So to reward loyal democrat voters in the people’s republic of New York for allowing Kathy Hochul to break through the glass ceiling and become their first female governor, she has offered up some stunning proposals to battle climate change. Beginning in 2025, no new construction can use appliances and furnaces that burn fossil fuels. That’s right, oil, natural gas, and propane are all out in favor of electricity. And to further appease the climate zealots, after 2027, if your existing carbon-spewing unit fails, your gas range, your furnace, or your hot water heater, must be replaced with an electric unit. You know, those ultra-efficient baseboard electric heaters, those energy-saving electric hot water heaters, and those electric cooktops that are the choice of professional chefs all over the world. And the recommended option for your furnace? Heat pumps. Uh-huh. Heat pumps in upstate New York. Surely football fans recall the five feet of snow that fell on Buffalo a couple of weeks ago, causing the game to be moved to Detroit. Or the 10 feet of lake effect snow that buried the Tug Hill plateau north of Syracuse a few years back? And skiers commonly refer to the Lake Placid ski area Whiteface as Iceface. It gets cold there. And it snows. A lot. So let me get this straight: when rural New Yorkers are buried in snow, and it’s ten below zero outside, they want you to keep your family warm with heat pumps and electric baseboard heat? Morons. Even the heat pump industry states it is an “ideal way to heat and cool your home if you live in a MODERATE climate.” Lake Placid is not a moderate climate. It’s farther north than Toronto. That’s in Canada, Kathy. And as New Yorkers freeze to death, content that they are saving the environment with their EV charging in the garage, soup simmering on the electric range, while wrapping their electric hot water heater in yet another layer of insulation and taking shorter duration showers, they will be left to ponder exactly how all that electricity is being generated. Surely not solar in the middle of a snowstorm. And as the rolling blackouts hit as hard as the next nor’easter, you can’t even fire up your banned propane-fueled generators. Your home’s temperature may not be going up in the winter of 2025, but I guarantee your electric bill most certainly will.
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