Saturday, June 8, 2024

More Demagoguery

The Biden Administration just announced a 50 miles per gallon fuel efficiency standard to take effect in 2031, 7 years from now, for those of you who are mathematically impaired. Yet another strong-armed incentive to move American drivers into an electric vehicle. The same vehicles that are languishing on dealer’s lots due to abysmal sales figures. They estimate that the new standard will save drivers an average of $600 in fuel costs over the vehicle's life. Seriously?  That’s it? What will it cost to purchase a vehicle with that kind of fuel efficiency, and is it possible that an SUV or a pickup truck of suitable size to satisfy the American public can meet the standard? Ultimately, the choice will be between a tiny, underpowered fuel, efficient fossil fuel burning vehicle or an exorbitantly expensive EV with, as of now, limited charging infrastructure and a grid that continues to deteriorate unless a miraculous breakthrough occurs in EV technology. Americans are facing a dim future of brownouts, limited mobility, government overreach, and punitive carbon taxes. And this sobering news in the shadow of an aging electric grid that is not poised to meet the increased demand.

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