Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Child Care Subterfuge

This new childcare tax credit proposal is yet another step closer to a Democrat goal of guaranteed income. And the Republicans are onboard, feeling as though they are losing the public relations battle with Democrats by not appearing to be doing enough for the middle class. Really. By eliminating a work requirement? This is more than bribery, pandering for votes with a cash payment, a wealth transfer, redistribution, however you slice it. This is not exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind. With an ever-growing segment of Americans who own nothing, pay no property taxes, pay no income tax, send their progeny to public schools where they are fed and brainwashed by the left on somebody else’s tax dime. Why is their vote equal to that of a small business owner besieged with a tax burden on their income and assets and toiling long hours to build their business?  To vote on monetary policies how your tax money is spent, shouldn’t those decisions be made by the actual taxpayers and not the beneficiaries of government-sponsored programs?  As is often attributed, perhaps incorrectly, to Ben Franklin: Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 

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