Sunday, October 29, 2023

Financial Ruin

Is it the Biden plan to just bankrupt us, it certainly seems that way. Strassel’s column in Friday’s WSJ  outlines the massive amount of pork offered up in Biden’s latest “supplemental appropriation request” for “emergency” spending. The Progressives are on a spending spree like no other. And with Ukraine and the Middle East dominating the expenditures, it’s interesting to note that no money has been set aside for our domestic crises, like East Palestine, Ohio, or Lahaina, Hawaii. And, illegal immigrants continue to command a living wage and require healthcare services having never worked or paid taxes in this country. Meanwhile, our military budget remains on the chopping block while the world burns and we continue to delude ourselves into thinking that we can still be the global policeman. Either the American public wakes up to this ruse or by the time we realize we are a nation in decline, our very survival being in question, impotent to deal with international crises, it will be too late.

Friday, October 27, 2023


As expected all the ante-gun liberals are queuing up to once again demonize “assault weapons” as opposed to analyzing the perpetrator’s state of mind. Masking the government's massive failure to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally deranged. In this age of data mining, when your spending habits, interests, financials, and even your travel are being tracked, monitored, and stored, you mean to tell me that this mentally impaired individual’s two-week stay in a mental hospital couldn’t have triggered law enforcement to limit his access to firearms?  It’s one thing to have been prescribed medication for depression, but a lengthy stay in a mental health facility is quite another. What an epic failure of the government to access readily available data and use technology to protect, rather than harass the public. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


I was listening to NPR again…..I know, it’s self-flagellation…… but this time I was actually looking for entertainment rather than hypertension. The weekend “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” segment hosted by Peter Sagal is a current events trivia game show that is generally amusing in that supercilious, urban, over-educated, trendy, elitist sort of way that progressives tend to project. Sure the show leans liberal…..okay, more like hurls itself to the left, but the panel is generally well-read, quick-witted, and Sagal is more than proficient at snarky commentary, enabling me to overlook their stereotypical liberal superiority complex. Almost. Last weekend’s episode made me cringe. The panel was selected out of the DEI handbook consisting of a liberal college-educated female, a person of color, and a representative of the alphabet soup brigade, you know the one that never fails to remind everyone as to their sexual orientation. Like we care. Wonder how that panel votes. But the barbs directed at the Republicans' inability to select a speaker of the house began early and were repeated often. With a compliant audience that would likely poll farther left than Hillary, the panel wallowed in their accolades, and like good little Pavlovian puppies they directed their lefty snark at the conservatives in Congress. Guffaw and chortle, aren’t we so clever? But wait a minute. The Republicans may be forming their typical circular firing squad, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, and generally displaying a lack of unity and infighting for which they are infamous, thus providing comic material for the demagogues on the left, but at the same time members of the “Squad”, particularly Tlaib, Omar, and AOC have taken to the streets to preach their particular brand of anti-semitism and support for Hamas. You know those good-hearted freedom fighters that just murdered some 1300 Israeli citizens, men, women, and children, in a most barbarous fashion. They then mutilated the bodies and even paraded one woman’s half-naked corpse through the streets of Gaza like a trophy where she was spat upon. Nice. Where’s the witty commentary on those current events, panel?  Or do we just chortle over our glass of Pinot when we select only the low-hanging fruit from one side of the aisle to ridicule?  Get your own house in order. Heckle us all you want, lefties, but I’d rather have my side dither over an appropriate selection for the seat third in line for the presidency than listen to another anti-Semitic diatribe from a thoroughly repulsive member of Congress, including one who steadfastly rejects assimilation into our culture and identifies with her middle eastern roots by flying a foreign flag in our halls of congress. The flag representing a people who chose to vote for terrorists to represent them. You saw how that worked out for you heathens. And how about Joe Biden stumbling through his response to the incursion? I support Israeli, or a cease-fire, or maybe we’ll talk when we get the hostages back. What?  And where has Kamala been? Surely she’s good for a few laughs when she responds to a crisis. But no. As the party in power, having aided the terrorists with repeated cash infusions continues to project incompetence as we lurch towards a global conflict, Sagal and company can find no other source of humor than the Republicans. Surely you jest. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Jewish Mystic

I remain perplexed by the Jewish community’s politics. Witness the occupation of the capital rotunda by Jews calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. When dealing with animals, the only thing they respond to is the projection of power. Giving them a pass on this recent atrocity only guarantees that you will get another. Breitbart recently interviewed a staunch supporter of the Jewish state who opined that Jews in this country tend to be city dwellers, and are increasingly secular or so-called “non-practicing” Jews, two categories that tend towards liberalism, particularly when it comes down to progressive social issues. It would therefore appear that support of liberal social causes is more important than financial stability, business climate, or even traditional family values all qualities that the Jewish community would seem to embrace. We all recognize that the citizens of Gaza are not all Hamas. But unfortunately, the citizens of Gaza overwhelmingly voted them into power when they had an opportunity to elect a more moderate alternative. A party, if you would call them that, that plainly makes their platform a campaign of terror to eradicate the Jewish people is not a government with whom you negotiate, and it certainly makes the Palestinians complicit in the misery that is yet to come

The Taiwanese-Iranian Straw

I realize that we are polarized, but can’t fathom that anyone thinks this Biden administration has our mounting crises under control. A disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, a porous southern border, rampant crime, lowest rate of labor participation, military unable to meet enlistment quotas, inflation, loss of energy independence, staggering national debt, depleted strategic oil reserve and military munitions, navy ships, serviceable military aircraft, being a reality. Yet here we are funding two wars and sending money to terrorist regimes. What’s it going to take for the American public to realize the potential invasion of Taiwan by the Chinese and or an expanded war in the Middle East could very well deplete our resources and resolve, be the straw that breaks our back? How can that not be in the minds of our enemies?

Friday, October 20, 2023

Olympics Defamed

Flag football in the Olympics?  How ridiculous. What’s next, frisbee, stickball, kick-the-can, perhaps?  Oh, but the US has the best flag football team in the world. Well of course they do because nobody else cares to play it. It’s time we returned to traditional Olympic sports of running, jumping, and throwing things. I know the international committee on Lawn Darts will probably protest. And hasn’t the US seeded the Olympics with enough of our homegrown sports?  Basketball, volleyball, beach volleyball, softball, and even baseball. It’s like we have to keep inventing games that we’re good at. Until the rest of the world catches on and we have to invent new ones. Like flag football. Enough already. Instead of everybody gets a medal, the Olympics is fast becoming everybody gets a sport. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Teetering On The Brink

Never underestimate the stupidity of third-world primitives whose medieval religious fervor is so easily whipped up by their overlords, the puppet masters living in splendor far from the battlefield. Any excuse for jihad? A documented missile misfire by Islamic jihad, confirmed by intercepted communications and video, blows up a hospital but is spun to make Israel the culprit. NPR and some of our Democrat elected officials still claim that the evidence hasn’t been substantiated and stand by the Hamas’ propaganda, further inflaming tensions in the region. And the result: attacks on the American embassy in Beirut whilst Palestinian authority leaders and the Jordanian president snub the feckless American President Joe Biden. Who incidentally brought New York Governor Kathy Hochul along for the ride. Perhaps Kamala wasn’t available for the role of phenomenally vacuous female sidekick. But I digress: Our response will predictably be to pour more money into the conflict, money we don’t have, meaning we either borrow it or print it. Two distasteful options for our economic well-being. Meanwhile, China is allowed to comfortably sit back and make measured strategic moves that will benefit them on the world stage, using Russia and Iran as proxies to deplete our wealth and military stockpiles with their eye on the prize: Taiwan and replacing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Alas, the US can’t continue to operate as the global policeman and a piggy bank for global conflicts. Not without planning for the future in an increasingly dangerous world. Step one: China cannot continue to benefit from US technology and innovation. Our yielding chip manufacturing, pharmaceutical production, battery technology, and LED technology are glaring examples. We need to bring manufacturing home, reclaim the pharmaceutical industry, and bolster our own economy. That may also require making work a far more attractive alternative for the non-productive members of our society suckling at the government teat by eliminating our generous social programs that enable sloth. Step Two: We also need to return to a state of energy independence. Importing oil from hostile state polluters who can’t extract energy as cleanly and efficiently as we do is a ridiculous policy that sends more capital to the bad actors in the Middle East, South America, and Russia who seek to do us harm. 17 days left in the strategic oil reserve is not strategic at all. It’s self-defeating. And step three: Stop appeasing Iran. When they say they want to annihilate Israel and destroy the Great Satan, perhaps we should take them at their word. Return to punitive sanctions and choke their economy. Their population has increasingly become restless and daring in their protests against the regime, but as long as we continue to release billions to the mullahs, their stranglehold over the people will increase and their ability to fund the quest for a nuclear weapon will continue in earnest. We can’t rely on Israel alone to prevent that impending catastrophe. Step four:  replenish our depleted munitions. The war in Ukraine is draining our munitions stockpiles faster than we can produce them. And with promises to send more munitions to Israel will further deniers our reserves. If China moves on Taiwan, we have insufficient munitions to support a sustained conflict. What happened to America’s manufacturing might?  And lastly step five:  let’s get our own house in order. We are led, or at least purported to be led by a noticeably impaired president who stumbles and mumbles his way through scripted appearances that hardly instill confidence in the American public and certainly don’t instill fear in our enemies. And the B team, be it Kirby, Kamala, Austin, or Sullivan, aren’t much better, all excuses for their ineptitude provided by the outrageously empty suit, but historic box checker,  KJP, an embarrassing Kewpie doll without any ability to think on her feet. Her nickname “The Binder” is so apropos. This entire administration has to go. And stop smirking, Republicans. Your house is in similar disarray. We are facing an unprecedented world crisis on the heels of our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, facing the prospect of yet another military quagmire in the Middle East and you idiots are quibbling over who to elect as speaker of the house, showing the democrats once again in lockstep but you, with a slim majority, unable to form a consensus. Why would anyone consider returning you dopes to power? Nice move Matt to introduce chaos with no follow-up plan. Another useless idiot. Nancy Pelosi may have been the devil in a pantsuit, but you gotta hand it to her, she got the job done and brought her detractors to heel. Don’t let her make a curtain call. And speaking of repeat performances: let’s not make the same mistakes we made in Afghanistan. The world is watching. And the stakes are getting higher. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Perpetrating Ethnic Hatred

The Democrats are really pushing the envelope with their unwavering support for the “Squad”, expressing their solidarity with Hamas in the wake of this barbaric attack on Israeli citizens and, as it turns out, some unfortunate Americans caught in the violence as well. Never underestimate the cohesion of “the party” even when faced with unpopular opinions in their ranks. The message: we will support you no matter what, but we expect your allegiance to the cause when the votes are counted. It’s like a blood oath. The Republicans surely would have been called to oust the reprobates immediately. After prominently displaying a Palestinian flag outside her congressional office Talib was supported by a fellow congressman who rationalized the display by stating that  “she is Palestinian” and he explained that he flies a Danish flag “at his home.”  Moron. You can fly whatever the hell you want at your personal residence but when you represent the United States of America, there’s only one flag you fly. So where do we draw the line?  Ukraine flags? Taiwanese flags?  How about the Chinese flag? Russia?  Iran?Maybe the Nazi flag?  Why not, that symbol appeared at a pro-Palestinian rally in New York. And based on the protests in support of the Palestinians springing up on college campuses, it appears that anti-semitism is back in style. And enough of this I’m Danish, she’s Palestinian nonsense. You serve in Congress. You may be of Palestinian descent, but when the bullets fly, you better damn well be an American first. If you’re having trouble with your allegiance, I have a ticket to Gaza for you. And that goes for the raging anti-Semite Omar as well. Zip it, sweet cakes. I’m sure your opinion would be valued in the streets of Mogadishu. So the democrat playbook, coincidentally spawned by none other than Saul Alinsky, calls for further division, separating us into tribes that attack one another and sow discord, ultimately undermining the Republic. We cannot unite as a country against evil perpetrated by those who wish to harm not only America but who also choose to attack humanity and all that is civilized. The Palestinian people will suffer for this incursion, but it is they who allowed it by voting a terrorist organization into power and allowing them to speak for themselves. The civilians who died in the inferno that was the bombing of Dresden, those who lost their lives in Hiroshima, paid a similar price for supporting murderous regimes that committed unspeakable atrocities. The Palestinian people have been misled and misrepresented for decades by terror organizations and charlatans who placed violence, ethnic hatred, and perpetuating conflict for their own self-aggrandizement above the needs of their own people. May the voices of reason rise up to right this wrong and prevent history from repeating itself. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

I am Distraught

Just looking at the headlines on the Apple News feed makes you want to barf. “older trans people fear for their future in red states”. Really?  Newsflash: conservatives don’t give a fig about your mental illness. Keep it to yourself and don’t subject my children to your perversion. Nobody’s coming for you. Nobody cares. And the Pope: “Slams Western lifestyle and climate skeptics: the world is collapsing”.  Please. If it’s so bad out there how about you open the Vatican doors to house all these climate refugees?  Maybe spend a little Vatican fortune on the poor, perhaps?  Socialist hypocrisy in Prada slippers at its finest. How about NBC News: “I’d vote for Biden if he were dead: PA voters react to Trump-Biden rematch”.  Sure, let’s take political advice from the cretins that bought Fetterman’s common man narrative and voted a mental defective into office, the man responsible for hoodies and gym shorts on the Senate floor. Classy. And a Biden corpse in office might be less damaging to the Republic than the empty suit that’s currently ensconced in the Oval Office. And surely it would be a better choice than Kamala.