Thursday, October 10, 2024

Is There Anything Beyond These People

Trump derangement syndrome beyond the pale! The Democrats and their media minions have proceeded to portray  “The Donald,” the biggest baddest bogeyman of all times, representative of all things they purportedly despise: he’s a racist, he’s a misogynist, he’s a homophobe, he’s going to take away your healthcare, he’s going to separate immigrant children from their families, he’s going to give tax breaks to the rich, he’s a friend to dictators, and he is to be a dictator on day one of his presidency. And, of course, on cue, they are rolling out the old abortion playbook.  Accusing all the republican candidates of seeking a national abortion ban and even proposing a pregnancy registry to track them when, in fact, abortion rights groups are doing that now. This is nothing more than the throws of desperation from the Democrat Pols and their entrenched dark side D.C bureaucracy jobs being threatened.

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