After Lee Zeldin ate Kathy Hochul alive in the debate last night, some interesting information emerged. She has been a big champion for building the Buffalo Bills a new stadium. After all, Buffalo is her hometown. And guess who owns the rights to the concessions for the stadium? That would be Delaware North, whose senior vice-President and general counsel is none other than Governor Hochul’s husband. She must be taking marriage advice from Nancy Pelosi. And she was widely criticized for wasting the taxpayer's money by giving the state Covid test contract to a company that charged taxpayers roughly twice the going rate. How could that be? It turns out the tests are provided by the company that is one of Hochul’s leading campaign donors. $637 million in Covid tests in exchange for a $300000 donation. Pay-to-play is the Democratic way. Ask the Big Guy. The only person not raising an eyebrow over this is Kathy Hochul herself. With that much Botox, she probably can’t.
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