Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Reality Of It All

Sit back, turn on your TV, surf the news networks, and witness the crumbling of the Great American Experiment. Graphic scenes of smash-and-grab robberies, burning and looting, murder and mayhem, violation of our borders, dishonorable retreat from conflict, civil unrest at every pillar of our society, and a  corrupt government administration flaunting our constitution, rules, and regulations.  And in cameo, a preview of our eventual demise as a society in the ever-increasing list of our degenerate major cities: San Francisco, New York, Chicago, etc, etc. All this peaking in the advent of the post-2021 elections. Make no mistake the tipping point, the point of no return for our Republic looms large come the elections of 2024 if the Democrat Party reign prevails.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Blue Northeast

It never ceases to amaze me, living immersed as I am in the deep blue Northeast when the great unwashed regale me with their take on the political parties and the partisan political landscape in general. On one hand, they lament the sorry state of contemporary American politics and often go so far as to compare our current crisis in government with the kind of corruption on display in autocratic socialist Latin American countries. You know, those third-world despots that rule over what we so often disparagingly refer to as banana republics. Those guys. Then, on the other hand, with me poised to expect a condemnation of the corrupt Biden family money-making enterprise operating at the top level of government, they take a sharp left turn off the obvious path and launch into parroting the mainstream media talking points that Donald Trump is destroying our democracy and seeks to control everything through corruption and collusion…… just like our Latin American neighbors to the south. Huh?  They continue: in their opinion, the Democrat Party has remained consistently true to their cause of supporting the working man, the middle class, and minorities, and President Biden represents those values and commitments and “means well.”  Uh-huh. The Republican Party, however, has morphed into the party of radical right-wing zealots, intent on destroying democracy, stripping us of our freedoms, and controlling the people of this nation in perpetuity. Wow. Where to start the rebuttal, as I stand mouth agape, mind racing, having just purchased a handful of groceries for $200, filled my tank at nearly 4 bucks a gallon, unable to find employees with an artificially enhanced unemployment report  paradoxically in a county with a third of the population collecting some form of government assistance, a wide open southern border streaming millions of unskilled welfare recipients into my country, having paid an ever increasing tax bill knowing only pennies are going to my fellow Americans in East Palestine, Ohio and Lahai, Hawaii while billions go to Ukraine and more tax dollars slated to forgive student loans to privileged gender studies majors from elite universities, public school education producing the lowest achievement scores in decades while they try to recover from absurd Covid restrictions yet are intent on supplanting essential studies with CRT and instilling gender confusion into young minds warped from the influence of social media and an epidemic of depression and anxiety, universities, medical schools and airline pilot training programs dropping the requirements for achievement-based admissions in favor of “lived experience ” and race-based quotas, commercial real estate teetering on the brink of collapse, having seen my regional bank downgraded and the local branch closing, the inner city vacant with failing businesses and empty office buildings after work from home policies decimated the foot traffic that supported those businesses and then liberal DAs with their bail reform, so called equitable application of the law, and defund the police policies turned a trip to the mall into a  potentially life threatening adventure in urban warfare, and my government using its legal powers to harrass and attempt to imprison the leading opposition candidate in a national election…….I snap back to reality as the liberals drone on. But I come to a realization: The democrat-controlled mainstream media has proven effective beyond their wildest dreams when their propaganda is unleashed on an unwitting public.

Monday, August 21, 2023

We Are About To Be Duped

Wait for it, this has gone beyond ridiculous. Hunter Biden is as guilty as sin of being the facilitator of the Biden family influence peddling scheme. And all of the President's men can not forestall the inevitable, his indictment. However, as I have predicted, in the final analysis, Hunter will fall on his sword in a perceived heroic attempt to exonerate his father, portraying him as an unwitting participant in his drug-induced criminology. And this horrific scandal that it is, an indelible stain on our nation's reputation will be mitigated in our national embarrassment; a loving father's valiant efforts to protect his drug-addled son from the harsh penalties of his crimes. And Joe, our intrepid 46th President will skate!

Monday, August 14, 2023


This appointment of a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden is a more cynical, corrupt manipulation of the law by the DOJ and the Biden Administration. Trump had his foibles, but keeping Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court may be one of his signature accomplishments. Credit also goes to Mitch McConnell on that one. What this counsel is effectively doing is kicking the can down the road, conveniently past the 2024 Presidential election.  If we can slow-walk the investigation long enough to keep it from being a campaign issue goes the strategy, we can then get Biden back in the White House and deal with the Hunter Biden issue later when we still control government. Hell, we can even pardon him if the investigation goes south. Cue the cackling in the smoke-filled back room as the deal is done. Further, while the investigation is ongoing, Biden can defer comment while on the campaign trail. Brilliant. And the gullible American public will eat up the headline: “DOJ Appoints Special Council to Investigate Hunter Biden.” It’s corrupt. It’s dirty. It’s politics in America. And unfortunately in every other banana republic. My, how far we’ve fallen. 

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Partisan Politics Trumps Corruption

Partisan politics apparently trumps corruption. In talking to staunch leftists they are willing to overlook blatant examples of corruption on their side of the aisle with a shrug, parrying those criticisms with the argument that they’re all corrupt. So what? To them it seems like Hunter Biden’s antics are no worse than Jared Kushner’s business dealings, Chuck Schumer’s partisan rants are in the same league as Mitch McConnell’s diatribes, Ocasio-Cortez’ grandstanding a  mere reflection of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s, Biden’s overseas influence peddling no worse than Trump’s foreign business ventures……and on it goes. Depends on your news source. While Trump is roasted continually in the mainstream media, supplied by a weaponized Biden Department of Justice in a never-ending feast of exaggerated charges, you hear nary a peep about the Biden crime family, a news story that is now a mainstay on conservative radio and FOX. As long as their issues are being addressed, the partisan base is apparently willing to overlook your foibles. And they know it. Simply apply a little spin, a heaping dose of demagoguery, and some outright lying, condense it into a digestible sound bite, and feed it to a gullible, if not self-serving electorate. Who do you believe?  We see video of immigrants streaming over the border and statistics show that millions of undocumented migrants have infiltrated into America’s heartland. Yet we have Majorcas: “The border is closed.” Is it?  Millions of dollars from foreign governments are funneled into shell corporations and distributed to Biden family members for no apparent services rendered. We have photographs of Joe with Hunter’s business associates. Yet we have Biden: “I have never discussed business with my son.” Really? But one issue voters seem oblivious. As long as I get my “fill in the blank”, consider me a supporter. Insert “abortion rights” “EBT card” “SNAP benefits” “paid family leave” “unskilled workforce” “gun control” “climate change initiatives”….whatever. But is it good for the country? Does it benefit the republic?  Will our children inherit a functional government?  I’m going to go partisan on you fur a moment. More than usual. The answer is no. While the Republicans, for the most part, are promoting broad conservative ideals, economic stability, market forces to grow the economy, support business and keep government influence and regulation at bay, their progressive counterparts seem to be focused on the individual, on dividing us into tribes, then bribing those tribes into becoming partisan soldiers with promises of “rights” and special interest perks that benefit only them to the detriment of business and other productive members of society. It’s destructive and only widens the partisan divide. But let’s not beat around the bush with semantics and call it what it is. It’s socialism, it’s Marxism. This evolution into a ‘classless communist society” by the overthrow of capitalism and authoritarian government control over everything is precisely where we’re headed. And who will benefit the most? Why the ruling class of course, free to engage in corrupt accumulation of personal wealth and power by redistributing the wealth of the underclass to achieve equity amongst the serfs. ESG, BLM, DEI….all these acronyms are just vehicles to rebrand socialism to achieve the utopian ideals of equality and inclusion by punishing the productive members of society and pacifying the ever-growing unskilled, uneducated workforce with redistribution schemes. Read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. again. They have commandeered language, they control our healthcare, they control education, their social programs control the flow of income to millions of dependents, and they have divided us and pitted social classes against one another. They have altered voting as we once knew it. The signs are there for all to see. Our national debt is untenable. Our budget is in deficit. Our military is failing to meet recruitment goals, their infrastructure is crumbling. Our banking system is teetering as more banks are downgraded. Our bond rating was also downgraded and we risk losing the dollar as the world reserve currency. Our border is open. Our cities have deteriorated amidst waves of crime and homelessness with liberal policies releasing criminals and the mentally ill back onto the streets where they terrorize the populace, unprotected by defunded and demoralized police.  Commercial real estate is dragging down investors with record low occupancy as a result of government-sanctioned work-from-home policies instituted during the Covid pandemic. We are no longer energy independent with gas prices, diesel fuel and home heating costs skyrocketing. We are again dependent on foreign oil and now,  even dependent on foreign-sourced uranium for nuclear power and Chinese-controlled rare earth minerals for battery production with a virtual moratorium on mining through climate change initiatives and cleverly disguised monument designation of mineral-rich lands in the western desert. It doesn’t bode well for the Republicans.  We are clearly an empire in decline, disturbingly in an increasingly hostile world. But as long as the individual continues to accept gifts from the ruling class, as a no incentive to overlook government corruption, then you vote at your own peril. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

What Is Happening

One could frightfully surmise that Biden and his minions are purposely driving this country to wrack and ruin. Looking at our national debt, budget deficit, inflation, and poor economic growth coupled with green initiatives and most recently preventing. uranium mining on indigenous land, added to our moratorium on mining rare earth minerals and fossil fuel curtailments. All to support his administration’s reliance on batteries for electric vehicles, and you have the perfect storm brewing. Putin and Xi and a host of other despots when they are done laughing at the historic level of incompetence being displayed by the Biden regime will thank him. Or more likely continue to funnel cash into the Biden family coffers. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Abortion: Take Heed GOP

This may come as  news to a majority of conservatives, but listen to me carefully: abortion is a losing issue. Period. Despite the Supreme Court kicking abortion rights back to the states by overturning Roe v Wade, the altar on which the democrat party worships, the electorate continues to skew left on the issue, driven largely by our doggedly dull, one-issue, progressive youth vote. And vehemently so. The recent litmus test vote on a state constitutional amendment to require a 60% threshold to pass legislation was turned into a referendum on women’s rights.  Specifically abortion rights. The democrat’s ginned-up vote by mail apparatus and early voting turned what should have been a sleepy August turnout into a robust referendum that easily surpassed primary election turnout. Repeatedly, polling suggests that America is moderate on the issue and the current average of 22 week abortion limits are favored by a majority of voters, with older voters skewing conservative towards stricter abortion limits whilst younger voters favor more liberal, later term allowances. Regardless of the complete lack of unbiased input from the medical community clearly demonstrating that even 22 week procedures border on barbarism, we are stuck with the fact that the left has effectively marketed the concept that it’s not a baby until birth. As preposterous as that sounds when said out loud, we’re stuck with it. Face it: The democrats are better at getting their message out, aided in large part by a complicit media apparatus and a malleable dim-witted activist youth movement, a product of our failing public school education system. But in order to turn this country around from our inexhaustible quest to become the next Venezuela, the Republicans have to start winning elections with superior candidates, a winning message that appeals to our youth, and a get-out-the-vote campaign to combat early voting, vote by mail and ballot harvesting. And based on the evidence that shows the left is energized by a threat to their anytime-anywhere abortion agenda, we have to decide if we’re willing to die on that hill. On this issue it would be wise for our candidates to move decisively to the center and make abortion a non-issue. Witness the phenomenally impaired Joe Biden, able to skate by his supposedly strict Irish Catholic views on abortion by conveniently compartmentalizing politics and personal beliefs, bowing to the left and supporting radical abortion policies that would make the Pope blanch. So too, Republican candidates should voice their personal opposition, but support the purveying public opinion.  Compromise. Granted the media will still not grant them the pass that the left enjoys, but it’s a start. In modern politics, there is regrettably no room for personal beliefs, especially religious beliefs. Go with the polls on this issue and morph into what is needed to win the election. Don’t be disingenuous, but be smart. Live to fight another day. It took 50 years for the Supreme Court to correctly overturn Roe v Wade. Play the long game. To steer this country back onto a path of prosperity and integrity we must occupy the influential positions to make it happen.  And to do that we have to prioritize the issues that will appeal to the electorate. And the current conservative stance on abortion rights is not one of them. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Cuddled Woke Darlings

It is interesting to watch all the liberals covering for the miserable performance of USWNT’s underachievers. One report left out Rapinoe’s missed PK entirely, whilst another source criticized the conservative right and Trump for suddenly being concerned about soccer as if it is the exclusive domain of the left, quibbling over their mistakenly calling the “round of 16” the “16th round” and referring to a “penalty kick” as a “free kick.”  They even called out the pundits, chastising Carlyi Lloyd for her criticism and for not knowing what these women have been through. They blasted former men’s national team player Alexis Lalas a frequent network commentator, for his critique because the US men have never reached the level of World Cup success that until recently the women enjoyed. That was a cheap shot. So now that they have equal pay I guess we can expect equally abysmal results on the world stage. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

I am Compromised

I am not particularly proud to say that I am tolerant of the US Women’s National (soccer) Team performing poorly at the World Cup, barely making it out of group stage play to the knockout round of 16. And it appears that they may face Sweden in the first knockout game, a team that has been their nemesis on the Olympic stage, and the only team internationally that has tarnished an otherwise sterling record of victories. But they’ve brought this on themselves. Years of incessant whining about equal pay as compared to the less successful men’s team, followed by the outspoken star forward Megan Rapinoe seemingly leading the charge into leftist politics including national anthem displays of solidarity for Colin Kaepernick that featured kneeling, and stony-faced refusal to place their hands over their hearts or sing the national anthem. Putting on your “game face” is one thing, but when representing your country, an honor, and a privilege, you should demonstrate national pride and patriotism when on the international stage. Rant and rave all you want at home but don't tarnish your country's international reputation when abroad. Witness the men’s game where grown men at the apex of competing in the world’s most popular sport bawl their eyes out and sing their anthems at the top of their lungs before putting their bodies on the line for World Cup glory. Moving. Our women should give it a go. Instead, they appear arrogant, disrespectful of their opponents and of those that came before them, and more interested in financial gain and virtue signaling. Even their promotional advertising makes them look cocky, when in fact this team has aging stars in Rapinoe and Morgan and a slew of talented but as of yet, untested younger players.  And the rest of the world is catching up. Quickly. They barely escaped a loss with a 1-1 tie with the Netherlands where they were clearly outplayed, and they narrowly tied Portugal when they were saved from a loss by the width of a goalpost, winning their only group stage game against hapless Vietnam where they were unable to convert on multiple chances. And then the display of dancing and celebrating after the tie…..the tie!….. with Portugal sent them into the next round. Retired players were not impressed and the media did not give them glowing reviews. Read the room. Perhaps they will get the message that humility will win them more fans and this fascination with monetary gain and woke, LGBTQ ideology is not what soccer fans are looking for. And Rapinoe is a fading star who has moved into the realm of scoring less on the field and is more concerned with scoring points for political causes. Like when she came out in support of biological men competing in women’s sports even after they were thrashed by the Dallas Texas boys under-15 team in a scrimmage. They can't distance themselves from that. Rapinoe is an unlikable figurehead despite her glorification on the cover of TIME magazine. She is not winning you, followers. Alas, they may pull it together, as they have in the past, and there might be some magic left in the veterans to rise to the occasion. Hopefully, by then they can figure out how to play better on the field as well as play to their audience. Until then, I for one will remain on the sidelines.