I'm back at Mr. Frum. Under the title, “The Founders were Wrong About Democracy” he states his case: “the authors of the Constitution feared mass participation would unsettle the government, but it’s the privileged minority that has proved destabilizing.” There you have it, the buzzword of today: Privilege. Noteworthy only in the fact that he didn’t tack “white” onto it, although that is the implication. He opens his article and peppers it repeatedly with quotes from the Founding Fathers to make his case, the first from Madison: the mass of people would be susceptible to fickleness and passion, who labour under all the hardships of life and would secretly sigh for a more equal distribution of its blessings such that the major interest might under sudden impulses be tempted to commit injustice on the majority”. His conclusion, obvious from the start and tainted through the prism of today’s equality politics, is that wealth and property is concentrated in an elite minority and the Founding Fathers saw to it that it would stay there, rather than being equitably distributed to the masses, by rigging our constitutional form of government. Taking it one step further, he accuses the framers of erecting governmental obstacles, a “necessary fence against impetuous councils”. What are those barriers? The Senate, “an elite few serving longer terms”, the federal judiciary, “confirmed by the Senate and serving for life” and of course the Electoral College, an “indirect election of the president”. Well, if you put it that way, let’s just tear it all down. Right! And I'm still not quite through with Mr Frum; bear with me, more to follow.
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Saturday, February 27, 2021
It has been a difficult few week for we conservatives. Aside from having to endure the media continuing to fawn over Joe Biden, not to mention a couple of days of hearing them gush about Joe and Jill’s special romance in their endless effort to cast him as erudite and compassionate. While conservatives lost Rush Limbaugh, pioneer of conservative talk radio and by all accounts a humble and philanthropic man. Running contrary to the bluster of his radio personality, Mr. Limbaugh gave generously to charity yet preferred to remain anonymous in his giving rather than accept accolades.. But from TIME magazine to the reprehensible cast of sociopaths on The View, the leftist media wasted no time in savaging his legacy, unable to take him on in life, choosing instead to demean him in death. Not nice. Rest in peace Rush, knowing you have spawned an entire medium for conservative expression and have given a generation light in the darkness of a progressive assault on our constitutional values. You will be sorely missed
Other affonts we had to endured, an interesting tactic has emerged in the media. In the past week two attacks on conservative values came to my attention: Not for the attacks themselves, as reprehensible as they may be, but from whence the attacks came. They came from authors who both identify as Republicans or Conservatives. The first by The Atlantic where David Frum, a former speechwriter in the George W. Bush administration has produced a steady stream of anti-Trump vitriol, this one entitled “The Founders Were Wrong About Democracy”. The second article appeared in TIME magazine on February 17, tastelessly published on the day of Rush Limbaugh’s death, entitled Rush Limbaugh Leaves Behind a Conservative Movement No Longer Interested in Truth. That Alarms Me as a Conservative.” This one was written by former Republican congressman, Presidential candidate and radio talk show host Joe Walsh. As you can see, I’m beyond just being alarmed! And know I'm not through with our Mr. Frum and his treacherous “ Conservatives,” stay tuned.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Rush Limbaugh
Already the Time magazine is taking in death a shot at Rush Limbaugh, calling him a spreader of lies and disinformation claiming he is responsible for the partisan divide. These people have no morals or ethical standards. Interesting in that, like Mr. Frum from the Atlantic, the article’s author claims to be a Republican. Is this a new tactic by the left? Woke RINOs infiltrating our ranks to sow discontent and doubt?
Monday, February 15, 2021
Impeachment Theater
There is so much going on in the news it is overwhelming. Federal debt reaching 100% of GDP with more spending proposed, Andy Cuomo satisfying his critics by demonstrating that he is indeed as corrupt as we thought he was, the teacher’s union steamrolling over Joe Biden’s education policy, Trump acquitted once again as the media rails against him. It is indeed a target rich environment. Where to turn my sights? If this is the Biden Administration’s idea of a “return to normalcy” it’s going to be a busy four years.
