Friday, June 28, 2024

Debate Debacle

This morning, they’re admitting Biden was weak, but he was faced with “a barrage of false accusations.” that put him off his game. Yet not a word about Biden repeating scores of fabricated nonsense such as “suckers and losers,” “injecting bleach in your arm,” “good people on both sides,” and claiming the guilty verdicts against him were for sexual assault and sleeping with a porn star…..all disproven, out of context and factually incorrect. Biden, who clearly lost the debate, was positively cadaveric, managing to mumble out more than his share of unproven distortions and claims that are not going to face any challenge in the media. What are the Democrats thinking? What an embarrassment to the office of POTUS to the nation!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Misplaced Sympathy

I am rapidly losing any shred of sympathy I may have had for the Palestinians trapped in the crossfire in Gaza after the latest propagandized spin on the Israeli hostage rescue. Why should we give a rip about how many Palestinians were killed in an assault to rescue hostages? Especially hostages that we find have been tormented and mistreated by their captors. We forget that they, too, are innocent civilians, and Americans among them to boot. And we keep hearing about “many women and children killed,”…..according to Hamas or according to Palestinian authorities. So, we are now taking these heathens at their word?  Why should we, especially after Hamas proclaimed that a civilian body count was good for their cause? Have we learned nothing after the Vietnam conflict when the Vietcong savagely fought against American forces, then ditched their military gear to don straw hats and work the rice paddies, blending into the civilian population?  How did that work out for us? What a short memory we have. Anyone short of intellectual deficiency has to conclude that Hamas are nothing short of barbarians who, in the tradition of Yassar Arafat, entered into negotiations in which all sides were in agreement to a cease-fire, Israel, Hamas, and the US, only to pull the rug out from under the proceedings with last minute haggling and impossible demands. Like this is a flea market. Talk about stereotypes. Further, reports of the hostage rescue detail that the hostages were being held in civilian housing, in and amongst families and refugees, with one hostage actually being held by an Al Jazeera reporter in his apartment. They played semantics with that one, of course, claiming he was only an op/ed contributor. But if you’re allowing a hostage captor to print an opinion editorial in your publication, you own him. And the fact that Israeli forces immediately came under fire from Hamas fighters who emerged from seemingly everywhere within this civilian enclave is telling. We used to call this “aiding and abetting” back when there was a rule of law not bent to your political whims. If you’re going to house the terrorists with their captors in your community, where they are essentially using the civilian population as a shield for both protection and to garner international sympathy from civilian deaths, you are complicit. Suffer the consequences. And with the media lining up to condemn Israel’s actions, supported by hoards of protesters in the streets, we have to assume at this juncture that we are witnessing yet another historic wave of antisemitism. Chanting “Death to the Zionists” and praising Adolph Hitler is no way to garner sympathy for your cause. Attacking museums and the homes of Jewish museum patrons for being supporters of the Zionist cause is beyond the pale. And enough with defacing our historical monuments and tormenting the police. That nonsense is wearing thin after the BLM cause turned out to be a scam that enriched the organizers. In this day and age, it’s all about somebody making money or staying in power, and you peons are just useful idiots. That goes for the media, too; I’m just not sure which end of the spectrum they’re on useful idiots or those making money and gaining power. The protesters are just plain unhinged. And lastly, I leave you with one question to ponder: if your loved ones, your daughters, were kidnapped, held hostage, brutally raped, and tortured by terrorists, who would you want looking for them?  The Biden Administration or the Israelis? 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Let's Hear It For Texas

Bravo Texas plans to compete with New York-based exchanges, namely the NYSE and NASDAQ, with the announcement of the Texas Stock Exchange. Terminally liberal New York, with their distinctly anti-business and redistribution style of government, is the last place that should host this duopoly and serve as the seat of America’s financial power. Higher fees associated with listing on the New York exchanges is one thing, but when NASDAQ decided to impose DEI standards as a prerequisite for listing shares…….that’s quite another. As an investor, I am more concerned about a company’s bottom line and the hiring of competent managers, not the number of women and “underrepresented minorities” or “LGBTQ+” members in their boardrooms.  ESG and DEI standards should remain in Europe and have no place in America’s financial exchanges. This PC attitude is stifling commerce and distorting social values.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

More Demagoguery

The Biden Administration just announced a 50 miles per gallon fuel efficiency standard to take effect in 2031, 7 years from now, for those of you who are mathematically impaired. Yet another strong-armed incentive to move American drivers into an electric vehicle. The same vehicles that are languishing on dealer’s lots due to abysmal sales figures. They estimate that the new standard will save drivers an average of $600 in fuel costs over the vehicle's life. Seriously?  That’s it? What will it cost to purchase a vehicle with that kind of fuel efficiency, and is it possible that an SUV or a pickup truck of suitable size to satisfy the American public can meet the standard? Ultimately, the choice will be between a tiny, underpowered fuel, efficient fossil fuel burning vehicle or an exorbitantly expensive EV with, as of now, limited charging infrastructure and a grid that continues to deteriorate unless a miraculous breakthrough occurs in EV technology. Americans are facing a dim future of brownouts, limited mobility, government overreach, and punitive carbon taxes. And this sobering news in the shadow of an aging electric grid that is not poised to meet the increased demand.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Democrat Way

The more I listen to the democrats, the more apparent it becomes:  they want to control what you drive, how you drive, what you eat, what you cook with, what you heat your home with, how much energy you consume, where you live, the racial makeup of your community, where you travel… essence everything you do. Their goal is the 15-minute city mindset, where we live in government-controlled housing, and everything we need is within a 15-minute commute, a requirement because our government-mandated EVs don’t have enough range. They want a digital currency where all transactions are tracked and subject to denial. And it will all be managed by AI. What could go wrong? The end game is socialism, and ultimately it’s dystopian. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

NPR Weighs In

NPR’s slant on the Trump conviction was beyond the pale. Their pundits praised the expert prosecution, claiming the defense was fatally flawed and furthering the spin that justice was served. They also spent time setting up the sure-to-be campaign talking points that will appeal to independents and suburban females, that Trump was having an affair with a porn star while Melania was at home with her newborn son, recovering from the birth and at her most vulnerable state,  and thus was the reason why she was not present in the courtroom. And further reinforcing the claim that Trump engaged in the NDA not to protect Melania but to further his political ambitions. Suddenly, after years of attacking her, the left is suddenly concerned with Melania’s feelings using her as yet another cudgel against her husband. The left has no shame and will do anything to retain power; there is nothing beyond them.