I have been in Recovery, whimpering along, as you might have noticed, since the elections, trying desperately to recover from the Red Ripple. I had convinced myself we had enough of the woes of the Biden administration, that the Dems had overplayed their hand, and that the silent majority would rise up and smite our detractors. Alas, it was not to be. I don't know what to attribute it to. Complacency? Ignorance? Timing?What? Or, could it be that I can't face the reality that the silent majority doesn't exist? Has the character, the societal aspirations, and tenets of our brand of a representative democracy no longer relevant in the minds of our citizenry? Is the Socialist brand now the preference of the majority? I can't bear to think so. I find myself grasping at straws that suggest all is not lost, that in the wings, a unifier of galvanizing charisma will suddenly emerge, gather our numbers, and lead us back to the promise and ways of the great American Experiment. Is Trump that unifier? I, for one, have trouble with his persona, his vitriol. Yet his agenda, his record speaks mainly to my liking, a conundrum. However, I persist in the premise we are better as a nation and as a people to put our Democracy asunder and that we will come together as Americans and do the right thing. And, it can't be soon enough!
Monday, November 28, 2022
Monday, November 21, 2022
The Dumbing Down of America
And now, law schools are dropping the LSAT, the law school admission test, as a requirement for admission. You know, the exam that tests reading comprehension and reasoning known to be directly correlate with academic success in law school. Sure, we need this. Like lawyers aren’t dumb enough already. The reason why, diversity, of course. Not enough women and people of color. The fact of the matter is “people of color,” and let’s not beat around the bush here, they mean black people, do not perform well on the LSAT, so obviously, it must be eliminated to achieve a guaranteed result. How insulting. Anyone who scores well on the exam and therefore possesses the ability to reason will see this for what it is: racism. Medical schools are eliminating the MCAT, and the airlines are handicapping admission scores to flight school, and now law schools are falling in line to achieve their bizarre definition of equity. Does anyone on the left see this as problematic? How does one now distinguish between a truly competent pilot, physician, or lawyer when they are a person of color? Were they accepted based on academic excellence or a quota? And if a white person dares to pose that question, and when your life is on the line, it is certainly a reasonable question, you know the result will be accusations of racism. It’s not fair to the consumer of services, it’s not fair to white applicants, and it’s certainly not fair to people of color who were accepted to the programs on merit alone.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Climate Change Spin
Did you hear the latest Woke nonsense coming out of the climate summit in Egypt? So these elitists hop into their carbon-spewing private jets and wing off to the land of pyramids to dine on caviar, Wagyu beef, drink French Bordeaux and discuss climate change. None of these climate geniuses have heard of carbon-neutral Zoom meetings? Their conclusion this year is that developed nations that produced the bulk of carbon emissions should pay reparations to third-world countries that contributed little in the way of carbon emissions (little of anything else!) but have suffered greatly from the effects of climate change. Bellying up to the bar was the delegate from Somalia, who argued that the US should pay for the drought and searing heat that has plagued her country. Interesting that regardless of the country, we all have the same arrogant, Woke activists willing to spend somebody else’s money. News flash: Somalia is an African socioeconomic sewer seemingly unwilling to change its ways. If you think otherwise, I've got one word for you, Mogadishu. Anyone wanting to give these people any money should watch Blackhawk Down. Their agenda has nothing to do with climate change other than as a ploy to extract more money from naive benevolent nations moved by the plight of their oppressed citizenry.