Alas, let’s have a look at the Senate impeachment trial and acquittal. With only a handful of Republican Senators onboard for this theater of the absurd, and that would include the usual RINO suspects: embittered Mitt Romney, the Maineiac Susan Collins, Alaskan Lisa Murkowski, Nebraskan Ben Sasse and Pennsylvania’s Pat Toomey, no one with any political acumen suspected that a guilty verdict would be forthcoming. 45 Senators agreed with Rand Paul that “this sham of a trial is unconstitutional”, making “this trial dead on arrival in the Senate”. But in all probability, that wasn’t the point, nor the intent of the exercise. The goal has always been to wound Mr. Trump, subject him to a death by a thousand cuts, and in this latest impeachment incarnation, to prevent him from running for office again. With the democrats calling for impeachment long before he even took office, and some suspect as early as that escalator ride in Trump Tower, the left has sought to discredit, impede, obstruct, and destroy everything from cabinet appointees to policy, hobbling the Trump Administration with sideshows to distract the American public from his accomplishments. Distractions included two impeachments, the Mueller Russia-collusion investigation, a Ukrainian phone call, a tax return witch-hunt, assorted “whistle-blowers”, and even a porn star. And if a case were to be made for Mr. Trump being, in essence, a despicable character, why on earth would you bring forth a cast of minions with an even higher despicable quotient? I bring you the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Waters, and Swalwell to name but a few. If the media ever wanted to engage in dumpster diving on the other side of the aisle, this lot serves up a smorgasbord of lies, scandal, guilt by association and swarmy backroom dealings. And now with acquittal take 2; cue the predictable outrage from the media.
With so many medial outlets crying foul, it is difficult to choose but one as an example of excess. Politico, desperately trying to portray itself as objective, but following NPRs proven tactic of an attack-appease-attack narrative in their reporting, led with “This Acquittal Sends Three Dangerous Messages to Future Presidents” as a headline. With quotations and analysis from various sources, a majority of content negative, they engaged in predictable subterfuge with the adjective game. “Brilliant impeachment presentation”. “Failed to convict in either trial-despite overwhelming evidence.” “Lack of conviction sends chilling message”. Brilliant is hardly the word I would use to describe our elected officials given their recent conduct. Perhaps frothy or maybe rabid would suffice. Overwhelming? Based on the fact that he used the word “fight “ multiple times in his rally speech, and in particular: “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” That should be an embarrassing line of attack after the defense produced a montage of democrats using the same admonition ad nauseum. Apparently the only thing these mental midgets really should fight for is a thesaurus. And “chilling”? Really? Like they’re promoting a new Steven King thriller, speaking of rabid leftists. When adjectives aren’t enough, they resort to a few well-placed nouns and a couple of action verbs: “Trump was not exonerated”. “Exoneration……will embolden those and their ilk who stormed the Capitol”. By “ilk” I have to assume you are referencing Hillary’s “basket of deplorables”. Or perhaps Obama’s “clinging to their guns and religion” crowd. You know……..Republicans.
It’s amazing how these catch words circulate among the media’s talking heads. As if “insurrection” wasn’t enough, find me a media outlet that hasn’t attached “deadly” to it. With recent evidence suggesting that the Capitol police officer died, not from getting his head bashed in with a fire extinguisher as the media would portray it, but from a cerebral vascular accident (a stroke), with no external signs of trauma, hours later. A tragedy that anyone died for sure, but it would appear that the only person who died directly as a result of violence at the Capitol was the ill-fated, unarmed female protester, veteran Ashli Babbitt, who when lifted by protesters to breach a broken window into the Speaker’s Lobby, was shot by a Capitol Police officer. I haven’t heard President Biden calling for non-lethal marksmanship like shooting her in the leg, a tactic he once suggested should be employed when police officers are dealing with assailants of color. And why isn’t anyone alarmed that breaching a window conveyed a death sentence? I certainly don’t see Ms. Babbitt’s name adorning the back of NFL player’s helmets. Wrong color, wrong riot, perhaps. But Politico made some bold statements that can’t be ignored. “Republican Senators had closed minds and would put party and personal political advantage over loyalty to the country”. Seriously. And the four tortuous years of democrat obstruction, baseless accusations and hypocrisy wasn’t an example of partisan politics, of putting party before country? Please. Don’t you recall that politician that said, “Elections have consequences?” You remember him. Why then, did you refuse to accept the results?
