Kamala Harris was interviewed on ABC’s Prime Focus where she was lobbed the usual softball questions, this time from Linsey Davis, “a graceful advocate of political and social rights of people of all races and genders” and “the first black woman to hold a prime-time show on ABC in 18 years” according to Chetana of Biography Host. Does anybody want to offer up their partisan agenda? Right. The most egregious example was asking if Kamala thought her historically deplorable favorability ratings were based on “race and gender” now at record lows for a sitting vice-President. Hilarious. The reason she was selected as Biden’s running mate was precisely because of her race and gender, you idiots. I can’t determine whether these media shills are really that intellectually impaired or if they think we are. And what followed was yet another stellar interview performance from Kamala, perhaps the most dim-witted ponderously slow-on-her-feet politician imaginable. Like the rest of America, I cringe every time Biden face plants for fear he won’t get up and leave us with this vacuous, empty pantsuit.
Monday, July 31, 2023
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
What’s Become Of Us
This whole DEI initiative that has infiltrated our educational institutions is warping the minds of our youth. It is indoctrination at its most sinister. And I don’t see an easy way back. We are way too far down the road of insanity driven there by identity politics that effectively divides us into tribes, then panders to those idealogical groups to buy votes. And meanwhile, the political class silently gains more power while the liberal media rails against any perceived slight to their leftist agenda.
A perfect example of the nonsensical ramblings of the left is the recently cosmetically remade Jessica Tarlov, the token liberal on The Five, who explained to us simpletons in her pseudo-intellectual vocal fry that children can’t comprehend the subtleties of Florida’s new black history curriculum that seeks to replace CRT with historical facts. So it’s just easier to just engage in demagoguery and further promote the divisive narrative of the race hucksters? Recall this curriculum was developed and approved by a panel of scholars that included black descendants of slaves. Interestingly, the left wants to spoon-feed the simpler narrative of CRT instead of “complex facts” to these children but somehow feels that these same kids can comprehend gender studies and LGBTQ topics. Historical facts will confuse the little darlings but not topics that suggest their gender differs from their biology. Nor will promoting books that feature explicit instruction on gay sex and transgender themes. The left wants to have it both ways, so to speak. And all the better that ground zero is in Florida where Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis can be tagged as racist and anti-LGBTQ. In the same manner that “whistleblowers” are praised when they attack conservatives but dismissed when they reveal the corruption in the Biden administration, children are used as pawns when the mood suits them. On one hand, their brains are not fully developed to handle mathematics too early in the morning, because the developing brain needs more sleep, say the experts. Nor can they grasp subtle nuances in Black history according to the aforementioned Tarlov, yet they are mature enough to decide to subject themselves to life-altering transition surgery as early as age seven. These are the same kids that are exhibiting rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide that are off the charts. And let’s add social media, SSRIs, and ready access to potent legalized weed into the mix. No wonder they’re confused. So it’s full steam ahead to further the liberal agenda with conservatives and children nothing more than speed bumps in the road to progressive utopia. And the sooner we recognize the damage being done, the better the chance that there is a way back.
