I can’t believe that the winner of the Jaba the Hutt look-alike contest, Mark Kelly, got in over Blake Masters, and it appears that Kari Lake is in trouble as well. Arizona has apparently been infiltrated by disgruntled Californians. As a border state, one would have expected voters to say a resounding “no mas.”Yet poised to retain control in the Senate and with Biden pledging to do “nothing” to change his destructive progressive policies, it looks like we are doomed to a future of high crime, mass illegal immigration, and exorbitant fuel prices. Another two years of Biden’s bumbling and Trump vomiting in the petunias before we get to do this dance all over again. And it’s getting worse every time. The analysis that in every irregular voting scenario, be it delays, accounts of harvesting, ballot dumps, or mail-ins, the democrats win 77% of the time. Hmm. And nobody has looked into Pennsylvania’s election officials contacting voters whose ballots were rejected to come in and make corrections. I wonder what the distribution was regarding the party affiliation of those that were contacted? And with all these irregularities, anyone who questions the result is an election denier and a threat to democracy. Why don’t we try to correct the irregularities? You know why. I'm in a funk.
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