But perhaps the worst commentary from Politico was the following diatribe: “The disgraceful sacking of the Capitol was, like Pearl Harbor and 9/11, a seminal day in American History and, like them, it can be easily distorted in the future, spawning a thousand conspiracy theories. The House managers laid down an ironclad narrative, well documented and crisply reasoned, that will forever guide discussion of this event and prevent later, self-serving distortions of what happened. They worked to engrave the story in our national memory”. Wow. Do these people actually go back and read this nonsense after they write it? Where to start? How about sacking? As in Attila the Hun, or the Vikings perhaps? Maybe they were inspired by the guy with the horned headdress. What BLM rioters did to New York City and Minneapolis…..now that was sacking. I haven’t seen anyone wearing Nancy Pelosi’s Nikes or selling AOC’s signature white pantsuit on eBay as a result of Capitol looting. Nor has anyone declared, like they did last summer, that looting is a form of redistribution that should be tolerated. Was this vandalism, yes. Destruction of property, check. But certainly a minor league, half-hearted example of sacking as compared to the wanton destruction of our cities in a series of riots that were most often defined as “peaceful protest” by the left. And comparing the Capitol riot to Pearl Harbor and 9/11? Absolutely disgusting. This has to be the result of public school education when we allow the teacher’s union to educate our children. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Pearl Harbor saw 2335 American servicemen killed, 1143 wounded, and 68 civilians killed in an unprovoked attack by the Japanese Imperial Navy in 1941. The United States, then a neutral country in the conflict, suffered 4 battleships sunk, 3 cruisers sunk, 4 battleships damaged, 3 destroyers damaged and 188 aircraft destroyed. How dare you make this comparison and dishonor the memory of those lost when the bodies of sailors still rest in the overturned hulk of the USS Arizona. And 9/11 should be recent enough that the memory of that horrific day should be fresh, preventing you from making such a misguided comparison. 2606 American civilians in the towers and the complex as well as all 157 passengers aboard the two aircraft lost their lives. All the buildings in the World Trade Center complex were destroyed, the collapse of the towers resulting in damage to an additional ten buildings surrounding the complex. I don’t recall seeing any congressmen leaping to their death from the 80th floor of a burning building. Any of these crazy comparisons coming from the left, comparing Republicans to Nazis, the Capitol riots to the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor or 9/11, are reprehensible, and need to stop now. In these hyper-partisan times, journalists should choose their words more carefully. Who then is more complicit in inciting violence anyway? And regarding the comment that the events can be “easily distorted”. Well isn’t that exactly what we are witnessing by the democrats and the press? Aren’t these over the top comparisons themselves distortions? “Spawning a thousand conspiracy theories?” Theories like Trump incited the violence, or he of the horned headdress and facepaint is a QAnon kingpin instead of the mentally impaired miscreant he turned out to be? And don’t even get me started on the “ironclad narrative, well documented and crisply reasoned” without allowing me to don my hip boots. Did anyone who stayed awake long enough to listen to the argument, find any of it crisply reasoned? It was all showmanship and subject to interpretation. Even Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal, who for four years has been behaving like Trump ran over her puppy, declared that “democrat floor managers were at their best when they were direct, unadorned, and dealt crisply with information and data, as they did most of the time.” Crisply again. When exactly was that, Peggy? It is apparent that Ms. Noonan longs for the days of Reagan when decorum and civility reigned. Those days are over, sweetie. What upset her most was “when vandals strolled though the abandoned Senate chamber and rifled through the desks of senators. Those are literally the desks of Mike Mansfield, Robert M. La Follette, Arthur Vandenberg, John F. Kennedy and Barry Goldwater. They each had, in accordance with tradition, carved or otherwise had inscribed their names in them. It looked to me like history itself was being violated.” Easy there, old girl. It was wrong, it was unlawful. But we are not a monarchy and the king’s scepter was not being used as a toilet plunger. It was the People’s House that was violated, a house that now, surrounded with fencing and razor wire, conducting business that offends half the nation, looks to be one step further removed from representing “We the People”. The one thing Politico did get right was quoting Josh Blackman, a constitutional law professor who stated, “We were left with a show trial”. In the same article, Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council, called it “an act of rage and vengeance rather than sober deliberation” Bravo. Somebody is paying attention. And as far as “engraving the story in our national memory”, I suspect that they accomplished that goal, but not in the way they anticipated. Witness Congressman Jamie Raskin digging deep, invoking his children and stifling a sob, in a performance worthy of Academy Award consideration. Laughable in its disingenuousness. But if Cuomo can get an Emmy for his coronavirus ruse, then certainly Raskin should garner attention from the Academy for this performance. This is what I will have forever “engraved” in my memory: the shameful partisan bickering, the disdain for the Constitution and the refusal to accept election results. The disenfranchising of half of American voters to thwart the agenda of a duly elected president. And to unconstitutionally persecute him after he has left office to assure he cannot disrupt their progressive agenda. Even the Supreme Court took a pass on this political theater. What a disgrace.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
I will apologize in advance. I have been watching the impeachment circus and I am particularly ornery. Gird your loins.