Friday, July 21, 2023
Generations Amiss
I have little hope for the next generation’s ability to hold a job, become productive members of society, or care for the elderly. So obsessed they are with their own sexual orientation and gender identity. Enough already. It’s no wonder we have to import functioning reproductive organs across the southern border. With as high as 38% of Ivy League students identifying as alphabet soup, sustaining our population is impossible given the sheer number of testicles and uteruses destined for either the incinerator or to be used in an “off-label” fashion. And recall this is the same generation who is setting records for anxiety and depression and are being medicated accordingly. Surely this must be an example of either mass hysteria or virtue signaling at its most extreme. Look at me, they scream from their Instagram accounts, I’m a member of an oppressed minority group. Bravo. With gender and sexual orientation classes becoming common on college campuses it is no wonder that only 25% of incoming Princeton freshmen identified as “other than straight” but seniors had increased that percentage to 35% after four years of indoctrination. It’s ridiculous. So the lesson to be learned from these statistics is: if you want your child to get an Ivy League education, send them to the University of Pennsylvania where only 15% identify as LGBTQIA. They must be doing something right.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
New York Blues
The apocalypse may indeed be upon us, but New York is in a race to get there faster. The dysfunctional city of New York has awarded 5200 Black and Hispanic teacher candidates $1.7 billion after they failed to pass the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test, determining that the certification exam was racially biased. The reasoning is that more white applicants successfully passed the examination as opposed to their Black and Hispanic peers. I’m sorry, but the exam is not biased against people of color, the exam is biased against stupid people, regardless of their color. This is yet another redistribution scheme masquerading as diversity, equity, and inclusion. What an embarrassment. Perhaps we should look at the silver lining. At least the city didn’t acquiesce and dumb down the standards to allow the failed applicants to become teachers, further degrading the quality of the already substandard public school system that already spends $38000 per student. But there’s more. These failed applicants will be eligible for teacher's pensions when they reach retirement age, pensions rewarding them for years they never worked. You just can’t make this stuff up. Congratulations New York City taxpayers, you’re well on the way to making your city uninhabitable.
Alas, there’s more. New York Governor Kathy Hochul issued a statement that her state is proud to announce that it has set a “record” when it comes to New York’s “landmark” paid family leave program. And I quote: “When I signed New York's paid family leave expansion into law, I reaffirmed our state’s commitment to ensuring workers have the protections they need to bond with their parents, children, and other loved ones. Now workers are responding with rising enrollment and record high utilization, particularly among fathers. Our nation-leading paid family leave program is a testament to our efforts to make New York the most worker friendly state on the nation.” Worker-friendly but apparently business averse. Gee, I wonder if that program will suffer from any fraud? And by record utilization, that translates into record numbers of workers who are not on the job, sucking capital out of the businesses that employ them who must either suffer a decrease in production or the expense of hiring a temporary replacement. And further, where do you think the money comes from to subsidize this boondoggle? The businesses of course. Tacked onto the state’s already exorbitant mandatory workers compensation insurance is now the paid family leave assessment, a charge that in most cases costs the business more than double the cost of the workers compensation premium alone. And why would that be the case? Because the insurance industry has already done the math and knows that the program will be over utilized. And the remarkably tone deaf Kathy Hochul, yet another career politician with no experience in the private sector, continues to double down on failed democrat programs, policies, and taxation that punish New York businesses and exacerbate the flight of productive taxpayers and their businesses out of state.
Friday, July 14, 2023
Dem’s Arizona Spin
Our liberal elected officials are the most dangerous threat to our national security than anything Vladimir Putin could have possibly imagined. Witness the recent spat over Arizona GOP representative Eli Crane, a military veteran, attempting to make a point that our military must be held to standards of preparedness not woke ideology. In his statement, he, unfortunately, used the phrase “colored people.” Not in a derogatory fashion, but referring to “people of color.” Cue the outrage from the left. He quickly apologized for having misspoken and asked that the phrase be amended to “people of color”. But no, that’s not enough. Rather than address the actual issue of military preparedness, the conversation naturally devolved into race and white nationalists. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, you know that inclusive group of African-American congressional members that suggests there exists a Congressional White Caucus…..which there isn’t…..immediately asked that his comments be “stricken from the record.” And of course, the amendment passed. Another sideshow to distract from the actual issue at hand that truly affects America. Now hold the phone. Somebody has to step up and clarify this word salad for the rest of us White Americans. Perhaps issue a handbook. Now I know it somehow is, but how exactly is “colored people” offensive but “ people of color” is not? Really, I’m asking. Isn’t your representative organization the National Association for the Advancement of …….Colored People? Sorry, that doesn’t make sense. And the goalposts keep moving. Black was acceptable, then it had to be capitalized, then it moved to “African-American.” But even that doesn’t make sense as it implies all Black people come from Africa. What about Caribbean islanders or Black South Americans? Do we just default back to our supposed origins? Should we recognize Neanderthal-Americans? And to broadly label people of African origin African-Americans, we are casting a net that includes Elon Musk and Charlize Theron. African yes, but notably deficient in melanin. But isn’t that like calling an Englishman and a Hungarian European-Americans? Africa is a big place, made up of a lot of countries much like Europe. Should we get more specific and use Nigerian-American and Ugandan-American? That seems accurate but unwieldy. And that brings me to a recent article about what Europeans find irritating about Americans. Not that I care what Europeans think about us, and frankly they would all be German if it weren’t for us, but they found it ridiculous that we identify as hyphenated Americans or by the origins of our family name You’re not an Italian-American or even Italian they opined, you’re just an American. Maybe of Italian descent, but American nonetheless. You don’t see Europeans gong about referring to themselves as German-Belgians or Italian-Scottish. Point taken. And what if a Black man, born in England emigrates to the United States? Is he British-American, or does he suddenly become an African-American? All so very confusing, this labeling. But back to my original discussion. Negro was at one time acceptable and even widely used by Booker T. Washington, but is thought to be offensive. Why is that? Isn’t it essentially Spanish for Black? Perhaps it is too closely associated with the dreaded N-word. But if the N-word is so repugnant, then stop using it yourselves. Why is it so prevalent in pop culture? You certainly don’t see people of European descent calling “yo, my spic” or “what’s up dago” to their compatriots, do you? Stop it. It sends the wrong message. So what I ask for us is consistency. Pick an identity and stick with it. Stop using a constantly changing fluid state of self-description as a starting point for more discussions on racism, tribalism and that which divides us. Relegate outdated words you find offensive to history’s trash heap and don’t keep recycling or rearranging them to suit the narrative. Finding the term “colored people” offensive but “people of color” acceptable is absurd wordplay. Explain it, and don’t use that race-baiting, huckster Al Sharpton to do it. It’s confusing and only divides us further.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Kudos for Navratilova
The lavender-haired grandstanding US Women’s National Soccer Team’s pretentious star Megan Rapinoe is running her mouth again. She actually had the audacity to criticize Martina Navratilova for her stance on banning biological males posing as “trans-women” from competing in women’s sports. What a twit. The reason Rapinoe has had the success she has enjoyed is because of pioneers in women’s sports like Navratilova who also happens to be gay, but never made that her defining characteristic. The “look at me” generation strikes again. How ungrateful and disrespectful.
Monday, July 10, 2023
Affirmative Action Quandry
I don’t understand all this fervor over the Supreme Court decision that college admissions can no longer use race as a determinant in applicant selection. Like that’s going to happen. On the racial quota side, I understand that supporters, see it as a leg up in the admission process, an opportunity to be accepted to elite colleges without satisfying the requirements for merit-based acceptance. This policy does an enormous disservice to those minority students who claimed their place based on academic merit, an achievement tainted by the assumption by other applicants that they were accepted based solely on the color of their skin. Not nice. And now with the widespread elimination of the SAT as an admission standard, what’s left to use as a yardstick? Ascribing social merit scores is at best arbitrary and how do you compare an academic record at one high school versus another? “Gauged against your peers” actually depends on who your peers are. And the universities keep on relying on the premise that there is an educational benefit to diversity. Or as the Emory Dean of admissions said: “The best class for Emory is a diverse class.” Tell me why? Wouldn’t you suspect that surrounding yourself with higher performing students who were accepted based on merit would push you to higher academic achievement as opposed to a student body selected predominantly on race? If that higher-performing student body happens to be