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Ding Dong
Ding-dong, the wicked witch, is dead. Again. Nancy Pelosi has announced that she will not seek a “leadership role” in the Democrat party. Like the starting quarterback who announces he is just fine sitting on the bench to let the new generation take over for the good of the team. Uh-huh. Given the opportunity, she’ll be back. Like the zombies in the Walking Dead. Sorry, so many analogies to choose from. But you have to hand it to the shifty old bat, even with the new wave of progressives and the “squad” stealing headlines, she kept the troops in line, and the democrats voted en bloc when it mattered most, unlike their hapless republicans' colleagues who are best at forming circular firing squads. With that kind of power, she has to know where all the bodies are buried. She is also quite adept at amassing a personal fortune, estimated at over $125 million, that includes a mansion in SanFrancisco and a Napa Valley estate with a vineyard. Pretty impressive on a $175000 salary. But her husband Paul, he of the recent drunk driving and bizarre hammer assault fame, is an astute investor, shrieks the left. Sure he is. Pillow talk is apparently very lucrative in Congress. But even as Chuck Schumer, with a tear in his eye, waxes poetic about Nancy’s storied career, I can’t help but recall all the good she has done for our nation. Think hard now. Think about the heavy-handed partisanship. Think about the number of times she “reached across the aisle.” Think about the strictly enforced mask mandates when she brushed them aside for her private trip to the hair salon. Think about voting for Obamacare so “we can find out what’s in it” and the current state of healthcare premiums. And most of all, close your eyes and picture her making a show of tearing up Trump’s state of the union address in one of the most disgustingly disrespectful displays of partisanship ever to stain the floors of congress. And to channel Matthew McConaughey’s character in A Time to Kill; now just imagine if she was a Republican.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Crypto Clipto
Have you been following the recently uncovered Cryptocurrency story? The cliche you can’t make this stuff up doesn't do it justice. A 29-year-old son of a lawyer and finance expert from California living in a luxury condo with seven roommates in the Bahamas with a company worth an estimated 32 billion, reported having donated 10 million to the Biden campaign being the number 2 donor to the Democrat Party behind Soros. Suddenly having helped the Democrats stem the red wave, he goes bust, and the entire fortune vanishes, leaving his investors high and dry. There are photos of this little twerp seen rubbing elbows with Bill Clinton, Jeff Epstein, and Joe Biden. Then comes to light the circular path of capital transactions, where Democrats send money to Ukraine; Ukraine invests in this crypto company, which donates lavishly to the Democrat party to elect candidates who support sending money to Ukraine. It’s insane, and nobody is raising an eyebrow. When you think back to the high-profile cases of money laundering, insider trading, and Ponzi schemes, the perpetrators, the likes of Franklin Jurado, Bernie Madoff, and Martha Stewart, pale in comparison to the level of corruption that our politicians are engaged in…..and getting away with it.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Pardon My Candor And Language
I read an alarming exchange online where an apparent abortion zealot was continually commenting with the usual activist bumper sticker claims of “my body, my choice,” “a right to choose,” and the old standard argument that it’s just a fetus and only is a baby once it’s born. One contrarian quipped: Really? When was the last time you heard a mother say: “Oh honey, we’re having a fetus!” It’s astounding that at the slightest sign of a sniffle, the lefties are sticking swabs up their noses to test for Covid, but if they are sexually active and skip a period, they are too damned lazy to pee on a stick. I haven’t menstruated in three months, I’m putting on weight, I’m always tired, and I have morning sickness; I wonder what’s up? Duh. So much for sex education in public schools. And if they do actually test positive, they apparently prefer to procrastinate until we get fingers and toes in the suction canister. I don’t get it.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
The rabidly partisan Huffington Post ran the headline that Amy Coney Barrett “cracks joke about abortion protesters.” Heavens, doesn’t she know that’s not allowed? Alas another example of progressive online click bait to roil their serfs. What she actually said to a supportive conservative audience was “It’s nice to have a lot of noise made not by protesters outside my house.” Wow, how offensive. But it is yet another example of how Republicans have to realize by now that the abortion issue is a loser, as our privileged public school educated heathens, devoid of religious affiliation and ignorant of biology, come of age and are able to vote. The most cynical among us will shrug our shoulders and declare that abortion is only practiced by democrats and serves to cull their own herd. But the more logical option is to divorce the issue from the party completely and, like the Supreme Court, turn the issue not only back to the states, but back to the people. Studies have shown that Americans are not as radical on the abortion issue as the media would like you to believe, with most supporting very early termination of pregnancy, certainly not beyond the first trimester. So why not throw up our hands and put it on the ballot? A simple multiple choice question, check one of the following options: 1. I do not support abortion, 2. I support abortion up to the 15th week of gestation, 3. Up to 24 weeks, or 4. Up to the moment of birth. Each state can have its own ballot referendum. The result is the result, regardless of party affiliation. Isn’t this an example of the democracy the left claims to defend? Both parties are divorced from the issue and the disgruntled have only their fellow citizens to blame. The media can go wild in the months leading up to the vote, one side trying to educate and the other trying to mislead. Pick your side. But the real result will be the elimination of that single issue voter, those ideologues that reflexively vote for the pro-choice candidate regardless of their stance on other issues far more important to the health of our nation. It’s those voters that give us the cognitively impaired in the Senate. Yeah, Pennsylvania, I’m talking to you. And Amy Coney Barrett may finally have some peace at home.