My, my, aren’t we living in a world of delicious contrasts? I was watching yet another dull performance by the entirely lackluster Biden press secretary, Jen Psaki, when it suddenly occurred to me that she was reading her responses to questions from the press. So much for spontaneity.
But for starters, who exactly is Jen Psaki? Well, of course, if you read the Biden Administration propaganda, she would be “leading the first all-female senior White House communications team in US history.” First this, first that……so what. You do recall that Trump had in his senior advisory staff more women, and women with children, than any previous administration. No? Well, that doesn’t surprise me. So Biden had to resort to the one-upmanship game and have an “all female” team. Bravo. I wouldn’t expect a democrat administration to actually tout their qualifications. And at the risk of wading into the most obvious of one-liners: perhaps they just had to pass the Biden sniff test. Sorry. So back to Jen: After graduating from the College of William and Mary she joined John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign as deputy press secretary. She then served a short time as spokesperson for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee before joining the 2008 Obama-Biden campaign as traveling press secretary, riding that horse through the 2012 reelection. She served as deputy press secretary, then deputy communications director under Obama. That’s more deputies than a season of Bonanza. Google it, kids. In 2011 she was senior vice-president and managing director at a Washington PR firm before returning to the Obama team. She then served as spokesperson for the State Department under John Kerry then returned to the Obama White House as communications director for his final two years in office. During those unfortunate years when Trump was in the White House actually accomplishing something, Jen made the predictable democrat leap to CNN as a political commentator and was vice-president for communications and strategy at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace before leaving for the Biden –Harris transition team. Deputy this, spokesperson that, vice-president of this, that and the other propaganda machine. It’s all so fascinating. Basically a whole lot of propagandizing at a podium, speaking policy for somebody else with little in the way of substance or education. And about that turn at the podium, where it certainly appears to me that she is reading her responses to questions from the press. Turns out: she is. Apparently the Biden White House Press Office has, according to the New York Post, “come under fire for reaching out to Capitol reporters to quiz them about the questions they’ll ask during scheduled briefings.” Now that would explain things. It is glaringly obvious that after fielding a question, the appallingly unspontaneous redhead looks down at the podium and appears to be reading her response. And she is not paraphrasing, nor is she consulting notes……Jen is actually reading the answer verbatim. Didn’t Obama try this trick with the teleprompter? Not cool. After four long years of being subjected to the likes of Jim Accosta and “gotcha” journalism, we are now going to allow a democrat White House to tilt the playing field? Of course we will, it’s a democrat in the White House. And when left to her own devices Jen, like her boss, has made it a habit of sticking her foot in her mouth. She famously tweeted a reference to then Judiciary Committee chairman, Lindsay Graham as “LadyG”, an obvious homophobic slur, and disparagingly made reference to Trump’s Space Force, in levels of snark that a Republican spokesperson would never survive. Her demeanor is haughty, dismissive, and largely unimpressive and her press conferences are for the most part uninformative as the fawning press serves her up softballs in the in this honeymoon period after the inauguration, a honeymoon Trump never experienced. She also attacked “conservative Twitter”, as if there is such a thing, for pointing out the obvious fact that she repeatedly fails to answer reporter’s questions. Townhall.com astutely pointed out that she repeatedly makes claims that she intends to “circle back” and eventually answer the question. In one of the most convoluted attempts to explain incompetence ever, she stated: “I often note I’m going to circle back. I hate to disappoint conservative Twitter, but I’m going to circle back on a number of things, as we often do directly.” Huh? A brief perusal of her press conference video, offered up by the Internet in this young Administration, yielded over 16 “circle back” references and, of course, she never does. In Jenspeak this may simply be code for “I have absolutely no idea,” something McEnany and Huckabee would never have been allowed to get away with.
