Saturday, September 25, 2021

Are We Over?

Are you Progressives in your various guises of the mind we have run our course as a society, as the world's preeminent superpower? It's called Societal Collapse; look it up.  If so, may I ask who would you suggest replace us on the world stage? Therein lies the rub. Who would the most likely successor be, in your estimation, for the better, of course-, China, Russia, an Arab Caliphate? You know of these aspiring pretenders of whom I speak, their societies, their histories: Communist Socialism, an economic philosophy that has repeatedly failed the world over; a Theocratic Republic where an Islamic deity rules supreme? Do you see them in their emergence as international leaders, better arbiters, better benefactors to the community of nations than the United States served in that capacity? Tell me, what is it that you see that seemingly favors your preference for their brand of governance over that of ours: 250 years of lives lived in relative freedom, liberty, and prosperity? I'm at wit's end trying to figure out your perspective. What do you know that I can't seem to fathom? Or, are you just anarchist in Progressive clothing calling for the abolition of the United States as it stands simply because you want change for change’s sake? I'm inclined to think the latter, with self-serving animus as a further motivator.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Orwell Realized

And so it goes. It is an Orwellian 1984 landscape where history is rewritten, and the government tells you not to believe your eyes, believe their interpretation of what is happening. The Democrats, in their many stripes, have succeeded through indoctrination and a progressive dumbing down of education to make half of us into compliant socialist puppets. It seems to have happened so fast but has been their long cloaked game all along, accelerated by the convenience of the internet to disseminate their modern-day propaganda. And, to hear that addled New York Senator Nadler prattle on about “human infrastructure,” making immigrants into something inanimate, lumping them in amongst roads, bridges, and sewer systems. The ultimate Orwellian prediction of dehumanizing people into objects, mere numbers to be utilized by the Democrat Party. All, while we the opposition, the GOP in disarray, wring our hands in a benign fit of peak, allowing ourselves to be bullied by these insurrectionest.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Peter Principal

Fumbling, bumbling Joe Biden, what has our electorate wrought! Our president is a study in ineptitude. If ever there was a president-elect not up to the challenges of the office, Joe Biden fills that bill in spades.  Long tolerated as an employed  affable political hack has finally reached his maximum level of incompetence, exemplifying the Peter-Principal prophecy. And, as a result, we are to endure, in full measure, that prophecy for at least two years if we can survive that long!

Monday, September 6, 2021

It Never Ends

 And now the medical journals all calling for something to be done about climate change because of its effects on health, especially that of ethnic minorities, of course. Had to get that in there. Even the Journal of Psychiatry is blaming an increase in suicides on, you guessed it: climate change. Couldn’t possibly be social media, could it? Or maybe Covid lockdowns?  Or the recession? Not even the old standby: racism?  Nope. Climate change. Why can’t these liberal, ivory tower dwelling, pointy headed twerps stay in their own lane and report on medical science. Like maybe some actually helpful data on the effectiveness of Covid vaccines for example. But no, they have to wade into the political arena. Didn’t they try this not too long ago by declaring gun control a medical issue?  I have an idea: how about reporting on something you may know something about?  Like reproduction. Specifically how humans continue to reproduce at an alarming rate, resulting in an abundance of carbon based life forms that not only expel more CO2 into the environment, but require places to live that gobble up more of your precious natural resources. There’s the solution to climate change staring these medical morons right in the face, but somehow the geniuses fail to report on it. It’s population control, dummies. And as an added benefit, it would also result in less people living in poverty, less territorial disputes, less damage from wildfires, less damage from hurricanes, the preservation of natural resources, less overcrowding, less disease, and more access to healthcare and services for the rest of us. Progress need not be synonymous with population growth. If you are truly interested in conservation, then control the numbers of the beasts that are consuming our planet. Humans.