Monday, February 20, 2023


 It amazes me how we choose to apply discrimination in the name of equity wantonly. Recall equality relates to equal opportunity, whereas equity ensures equal outcomes. What could go wrong? We can now discriminate on the basis of race in college admissions, medical school admissions, and admission to pilot training programs in the airline industry. We are waiving tools to measure academic performance, no longer requiring students to take the PSAT, the SAT, MCATs, and LSATs, all proven yardsticks to predict academic success.  Advanced placement courses in high schools are being eliminated for being discriminatory towards students who can’t perform to the standards required for placement. Students like those in Baltimore where, despite an expenditure of $17500 per student, precisely zero students are grade proficient in mathematics. The democrat solution, of course, will be to throw more money at the problem despite studies showing no correlation between expenditure and performance or just eliminate the achievement tests altogether and push these kids through the system. Perhaps the Baltimore school superintendent needs additional incentives beyond their $444,000 yearly salary to improve academic performance. Just keep moving the goalposts. Like a recent study showing that Swedes are the happiest citizens on earth, the conclusion was we just have to change the definition of happiness, and we too can be just as happy. Really?  As comedian Billy Connolly once opined: “times may change, but standards must remain.

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