Now back to my contrasts. You do recall Kayleigh McEnany, Trump’s press secretary? The accomplished woman who the leftie lunatics are trying to cancel, trying to assure that she cannot find employment. Ever. Because she did her job and did it well. She faced the most aggressive, partisan, hostile reporters in the history of the White House Press Corps. McEnany attended the Academy of the Holy Names, a college prep school for girls in Tampa, Florida. She graduated from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and studied abroad at Oxford. She spent three years as a producer on the Mike Huckabee Show before matriculating into the University of Miami School of Law. She then transferred to, and earned her law degree at Harvard Law School. She interned for a few politicians, most notably George W. Bush in his 2004 campaign. She also appeared on CNN where she was initially critical of Trump as being an “inauthentic” Republican before changing her opinion, a change the left leaning news outlets attributed to her seeing an opportunity to advance her career. Regardless, the woman is accomplished. In her position as press secretary, she was glib, poised, she parried attacks, and if she didn’t know the answer, she sifted through her notes and found it. She never “circled back”. Yet Yahoo News correspondent (I know, I laughed when I typed it) Brittany Shepherd called Jen Psaki “a refreshing change of pace” likening McEnany to “having a really bad ex-boyfriend”. “We were getting essentially abused by Kayleigh for so long…. calling us fake news and inciting her followers and followers of the president to not only harass us online but obviously go to deadly ends from some people with that threat.” Obviously? Deadly? Oh, boo-hoo. So when a Trump administration representative stands up to your partisan attacks you claim you are being abused? Suck it up. You might be more concerned with your phenomenal lack of self-awareness in not recognizing the absurd double standard. Simultaneously, while fending off the “deadly” name calling from the Trump White House, the press was busy lobbing the hard questions at then candidate Biden like: “What flavor milkshake did you get?” Conservative columnist Gavin Wax, meanwhile, was lambasted as being sexist when he compared McEnany to Psaki side-by-side stating: Stunning and smart press secretary Kayleigh vs. ugly to the bone Jen Psaki. Kayleigh was TV ready every morning. Psaki can’t bother to prep or do her makeup”. Unfortunately the “ugly” comment overshadowed the fact that Psaki indeed does seem either unprepared or is clearly not smart enough to handle the position. Even the Daily Dot, as anti-Trump as any of these no-name leftist “news” outlets, called Psaki’s briefings “a rather staid affair”. Staid, now that’s being kind.
But why should Jen Psaki be forced to think on her feet, try to be captivating, or even to have a command of the subject matter when they’re gaming the system? The Biden Administration checked the box, and appearance is all that really matters, qualifications be damned. And so the charade continues, this bizarre dance the democrats do with their complicit press, all the while pretending the game isn’t rigged in their favor, when in actuality the fix is in. But what you should be most concerned with, is not that the game is fixed, but their arrogance in thinking we don’t know it’s fixed.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
First Amendment
I surmise we all are reasonably familiar with our Constitution’s First Amendment-, the free speech amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. As, I’m sure some of us are, although less familiar with the Fourth Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. My point, if you are aware of these rights, and you should be, how sensitive are you to the fact they are being violated by our government on a regular basis. Attempted censorship of its citizens and unfavored media; it’s journalist, by a number of threatening actions including law suits and imprisonment. And, we have NSA unfettered and unbeknownst to us, having access to all our electronic communications. Don’t you find that scary, I do! Yes, I know these actions of theirs are masked in confusing, manipulative political subterfuge, but know they are censoring and invading our privacy-, counting on our seeing it for other than what it is. Are we really all that naïve, twisting in the wind of complacency in not knowing where all this is going? Our founding forefathers did! I can only hope in my impotence history will look back on this time and upon those who opposed this government tyranny and ushered in a renewal of our founding principles, as just another crises we Americans surmounted to preserve the integrity of our precious Democracy. Hope springs eternal.
