I have criticized Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in the past but I remain amazed that she is still a darling of the progressive left. The woman has accomplished nothing beyond furthering a radical self-serving leftist agenda and is positively vacuous. Conservative commentators feel obliged to torment me with her incessant ramblings delivered in that whiny voice with the wild hand gestures that have become endemic in female progressive politicians. Witness Nancy Pelosi who appears to be swatting flies, Kamala Harris looks to be shaking an imaginary box, and AOC is apparently trying to rehabilitate a wrist injury. Her response to all the attention she received while appearing in Florida maskless is classic millennial narcissism: “Republicans are mad they can’t date me”, she responded, accusing them of “projecting their sexual frustrations” and calling them “creepy weirdos.” Very mature and statesmanlike. Sorry Sandy, but you’re being criticized for being an immature hypocrite. A perusal of her social media presence is all that’s required as evidence. She actually posted a video detailing her expertise in applying make-up. Really, look it up. But not before taking an anti-emetic. Once again a demonstration of a phenomenal level of self-absorption and a total lack of self awareness. Shouldn’t congress be held to some standard of decorum? Clearly this isn’t it. She is obviously and conspicuously marketing herself, cultivating a media persona that is a completely bogus fabrication. She is decidedly not the downtrodden Puerto Rican immigrant from the ‘hood, working the bar to put food on the table for her family. That is total nonsense. She is now offering merchandise to purchase on her website, seeking to create a brand and feather her nest. Such capitalist behavior from one who preaches against capitalism is, to coin a phrase from her own party’s poster child for hypocrisy: deplorable. And all the while promoting the Biden administration plans to forgive her student loan debt. Her posted video of her arrival in DC is enough to render one absolutely vomituitous. The queen of the Green New Deal, the czar of climate change sits on the floor of her tony Navy Yard apartment in one of the wealthiest zip codes in America sipping wine and assembling her IKEA furniture. Wow. There’s even a Whole Foods in the complex. You know, the grocery chain owned by Amazon, whose proposed warehouse she shot down in her district back home in New York. But as an expert on climate she appears oblivious as to her own carbon footprint. Although IKEA’s marketing has emphasized sustainability, they still source over 22% of their materials from China and the majority of their furniture is made from wood. Although they claim they only source wood from sustainable forests, it isn’t clear exactly what that means. You may be planting a few trees but I am yet to witness a carbon neutral timber operation. Further logic would dictate that the carbon storing capacity of old growth will not be matched by the sapling that replaces it for decades. I’m not sure how they’re harvesting operation works but my chain saw does not run on wind or solar and delivering timber from forest to saw mill is going to need some heavy equipment that will likely require some fossil fuels. So much for the sustainable forest fairies, because this looks more like marketing than actual application. Especially in China. And exactly how does all this pressboard and laminated modular rubbish get from Sweden to AOCs apartment? Oh my, isn’t shipping a rather inconvenient truth. And about that wine she’s drinking. Grape production and harvesting creates a rather substantial environmental footprint, sweetie. A great deal of land is required for cultivation and if she’s drinking California wine, water is a precious resource required in abundance for irrigation and the process of turning grapes to wine. Cultivating that land requires tractors and that requires diesel fuel. And those neatly trimmed rows are maintained with mechanical implements and a host of fungi and insects are kept at bay by a spray schedule, all run by that fossil fuel consuming tractor. And let’s not even get into the environmental impact of pesticides let alone the fact that maintaining soil nutrients requires fertilizer. That too is a product of fossil fuels. She might want to stick to bottled water but no, plastic bottles require petroleum and then they end up in the landfill. Your carpeting is likely nylon or polypropylene and that comes from……petroleum products. Oops. And about all the make-up and hair products required to maintain the image that your Republican colleagues are so attracted to: cosmetics rely heavily on petroleum products as well. So it would appear that the only bonafide climate credentials AOC possesses is owning a Tesla. You know, a battery with wheels that required the strip mining of rare earth metals to produce. Mining operations that are dominated by China. And that Tesla likely sits at the airport in reserved congressional parking while she takes the shuttle back and forth to New York. You know the kind of aircraft that flies on gumdrops and rainbows. Certainly not aviation fuel. So the next time you hear the representative drone on about her climate credentials, think hard about the hypocrisy and realize what her ultimate goal is. The same goal of the majority of politicians: to further themselves
Saturday, April 9, 2022
AOC Has Gotten Into My Head
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