Monday, March 22, 2021

Here It Comes

Here it comes.  And you’ve been waiting for it.  Delirious over their success with ramming home a budget busting, ill-advised Covid-Relief package filled with all sorts of pork by-products in the form of blue state cash infusions, a subway for California, cash for Amtrak, a boost to extend the reach of Obamacare, union gifts in the form of right-to-work restrictions, not to mention a big fat smooch on the lips for the teacher’s union, what could be next on the progressive wish list?  Oh yeah, gun control.  The socialist brass ring.  With our attention diverted by the Covid behemoth working its way through congress, the progressives managed to float a test balloon in the form of two gun control measures that will, of course, do nothing to prevent gun violence.  The first bill aims to close the “Charleston Loophole” where apparently Dylan Roof, the knuckle-dragging perpetrator of the Charleston Church shooting, legally obtained a firearm when the government wasn’t able to complete his background check in three days.  The bill will now extend that waiting period for our incompetent government officials to do their jobs to ten days.  No, let’s not hold the inept bureaucracy accountable.  Let’s not make the process more efficient.  And God forbid, definitely do not hire people that have intelligence above the third grade level because we know how that hiring system works under this administration: competence replaced by race and sexual identity based quotas.  Let’s just give these mental midgets more time to do a job that, in the computer age, should take a chimpanzee less than twenty minutes.  And in the most socialist of fashions, rather than fix the system, which is inefficient and most likely redundant, let’s place the burden on the citizen and subject them to more inconvenience while the government drags it’s flat feet.  Furthermore, Mr. Roof may be a deranged cretin, but I suspect that if he had been denied access to a legal firearm he would have resorted to one of the illegal variety, or chosen any one of a number of vehicular, pyrotechnic or explosive alternatives.  Never underestimate the creativity of the sociopath for producing mayhem. But Representative Jim Clyburn (D-SC) who introduced the bill rationalized the measure by stating “there’s nothing more sacred in the lives of most people than their church”.  Hilarious.  Suddenly, when it’s convenient, the left uses religion as a bludgeon to further their cause when in most circumstances religion is an inconvenient barrier to their agenda, particularly when the religious right “clings” to it.  Witness the abortion and same sex marriage debates. 

Although the first measure passed along strict party line votes, the second measure lured eight Republicans across the aisle.  Good luck in your next primary. This one brought to you by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) who is chair of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force and it had three GOP cosponsors.  This legislative folly would require universal background checks on all commercial gun sales.  Seems logical doesn’t it? Not so fast.  This bill seeks to make all transactions on all firearms subject to background checks.  In some blue states, New York being the most glaring example, all pistol transfers are already subject to registration.  But this goes one step further by making all firearm transactions subject to registration. Grandfather’s heirloom shotgun passed down to his grandson: background check.  Loaning your hunting rifle to your brother: that’s a gun transfer: background check.  Inheriting dad’s museum quality gun collection: background check.  We all know where this is going.  This is the path to national gun registration.  And historically, every time a government imposes registration, it is always followed by confiscation.  Always. It is the socialist playbook under the guise of “common sense gun control measures”, an endorsement that flew out of Biden’s mouth shortly after the bills sailed through the House. Great Britain did it, Australia did it.   And why not give it a try?  After all, it worked before; both Hitler and Stalin used it to perfection.  Now there’s a real endorsement.  And it was insidious and incremental. “These two pieces of legislation will go a long way in improving gun violence”, proclaimed Thompson.  No Mike, they won’t.  And you know it.  This is just another incremental step in disarming the public, a step that will turn law-abiding Americans into criminals by chipping away at their Second Amendment rights and fostering non-compliance.  But that works out well for you too, doesn’t it?  Non-compliance will be a crime and if you get caught, you will lose all of your firearms.  The end justifies the means.  This, boys and girls, is tyranny.

