Are you Progressives in your various guises of the mind we have run our course as a society, as the world's preeminent superpower? It's called Societal Collapse; look it up. If so, may I ask who would you suggest replace us on the world stage? Therein lies the rub. Who would the most likely successor be, in your estimation, for the better, of course-, China, Russia, an Arab Caliphate? You know of these aspiring pretenders of whom I speak, their societies, their histories: Communist Socialism, an economic philosophy that has repeatedly failed the world over; a Theocratic Republic where an Islamic deity rules supreme? Do you see them in their emergence as international leaders, better arbiters, better benefactors to the community of nations than the United States served in that capacity? Tell me, what is it that you see that seemingly favors your preference for their brand of governance over that of ours: 250 years of lives lived in relative freedom, liberty, and prosperity? I'm at wit's end trying to figure out your perspective. What do you know that I can't seem to fathom? Or, are you just anarchist in Progressive clothing calling for the abolition of the United States as it stands simply because you want change for change’s sake? I'm inclined to think the latter, with self-serving animus as a further motivator.
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