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Arizona Disappoints
I can’t believe that the winner of the Jaba the Hutt look-alike contest, Mark Kelly, got in over Blake Masters, and it appears that Kari Lake is in trouble as well. Arizona has apparently been infiltrated by disgruntled Californians. As a border state, one would have expected voters to say a resounding “no mas.”Yet poised to retain control in the Senate and with Biden pledging to do “nothing” to change his destructive progressive policies, it looks like we are doomed to a future of high crime, mass illegal immigration, and exorbitant fuel prices. Another two years of Biden’s bumbling and Trump vomiting in the petunias before we get to do this dance all over again. And it’s getting worse every time. The analysis that in every irregular voting scenario, be it delays, accounts of harvesting, ballot dumps, or mail-ins, the democrats win 77% of the time. Hmm. And nobody has looked into Pennsylvania’s election officials contacting voters whose ballots were rejected to come in and make corrections. I wonder what the distribution was regarding the party affiliation of those that were contacted? And with all these irregularities, anyone who questions the result is an election denier and a threat to democracy. Why don’t we try to correct the irregularities? You know why. I'm in a funk.
The Divided United States
Look at us. What have we become, a nation consumed by our differences, differences that once made us great in diversity? A strength now seen as a weakness exploited by our detractors as the seat of systemic racism and social inequities. They have turned us on ourselves. Our Constitution, from its founding, promised equality to all its citizens. Albeit requiring greater clarity in our maturation as a nation, we had risen to those occasions and done so. But we are now told not enough has been done, that racism and injustice remain festering in our society and that retribution and affirmative action must be taken. Our meritocracy compromised, assuring endless strife as we are a nation of ethnic and racial differences. Enough of this self-flagellation; we are united as Americas, having more in common than differences; let's start acting like it. Don’t let special interest groups, dissidents, and anarchists, whatever their stripe, do asunder.
Thursday, November 10, 2022
NPR Voice Of The Left
Listening to NPR always gives me a fatalistic view of what appears to be the looming apocalypse. Yesterday they were fielding calls from listeners voicing their opinions regarding the election results. They were understandably jubilant over the failure of the red wave to materialize. What was interesting, however, was the panel’s strategizing about how to mount an assault on Florida, seemingly the last Republican stronghold. Even more telling were the female callers that stated it was a “one issue election” for them, and that issue was abortion. So, in essence, let the country burn, allow crime to run rampant in our streets, dissolve our borders and go ahead, keep printing money but dammit, preserve my right to kill babies above all else. Even if it requires electing an intellectually impaired candidate to the US Senate in Pennsylvania. The end justifies the means. Clearly, insanity on display. Another caller, a Florida resident, chose to attack Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, claiming he is nothing but “a more palatable racist than Trump,” allowing Nazis to fly the swastika at his rallies, and claiming he has “decimated” Florida’s public school system. No questions were asked by the panel, of course. Imagine if those same charges were leveled at Democrat presidential hopefuls by a publicly funded news source. That’s right; you can’t. So my point is: there was no red wave, just as there was no blue wave in the last election. There will be no more waves. We are a partisan, divided nation with crazed leftist activists and a complicit media that will keep us divided by fanning the flames of extremism. And it does not bode well for these United States.
Monday, November 7, 2022
Vote the Record
All Liberals are Socialists. All Conservatives are Fascist. It is merely a question of who has the biggest megaphone to refute or advance their label. Really? Aaaaa, the foolishness of the human condition. The misinformed among us seems to be growing expediently. We have got to look beyond personalities, beyond inflammatory rhetoric, and get better educated on the merit of the policies and mores being proposed by these politicians. Will they right our wrongs, make us better or worse? I, for one, think the notion that Republicans are going to destroy our democracy is preposterous. Whose democracy are they talking about? Certainly not our American Republic’s representative brand of democracy. Listen closely; Obama and Biden’s version of a Democracy is not a Democracy at all but a one-party Autocracy where essentially one person has absolute power. Get real people. Look at the record; where have we been? Where are we now regarding inflation, the economy, immigration, crime, employment, and debt? Were we better off back then, or are we better off now? Let the record speak for itself. I know I've been repetitious of late in my rants, but I'm paranoid in suspecting we are so sure we’ve got this election, that, in our complacency, it gets away from us. We don't need just a win; we need a resounding win!