But the Democrats have been moving towards this goal for decades, never letting a single crisis go to waste.  They have recently implemented an all out assault on the National Rifle Association with the tip of the spear residing in New York, where Attorney General Leticia James (yes, Andy Cuomo’s current nemesis), who called the NRA a “terrorist organization” and a “criminal enterprise” in her election campaign, saw an opportunity to go after them for financial malfeasance.  Granted, the NRA has recently suffered some internal strife where a power struggle occurred between the executive director and the board for questionable corporate perks.  Seeing opportunity, and with the government’s power and taxpayer capital supporting her legal shenanigans, the goal would appear to be bankrupting the NRA or, at the very least, diverting their funds from lobbying efforts for gun rights to having to defend the organization in court against a frivolous lawsuit.  In response, the NRA is seeking to dissolve its charter in New York and reincorporate in Texas. But in a move not unlike California’s attempt to continue to tax residents after they leave the state for more tax friendly climates, the government is similarly attempting to prevent the NRA from leaving New York, requiring them to remain in the ring against the ropes while the state pummels them financially in court. Your tax dollars at work. 

On another front, Mensa will certainly not be petitioning Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) for membership after she recently held an embarrassing presser in which she regaled reporters with her vast knowledge of firearms, pontificating at length: “I held an AR-15 in my hand.  I wish I hadn’t.  It is as heavy as 10 boxes that you might be moving.  And the bullet that is utilized, a .50 caliber, these kinds of bullets need to be licensed and do not need to be on the street”.  What an idiot.  Blaze Media’s Jason Howerton asked the question that all of us were thinking: “How are these people qualified to write legislation on this when they demonstrate such cluelessness?”  Indeed. More to the point, how do these legislators even balance their checkbooks? For those of you who are firearms impaired, the AR platform is the most popular sporting rifle in America.  It is modular, making it convenient to tailor its features to your requirements, it has manageable recoil, and it is reliable.  Its weight varies depending on features, but to suggest it is as heavy as 10 boxes? Boxes of what?  Probably manure, because that’s what Ms. Lee is slinging.  And although the AR-15 is adaptable to many different calibers, the huge .50 caliber round is not one of them. If it did, not only would it likely knock you on your ass and leave an impressive bruise on your shoulder, but it would cost you a small fortune just to purchase the ammunition.  And as any firearms enthusiast knows, after WalMart stopped selling ammo, followed by the BLM riots, then the Democrats sweeping into power, then the Capitol riots, ammunition has all but disappeared off the shelves nationwide as gun owners hoard stockpiles in anticipation of increasing threats to our liberty and a wave of restrictive gun legislation. Even the more affordable firearms have been flying of the shelves, making Democrats once again, the most prolific gun salesmen in history. 

And right on cue, amidst this attack on our gun rights comes the conveniently timed Atlanta Massage Parlor shooting.  Despite local law enforcement and the FBI repeatedly asserting that the shooting does not appear to be racially motivated, the liberal media and government officials immediately labeled it a hate crime because 6 out of the 10 victims were of Asian descent. Even Biden leapt on the opportunity, although “leapt” may be an unfortunate description after he fell repeatedly while attempting to mount the steps to Air Force One.  Ignoring the real crisis occurring at our southern border, Biden instead chose to create a more politically expedient crisis in Atlanta by meeting with the Asian community to promote the narrative that Asians have been targeted for violence after Trump referred to Covid-19 as the “China Virus”.  Following that logic, Brazilians, South Africans and Brits should brace for violence after the media announced virus variants from those locales. Ridiculous. In these troubling times, nothing helps promote your radical agenda better than waving the race card.  NPR spent the two days after the shootings interviewing members of the Asian community regarding their impression that they are being targeted as a result of Trump’s anti-Asian rhetoric. I wonder if they interviewed Harvard?  Even the Wall Street Journal led with “As Atlanta Mourns, Asian-American Feel Under Attack”.  Remarkably there was no mention anywhere in the media of the probability that these massage parlors were fronts for the sex trade, likely employing immigrant women in the usual work off the debt of your passage scheme. Where is the outrage?  After the exertion of the Kavanaugh hearings, the #MeToo movement and women’s’ rights groups must be taking an extended vacation.  Bob Kraft would have begged for such a glaring omission of business practices when he was caught frequenting a similar establishment. And so goes the proven modus operandi:  keep repeating the falsehood until it is accepted as fact.  Be it the “deadly Capitol insurrection”, the “I can’t breathe” narrative, or the “hands up don’t shoot” lie, it has been shown that the media can control the storyline, perpetuate a myth and spawn a movement. So they will ride the wave of public outrage over yet another shooting, this time convincing the uninformed masses that it is racially motivated.  

