Sunday, November 24, 2024

Brookings Institute

Did you read that article by Brookings on cutting government excess? Therein lies the problem. They are, despite all their “public policy think tank” propaganda, a leftist organization based in the swamp that sends 96% of their donations to the Democrats. Think all you want, Brookings, but you’re yet another progressive branch of the Democrat party, laying the foundation for more “fundamental change.”  As if that’s a good thing. In reality, you’re merely broadcasting what the left thinks. So when you do what Andrew Breitbart has accused the left of doing all along, ”they divide, they divide,” you pass it off as intellectual research and policy recommendations. This article is especially egregious. In analyzing election results, Brookings divided America along urban and exurban/rural lines, painting the 20% of the country by land mass that voted Democrat as being skilled, better educated, more diverse, and economically more productive, whereas the 80% that voted Republican being older, more white, less skilled, less educated, and “reverting” to “traditional” jobs in manufacturing and resource extraction that command a lesser salary. This kind of rhetoric can easily be read as pitting the intelligent, educated, cosmopolitan, diverse, more productive, youthful democrats against the backward, uneducated, old white folks toiling away in factories, farms, and mines at lesser salaries. What America is “becoming” as opposed to what it was—their words.

Interestingly, the left is all about inclusion unless you’re old, white, conservative, live in rural parts of the country, and don’t work at Google. You know, “those people,” clinging to their guns and religion,” the troglodytes. So said the gender studies major over “their” morning latte, most likely working from home. You want to generalize? It goes both ways, Brookings. But the underlying premise is that the urban coastal elites represent the future and should therefore guide us, is making the assumption that they are somehow omniscient, and being better educated and more productive gives them the right to rule over the ignorant masses that occupy the hinterlands. This is the stuff of Hunger Games, if you require a pop culture reference, and is precisely why the Founding Fathers installed the Electoral College.

Further, divisive rhetoric of this sort harkens back to the last time this country had a stark cultural divide between the progressive industrial north and the agrarian south that remained rooted in the past, where, aside from slavery, economics also played a pivotal role in the conflict. And that didn’t end well for some 852000 Americans. Yes, there are two Americas, and their demographics may be diverging, but each depends on the other, and our differences should not be exploited for political gain; rather, our common goals and aspirations should be celebrated. But as Americans, we have been provided a framework, and unless we choose to honor our Constitution and the rule of law, we are destined to become yet another failed empire. And in an increasingly dangerous world, we best decide who we are.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Same Old, Same Old

In perusing this morning’s news feed,  it appears that the Democrats have recovered their footing, after reeling and floundering after the election results, and are now back to plotting the resistance to sabotage the Trump administration.  They’ve learned nothing from their recent experience and appear willing to sacrifice our well-being economically and on the world stage to not just maintain power but, in moves that reek of schadenfreude, to assure that Trump fails in his efforts to make America great again. When we have the progressive mayor of Boston proclaim that she will resist federal authorities, and election officials in Pennsylvania openly proclaim that they have no intention of following the law after the state court found them to be in violation……we have a problem. But what to do when half our population, mainly the cultural elite living in coastal urban enclaves, openly defy the rule of law and seek to remake the country when ironically, by land mass, 80% of the country is conservative? And according to the Brookings Institute and the Wall Street Journal, these two disparate factions are diverging at a rate they call unsustainable. Sound familiar? It does not bode well for our future.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Remoters Are In A Panic

Reading the liberal comments on HuffPo…..hilarious. “My wife works from home and says she’s more productive than at the office without all the distractions.” Sure you are. And the managers defending their oversight by claiming that the Conservatives just don’t understand all the parameters and guidelines they put in place to gauge productivity, you DEI Woke disciples. With Elon and Vivek wielding an axe in their DOGE marching orders, panic is struck in the hearts of the bureaucratic layabouts.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Where Have Our Morals Gone

What a sad state of affairs when we celebrate “only” 93K overdose deaths because it’s down from 111K last year. The CDC points to fentanyl test strips and ready access to Narcan as being partly responsible for the downward trend. Isn’t that great? It’s not illicit drug use that’s decreasing; it’s our ability to prevent fentanyl overdose by testing our drugs before use and the ability to treat the overdose. The cartels and big pharmaceutical will be pleased to know that the demand for illicit drugs will continue unabated.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