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Equity Redefined
It is interesting to see that the Supreme Court has taken up the diversity issue in regard to admissions at Harvard and UNC. The WSJ has echoed my Slant’s sentiments that noted the progressive alteration of the term equity from its original definition, meaning equal treatment, to the currently coded implication of equal outcomes. Equal outcomes, regardless of satisfying requirements that, are predictive of success. The fact that Asians are handicapped by over 400 points and whites some 300 off their SAT scores when compared to Black applicants should be enough evidence to give anyone pause. Meritocracy must still have its place in America if we are to succeed on the world stage. Who chooses their heart surgeon or their airline pilot based on skin color? Apparently, we do. Both medical schools and the airlines have admitted to lowering their standards for admission to their programs for applicants of color solely for the purpose of achieving diversity in their ranks. The argument that the community demands people that look like them sounds hollow in the real world. Who on their deathbed refuses the services of the white chief of cardiothoracic surgery because he doesn’t look like them? Who, upon boarding an aircraft, turns back because the pilot is white? Yet the horrible side effect of all this is that truly well-qualified people of color in those positions will now be looked at askance, automatically assumed to have benefitted from race-based admissions. Knowing admission preferences occur to this extent, how many will be branded racist for unease when encountering people of color in positions for which they may be less qualified? Yet another example of progressive policy that will further sow division in America.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Ever Dividing
After my comment yesterday about the Republicans being overly optimistic: have you seen the latest democrat ploy? They are now claiming all the polls predicting a red wave are Republican-sponsored when in actuality, the non-partisan polls show that the democrats are “still in it” with a chance of holding the Senate. And in an act of piling on the racist theme, they are accusing Conservative candidates of anti-semitism, notably Herschel Walker, for not publicly denouncing Kanye West, who apparently supports his senate bid. So now conservative Republican candidates are not only responsible for the views of their millions of supporters but are being criticized for not standing up and articulating the obvious. Of course, I denounce anti-semitism; of course, I denounce cruelty to animals; of course, I denounce fill-in-the-blank. How devious and preposterous. Hopefully the last gasp of a failed administration.
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
11/8 A Day of Reckoning
After Fetterman’s poor showing in the 0z debate, the Republicans seemed practically giddy in predicting a Red Tsunami come next Tuesday, November 8. But if you read the comments of democrat stalwarts, those hardcore partisans who would vote for Genghis Kahn if it would hold their majority, it would give you pause. They are not going to go quietly into the night. Party dominance is paramount regardless of how many mentally deficient candidates in empty suits are required to occupy seats of power, to hell with their constituents. Their agenda must be promoted at all costs. Be aware there is no effort beyond them to silence the indignant voices of reason, morality, and patriotism, no shady tactics to low to besmirch those who speak out against the tyranny of socialism, bloated ineffective government, and soaring national debt. We are besieged by an anti-American movement masked in social reform, international strife, and climate hysteria that threatens our very existence. We must rise up en masse at the polls, or all is conceivably lost. If our collective voices are not heard loud and clear, the promise of the Great American Experiment will pass into the annuals of history as unsustainable. Just listen to their bleating lies and distortions to the sheep among us that the economy is strong, that inflation is a figment of our imagination, that our borders are secure, that defunding the police has merit, and that we are systemically racist. And, of course, Trump is a misogynist, a fascist, as are his followers, a.k.a we the deplorables; that Republicans are bent on taking your Social Security, Medicare, and abortion rights from us, that the rich, by their definition, that's near all of us earning a living, are not paying our fair share of taxes. Come on, people, with an economy of words: Cut this ambivalent, complacent crap out. It's crunch time. Get with the drill. Take nothing for granted. At every level, it's Democrats (D) out, Republicans (R) in; to be safe, bullet your ballot accordingly! The Dooms Day Clock is ticking!