Meanwhile our elected officials surround themselves with fences and razor wire, armed Capitol Police, private security details and the National Guard, as they hypocritically work to disarm the American public by incrementally chiseling away at our Second Amendment rights.  In addition to the usual cast of anti-gun characters, we have new recruits in the Biden Administration.  Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court by Obama in 2016 was opposed vehemently by the NRA for what they pointed out was a history of belligerence towards the Second Amendment. Yet here he is again, this time emerging as the chief law enforcement officer of the land, our newly minted Attorney General. In 2000, Garland as part of a three-judge panel, sought to uphold the Department of Justice’s illegal practice of retaining records from the National Instant Criminal Background Checks System after firearms purchases.  See paragraph one for the proposed 10-day definition of “instant”.  According to Federal Law, these records are to be destroyed to preserve the privacy of the gun owner.  Garland again found himself on the wrong side of the Second Amendment when he worked unsuccessfully to overturn a ruling that struck down the District of Columbia’s total ban on private citizen gun ownership, his interpretation being that the Second Amendment is not an individual right.  Biden also nominated California’s repugnant AG, Xavier Becerra to head the Department of Health and Human Services.  Becerra is best known for his abhorrent treatment of the Little Sisters of the Poor, an order of nuns who care for the elderly poor, when he sued to prevent their religious exclusion from Obamacare mandates that they subsidize contraceptives and life-ending drugs.  He is also an aggressive supporter of abortion rights up to the moment of delivery. But on the gun-control front, he made his career on aggressively defending California’s draconian gun control laws in court, arguing that gun control is “a public health risk”.  He has lobbied for the elimination of laws that would protect the firearms industry from being sued for “product misuse”, a ploy to bankrupt the industry as they are forced to defend against frivolous lawsuits.  Imagine suing Ford for being struck by an F-150.  Absurd. Vivek Murthy, Biden’s choice for surgeon general, is a retread from the Obama years, where she also served in the same capacity.  She too supports treating gun ownership as a public health crisis, akin to a virus that needs to be eradicated. The goal of course is the elimination of gun ownership.  Amazing that after all her years in medical training, she has come to the conclusion that an inanimate object is the cause of an organism’s behavior, instead of the organism itself.  No wonder she didn’t specialize in psychiatry. Kristen Clarke is Biden’s choice to head the DOJ Civil Rights Division.  According to the NRA, her Twitter feed is rife with references to eliminating the Second Amendment, ironic given her job title.  Perhaps she needs a refresher on the definition of civil rights. 

But hypocrisy is the Democrat’s calling card as they seek to defund the police, overwhelm our Border Patrol with unaccompanied minors and allow our porous southern border to Mexico to be overrun with illegal immigrants, among them gang members, terrorists, and drug cartels.  Between 2008 and 2014 according to the Department of Public Safety, illegal aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas alone, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.  And that was prior to Biden rolling out the welcome mat.  While the EPA seeks to designate CO2 a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, we are ironically allowing 100,000 carbon dioxide emitters into our country every month.  Housing them in hotels and giving them plane rides all over the country at taxpayer expense.  All without that pesky swab inserted into their nasopharynx.  You know, the one you have to endure when you fly. Crime is skyrocketing nationwide and our elected officials are sitting in their high castle while the peasants fend for themselves.  Gird your loins gun owners, it’s going to be a long four years. 

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