Monday, February 8, 2021
Election Irregularities
Where did they go? Where are all the people who, under oath and under threat of perjury, filed affidavits attesting to election irregularities in the 2020 election? I heard their testimony and they were credible. They weren’t conspiracy theorists or right wing radicals, nor were they insurrectionists or seditionists, as the mainstream media would brand them. What about their treasure trove of information regarding changes in state voter laws, violations of established laws, accounts of computer glitches, the counting of ballots that arrived after deadlines, the video of suitcases of ballots that emerged from under desks, the pallets of ballots shipped across state lines, the destruction of envelopes that provided signature matches, the ballots that contained the same birthdates, the ballots submitted from non-residents, the ballots submitted by the deceased, the ballots without legible postmarks, the military ballots that were “mistakenly” destroyed, the 10000 ballots mailed out unsolicited in New York City, the voters turned away at the polls because they had already voted by mail, the removal of election observers to positions where they couldn’t observe, the closing down of polling places and removal of workers before counting was complete…..to name but a few. Was any of this ever investigated? With half the public, and a majority of Republicans suspecting election fraud, why were these issues not addressed? Wouldn’t it have actually been “a balm for a wounded nation” to provide evidence that this was indeed “the most secure election in American history” as trumpeted by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Who exactly are these government drones anyway? They can’t even keep the Pentagon from getting hacked, let alone your Macy’s card. And as usual, our democrat friends across the aisle apparently have no capacity for long-term memory. They were calling for impeachment within hours of Trumps inauguration and continued to bang that drum for four years effectively sabotaging his presidency from the start. As the National Review reported, in 2016, in another example of unbridled hypocrisy, Hillary Clinton used failed Green-Party candidate Jill Stein as a surrogate to sue Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in an attempt to overturn the election results. The charge: voting machine irregularities. You have to be kidding. This is particularly entertaining in light of the recent $2.7 Billion lawsuit filed by Smartmatics against FOX News for what CNN legal analyst Laura Coates called “the definition of defamation” stating that “there is real teeth to this”. FOX has already responded by firing Lou Dobbs, a longtime Trump supporter and rigged voting machine theorist, in a move that appears to be partly appeasement in offering him up as a sacrificial lamb. But if Lou had to go for dinging Smartmatics reputation, then surely Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro would be on the chopping block as well, and that does not appear to be the case. Mr. Dobbs was an ardent supporter of election fraud claims and defended Trump protesters on the day of the “siege”, positions that appear to be politically inconvenient given the way the current DC winds are blowing. But I digress. It remains interesting that voting machine irregularities is a charge warranting an attack on FOX News today, when in 2016 we heard nary a peep when the democrats engaged in similar tactics, with significantly less evidence. And by significantly less, I mean none. Deeper pockets at FOX? An attempt to silence more conservative opposition? Or is this a case where offense is the best defense to cover something that might actually be there?
And when the democrats failed in their first attempt to discredit the election results, they resorted to the Russian collusion theory that, based on a phony dossier produced by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clintons (sorry lefties, but that is fact, regardless of what you think of Hannity), produced the 22-month, $40 million Mueller investigation. And by investigation, I mean sideshow. With so little evidence, and evidence that in the end turned out to be illegally obtained and falsified, how were the democrats able to muster a costly investigation in 2016 when with mountains of evidence pointing to voting irregularities in 2020 the Republican charges have been met with disdain. Rather than address the complaints, we have been subjected to cancel-culture tactics of suppression, ridicule and repeated claims by our government that the election was secure. How exactly a mail in campaign by the democrats amounted to “most secure” remains a mystery of definition in that once the chain of custody is lost, so is the security. Signature verification is realistically fanciful at best; so then how exactly can you precisely determine who filled out the ballot? Show me how the evidence is unfounded. Explain to me how the video of suitcases appearing out of nowhere is not what it appears to be. Tell me how stacks of ballots had the same birthdate, and how the birthdate could be in the year 1900. If unity is your goal, Mr. Biden, then appease the 75 million Americans who think they were disenfranchised by explaining to them how these reports of irregularities have vanished without a trace. And above all, with the claims of “most secure election in American history”, especially after the democrats railing about voting irregularities in the 2016 election, how is it that in 2020 Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania could not provide us with transparent election results.
Saturday, February 6, 2021
A Quickie
The left loves to hurl epithets at conservatives like “racist”, “Nazis”, and “fascists” when in actuality an objective observer would be alarmed at the suppression of free speech, censorship of printed opinion, corporations in bed with big government to monitor citizens and track their data, installing 20000 troops in the Capitol to watch over 2000 elitists, conservatives purged from the workplace based on their opinions......Tell me again who are the fascists?