be what they have long been preaching, a fundamental transformation of America. We best take notice.