It’s so interesting to witness activists and environmental protection agencies vanish from sight when a liberal agenda butts up against their mission statement. “Save the whales” has long been the raison d’etre of Greenpeace as they risk life and limb harassing foreign commercial whaling operations at sea. But survey the ocean floor with sonar for a proposed wind farm off the coast of New Jersey, and they are nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, whale carcasses continue to litter the beaches. Yet not even a rubber dinghy sporting their trademark banner. The Audubon Society lobbies to protect our endangered bird species and their habitat, the bald eagle being one of their more notable success stories. Yet wind turbines, whose blade tips reach speeds of 100 miles per hour, are destroying birds by the thousands, recently making news by slicing a wing off a bald eagle. Migratory birds are particularly at risk. Where have they been? Not even a chirp. The western sage grouse hasn’t attained endangered species status yet but has seen alarming reductions in their numbers. As solar panels blanket their habitat, requiring clearance of brush, including the sagebrush in which they nest, we are literally removing the habitat for which they’re named. Does the EPA raise a fuss? How about US Fish and Wildlife Service or the USDA? Sierra Club or the Audubon folks protest? Nope. Catch a guy in camo with a shotgun, and they’re all over restrictions on hunting. Logging operations which have effectively managed forests for decades are now taboo, the preference apparently being raging forest fires. Maine lobsterman recently were accused of killing whales with their antiquated lobster pots and buoys, despite no evidence to suggest it poses any threat at all. That scandal surfaced ironically while Biden treated foreign dignitaries to a lobster dinner at the White House. But the construction of wind farms and blanketing the earth with solar panels makes it appear that these environmental stalwarts are willing to trade the politics of green energy for ecological havoc. And where does all the funding go for these organizations anyway? But alas, perhaps I am tilting at windmills. The EPA is probably too busy considering banning gas stoves in residential kitchens.
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