diverse, then isn’t that special, but that shouldn’t be the goal, should it? In this case, I would suspect that scholarship always trumps color when it comes to academic achievement. And where is the data that supports the premise that diversity is somehow beneficial to an education? In my experience and that of my peers, I perceived racial diversity as a non-factor academically. If anything, it led to animosity. Black students had their own campus social organization and sponsored black-only events. Even the Jewish kids had their Hillel organization and migrated to the same fraternity house. As can be said with any ethnic group, like seeks like, and minorities, even non-minority ethnic groups, tended to band together. Looking objectively at the campus cafeteria, one would have assumed they were still enforcing segregation. Perhaps times have changed, and I am indeed ancient, but racial tensions in America seem worse than ever. Back then I recall overcompensation being the rule of the day. Concern over saying the wrong thing and having it misinterpreted as a “microaggression” led to pandering, nauseating efforts at virtue signaling, and dispensing unearned praise. I distinctly remember a black engineering student taking seven years to complete his five-year program. A white student would have been asked to leave and would find himself selling his textbooks on the quad. A black professional student, the only black member of the class, flunked two science courses, ordinarily an automatic dismissal, yet was privately tutored by the Academic Dean and allowed to stay. Interestingly he was later accepted into a highly competitive specialty program. How did that happen? A white classmate with the same academic failures was asked to leave. Is that fair? Hardly. Is it justified in the name of diversity? Well, that brings us back to the original premise. If you can prove to me that diversity has a positive effect on academic success, like the claim that diverse “work teams” outperform non-diverse teams”, then, by all means, let’s consider race-based acceptance. But if this is simply an exercise in politics, if indeed surrounding yourself with academic excellence is superior to a class selected for diversity, then I’ll choose excellence every time. That’s not racism, that’s common sense. Something that should appeal to scholars everywhere. You know, the students selected on merit.
Friday, July 7, 2023
Gender - Affirming
You know the apocalypse is upon us when the President of the Endocrine Society responds to a WSJ article critical of “lifesaving gender-affirming care” claiming efforts to ban disfiguring surgery and puberty blockers on minors is “motivated by politics”, bans that are “fueled by misinformation.” Dr. Hammes of Rochester, NY cites “more than 2000 studies” that “form a clear picture” that “gender-affirming care improves the well being of transgender and gender-diverse people and reduces the risk of suicide.” Really. If it truly was “gender affirming” then we would be seeking to affirm the patient’s actual gender rather than convincing them they can be miraculously morphed into another. The good doctor appears mostly to be well versed in all the trans-community buzzwords but apparently failed to take into account the recent body of evidence from his European colleagues, doctors who have been at this a lot longer than we have, that shows no such improvement in mental health or suicide rates. Any physician who suspects that surgically altering one’s appearance to resemble that of the opposite sex, particularly in minors, results in not only a sense of well being but is somehow curative of what can best be described as raging mental illness should revisit their medical school training in psychiatry, genetics and anatomy. And relying on data in psychiatric literature is downright laughable when it is widely reported that studies in the field are rarely reproducible. DNA is a blueprint on which the organism is built. Tearing down the facade will fail to affect the foundation. It’s high time the medical community stopped yielding to political opinion and returned to common sense and science.
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Forgive And Forget
We should all surmise how this Hunter Biden fiasco is going to end. Hunter will be ceremoniously thrown under the bus, and both he and his Dad will admit to his past proclivities, illegal though they were, but to be judged as a manifestation of his disease, drug addiction. That he since has come to his senses in realizing the embarrassment and harm he had caused his family and friends. His response heroically dismissed his wayward tendencies and inflections and became a model husband, father, and First Son. To which his father is extremely proud and stands beside him in his miraculous recovery. TaDa!
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Dylan Mulvaney
Reading an article from a woke publication ranting about the Bud Light saga and how it was just a marketing tactic to be more inclusive and get more people to drink their beer. They just don’t get it. They choose perhaps the most grotesque flamboyant representative of the trans community who openly mocks women with his prancing about in lady face and make him, the face of a beer that is embraced by blue-collar conservative men. Genius. That’s like choosing Colin MacGregor as the spokesperson for lipstick. Fess up Bud you misread your market and paid dearly for it.