The Losers

The rhetoric and posturing coming from the left in the wake of the Trump victory is bordering on the absurd.  Listening to Blue State Governor’s puff out their chests and proclaim to be defenders of “their people” is not only laughable but totally disregards the millions of citizens in those states who voted for Trump….and not just voted for Trump but voted against their candidate and their progressive agenda.  All it takes is an electoral map to realize that based on land mass, this country remains overwhelmingly conservative, and these governors are appealing only to city dwellers and urban areas of population density more likely to harbor the cultural elite and those that suckle at the government teat.  Behold the wisdom of the Electoral College.  As an example, Kathy Hochul, the decidedly botoxed and intellectually vapid governor of New York, followed in her predecessor Andy Cuomo’s divisive footsteps by calling Trump voters “anti-American” and possessing values that are not consistent with those of the state of New York.  I realize that Ms. Hochul is likely mathematically impairedas are most democrats when faced with statistical reality, but newsflash: 44.2% of the citizens of New York cast their ballots for Donald Trump, nearly 9 million of your constituents who you are casting aside as insignificant or as Cuomo said “not welcome here.  Nice.  No wonder the state of New York continues to see a population exodus, mostly from upstate regions where the perpetually progressive state administration continues to dump their trash, their prisons, their wind farms, and their solar panels all to benefit their wealthy downstate donors so they can virtue signal at the next Met Gala


And then we have Esquire magazine representing the mainstream media, an insignificant publication trolling for readership and validity, who just today opined: “Needless to say, a Republican superfecta—Presidency, Senate, House, SCOTUS—would be an extinction-level event for a lot of the best things about the country, and for the actual humans who depend on those things.” Seriously, an extinction-level event?” Like opening our borders and increasing global conflicts and potentially dragging us into another boots-on-the-ground debacle courtesy of the Warhawks and bumbling incompetence in the Biden-Harris administration wouldn’t be detrimental to our well-beingWhere have you been the last four years? Meanwhile, in the real world, Iran and Putin have already struck conciliatory tones in response to Trump merely being President-elect, and European leaders have called en masse to congratulate him, presumably breathing a collective sigh of relief.  And if “a lot of things” means your transgender ideology, forgiving student loan debt, pouring billions of dollars into corrupt foreign regimes, appeasing our enemies, more social programs, bigger government, price fixing, redistribution of wealth, and non-sensical green new deal policies while defunding the police, decriminalizing theft, decimating our military and our standing on the world stage, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. 


So, enough with the rhetoric. Let’s try unity for a change. Recall Trump won both the Electoral College and the Popular Vote, something Republicans haven’t accomplished in 20 years.  The media and blue state governors cannot simply dismiss more than half the population of the country.  We just spent the entire election cycle with the progressives and their media cabal claiming Trump was somehow a “threat to democracy” and how he ”refused to accept the results of a free and fair election,” yet here you have it, democrat elected officials and their sycophants in the media rejecting over half the electorate.  We are the majority.  We have a mandate. To deny it is divisive and that Kathy Hochul is anti-American.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Sweet Realty Of It All

I  am thoroughly enjoying watching the progressive media’s talking heads explode. Joy Reid calling the Harris campaign “flawless”……twice in one rant….was hilarious. Flawless, except for her astounding failure to win, of course. And what exactly made it flawless?  Parading Oprah and Beyonce on stage?  Sure, keep doing that. Yet the left keeps doubling down, continuing to roll out celebrities and the cultural elite to call us “stupid,” misogynistic, or, at the least, failing to comprehend what the sophisticated democrats can offer us common Americans. Spin it all you want; it’s another way of calling us stupid. Demi Moore committed the ultimate sin, criticizing America while on foreign soil, calling us “Puritans, religious fanatics and criminals.”  No wonder Bruce dumped her. Of course, she was not so much politicking rather on her high horse praising the French for their superior sexual mores and celebrating the human body as an art form. Ahem. She may not recall that even the sexually liberated French have a 16-week abortion ban. This criticism of American culture comes from yet another Hollywood genius who made a career not in intellectual pursuit but in flashing her flesh on the big screen. And from the political class, we get Lloyd Doggett, democrat representative from Texas, whining that they must take the House as a check to the Republicans winning the Senate and the Presidency to prevent the “erosion of freedoms” and the “march towards fascism.”  Really Lloyd? As I recall, the only party that was suggesting censorship and Marxist-style price fixing, along with mass redistribution of wealth, was yours. And I’m referring to the definition of fascism as “authoritarian, intolerant or oppressive ideas or behavior.” It doesn’t have to be “right-wing,” as you leftie nitwits try to spin it. In your case, it’s intolerance of capitalism and any ideas that don’t align with your progressive agenda. So, let your progressive heads continue to explode as a source of endless entertainment for the garbage class. You know, the deplorables, clinging to our guns and religion.  But the American people have spoken, and the mirage of capturing gains in specific racial, gender, or level of education categories evaporated, with Trump overperforming across the board, even amongst your much touted white female demographic. And after four years of listening to the left call American men misogynists, racists, homophobes, and suffering from testosterone poisoning, we came out in force in support of Donald Trump, and that was across all racial lines. Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff did not resonate as the new examples of American masculinity. Our vote of no confidence in Kamala Harris had nothing to do with misogyny but was a rejection of her policies, her mannerisms, her word salads, and how she conducted herself and her campaign. So how about this: we gave you four unhindered years of Biden-Harris, basically an extension of the 12 years in which the Obama administration fundamentally changed America by dividing America, and this is the result. Rejection of your policies and your vision for America. