Did you see the article in the WSJ outlining the difficulty parents are having trying to secure a dose of the new RSV immunization for their infant children? Sanofi apparently underestimated demand for the breakthrough medication that cuts the risk of hospitalization for children contracting the bug by 75%. In addition to a somewhat random distribution, the major impediment to accessing the limited doses available was intervention by, you guessed it, the US government, who added the drug to their “Vaccines for Children” program and gobbled up over half the available drug supply. And where, pray tell, do you think that procurement goes? This federal program uses its resources for children who are uninsured or on Medicaid, of course. So, in other words, children from low-income households. Hmmm. Just for clarification: a federal program paid for with your tax dollars, having procured more than half the supply of life-saving medication for children, is disproportionately distributing it to families that not only did not pay “their fair share,” to coin a phrase but will not have to pay for the medication at all. Your tax dollars at work…….in the most socialist of fashion. It is an affront to Democracy where the whole of its membership has equal rights granted by that membership itself, not by government bureaucracy.
Friday, February 23, 2024
Saturday, February 17, 2024
The Injustice Of Judge Engoron
I am so disgusted with New York. That 93-page screed by the obviously socialist-leaning, partisan, self-aggrandizing old fool posing as an impartial judge in the Trump trial was not only unnecessary but reeked of vengeance, animosity, and a fulminant case of Trump derangement syndrome. How is it even possible to show remorse in a case where there is no victim? Real estate is a capitalist venture where nothing is given away, where the seller seeks to sell high and the buyer to buy low. Both parties beware. This buffoon in a robe has no functional understanding of how business is done, precisely why the case should never have been adjudicated in his court. Then to have the grandstanding piece of theater by the thoroughly unlikable attorney general Leticia James, who is grabbing her 15 minutes of fame in the hope of performing the democrat’s most predictable modus operandi: that of furthering one’s own career through political opportunism. Working all day to persecute Trump while she and Alvin Bragg combine forces to allow crime to devolve the city into chaos. Her uncouth, rabid campaign speeches promising to take down the former president played to the underbelly of New York partisan voters where envy, greed, stepping on others to get ahead, and schadenfreude are endemic. Downstate New Yorkers deserve every negative stereotype that has been directed at them from polite society. This has been a stark wake-up call to any conservative who owns a business in New York or is considering opening a business in New York. Run the other way. Disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo said it out loud: you’re not welcome here. So let’s raise our glasses and toast to New York City suffering a slow and painful demise from poor choices at the voter’s box that installed feckless, unethical politicians into positions of power.
The Irony of It All
The NDP claims to defend democracy, rail in indignation over Putin’s treatment of dissidents, yet suppress conservative speech and persecute the opposition party. But, as long as they can convince half the country’s voters to support their policies, opposition falls on deaf ears. In reality, If they manage to drag some preposterous charges against Trump into a partisan kangaroo court in time to evoke a conviction and hobble his candidacy, and concurrently use lax voter laws to tolerate more ballot harvesting and possibly allow illegal aliens to vote, stick a fork in us, we’re done-, as a society as a nation.
Friday, February 16, 2024
Manipulating Public Opinion
“Russian nukes in space” a news break conveniently timed scam to bolster congressional efforts to funnel more money to Ukraine. Yet another ham-handed attempt by this administration to manipulate public opinion. And they wonder why polling indicates that American trust in government is at an all-time low. Also of interest is the Kansas City Super Bowl celebration shooting where one victim died and 21 were wounded, including 8 children, a story that has virtually vanished from the headlines. Why would that be, you ask? Because it doesn't fit into the progressive narrative that the perpetrator was a disgruntled white supremacist intent on causing a mass casualty event. Instead, it was merely a day-to-day “private” dispute between “juveniles.” I read that to be leftspeak for “gangs comprised of people of color.” We shall see how justice is meted out to these poor, underprivileged, misunderstood youth. Meanwhile, you can bet the left uses the tragedy to further their gun control agenda, notwithstanding that innumerable existing yet unenforced laws were already broken. And the media spins on.
Monday, February 12, 2024
Real Estate Ploy
We are being told we are experiencing an extreme housing shortage. How that happens when we are losing population makes no sense at all to me. Yet the politicians, realtors, and developers are all calling for a building boom. Exacerbating a political ploy, renters are migrating to the suburbs and outlying rural communities. Throw in some Section 8 housing, and you’re on the path to liberal town councils, liberal school committees, and tax increases. And as land prices increase, the farmers are selling out, or the kids inherit the farm and sell off the pieces. Lending more to real estate distortion, sustainable energy incentives are resulting in big business plastering the landscape with solar farms and wind turbines. I heard one rural conservative railing about how easy it is to destroy a small town: Loose zoning laws are taken advantage of, such that a single apartment complex on a couple of acres with a percentage of low-income housing packs in enough liberal voters to nullify the votes of a community of conservative farmers on big acre spreads. You can literally turn a red county blue with one low-income apartment building. It is glaringly apparent when looking at a map of voting by county, where the entire country appears red except for the island of blue in densely populated cities and urban areas that carry the vote. How preposterous is it that urban and rural apartment dwellers with no skin in the game hold sway over suburban and rural landowners? This is precisely why the Founding Fathers proposed that only property owners should have voting rights, such was their concern about degenerating to “mob rule.” Benjamin Rush (signer of the Declaration) was most succinct: A simple democracy…. is one of the greatest of evils.”
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Times Square Shooting
How exactly did a 15-year-old Venezuelan sociopathic “migrant” get his hands on a semi-automatic pistol in New York City? City residents' permits to own a handgun are about as common as unicorn sightings. The bottom line is inviting unvetted migrants into New York by declaring it a “sanctuary city” is perhaps the most profoundly idiotic liberal policy in our nation’s history. And then spending $53 million to give them prepaid debit cards…..$1000 a month……evicting grade school children from their classrooms to house them, and shutting down public services for citizens to fund it all, with next year’s budget promising even more expenditures for their care and feeding, is doubling down on the insanity. Congratulations, New York, you get what you vote for.
Friday, February 9, 2024
What Do They Know That We Do Not
After President Biden's feeble attempt to convince the electorate he is of sound body and mind yet, the Democrat party's steadfast support of his candidacy remains. What are we to expect going forward? We can only surmise as in 2020, their confidence lies in the efficiency of their Democrat vote-gathering tactics to once again win the day, questionable as those tactics might be. Fodder for those tactics: Convict Trump of anything to taint his reputation, game the system and allow massive mail-in voting without signature or address verification, manufacture some excuse to keep Joe cloistered. And, in the eleventh hour, roll out the tried and true abortion issue along with the usual race-baiting DEI fandango. Tada!
More Border Bill Lament
Representative Claudia Tenney of NY’s 24 Congressional District said it all in no uncertain terms: the bipartisan border bill was a bad deal from start to finish. Her concern is that the Dems are attempting to codify the current immigration policy….and numbers….into law with an eye on the November election. She went on to point out how the Biden Administration has handcuffed agencies from cross-referencing each other’s records such that the DMV cannot be accessed to determine if indeed a voter registration is valid. And voter registration laws have been loosened to the extent that it is essentially an honor system to register. Many states have allowed illegal aliens to procure driver's licenses that may then act as IDs. Thus, an illegal alien may register to vote using a driver's license, but voter registration cannot cross-check the DMV for citizenship. The Democrats are doing exactly what the Republicans have said they’re doing all along just sending up so much smoke to obscure the truth. An open border is their policy with the intent to turn red states blue and remain in power in perpetuity. It’s devious, and seditious and will be the end of the American experiment.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
WSJ Disappoints
I am disappointed that the WSJ chose to endorse the “bipartisan” border deal, seemingly with the logic that we may never get a better deal than this, and those wiley democrats may withdraw some of their concessions if revisited. The undercurrent seems to be the journal’s persistent ambiguity towards Mr. Trump, remarking that should he be reinstated in the Oval Office, resistance by the opposition will prevent him from negotiating a better deal. Perhaps. Never underestimate the spiteful left. But again, what few concessions they made were all couched in safeguards to prevent arbitration by a neutral party should the Biden administration continue to show that they have no intention of enforcing the law. Catch and release would continue with only the promise of stricter standards on encounters to reduce the numbers. The Journal further suggested that they agree with democrats that republicans are “anti-immigration” as if that’s a bad thing. What they are against is unfettered immigration without vetting, a process that has, up to now, led to millions of male illegals of mostly military age infiltrating our country, many of whom are from countries of origin who seek to do us harm. This policy has already started to bite us on the backside with street crime and drug trafficking, as these largely unskilled, non-English-speaking trespassers become unwelcome houseguests on the taxpayer's dime. If our goal is to fundamentally change America, our model should not be an anarchic third-world nation.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Republicans in Disarray
Republicans are such an embarrassment. Having trouble with the definition of cohesion, are we? Meanwhile, the democrats continue to blatantly lie to the American public and march in lockstep to further their political agenda. And isn't it interesting that, on the one hand, they claim that the border crisis….and indeed, they are now calling it a crisis…..is a result of Republican policies and Trump directives, despite obvious facts that show it is the Biden administration’s reversal of Trump era executive orders that opened our border to mass illegal immigration, yet on the other hand they defend Mayorkas against impeachment as not being about a failure to perform his solemn duty to protect our territory, but is merely a disagreement over policy and therefore not subject to impeachment. Wait, what? So let me get this straight: in effect, the democrats are defending Marorkas for merely carrying out the Biden Administration “policy” to open our borders to allow an invasion. Isn’t that a contradiction to what President Squinty Mumbles just told us yesterday in a barely coherent address? So there you have it, buried within the lie that Republicans have somehow blocked border reform: the truth is that it is Biden's Administrative policy to open our borders. Period!
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Border Legislation
The proposed border legislation, where its arbitration is left to Mayorkas, the liberal DC circuit courts, and the Biden administration, is a farce, diabolical partisan deception at its worst. But the media is lining up to support it, and you know those shills never read it; just continue parroting Democrat talking points. The fact of the matter is they should accept NO deal that doesn’t close the border. Period. The bill gives the Democrats everything they want for protecting other countries' borders but gives the Republicans nothing on protecting ours. What a sham.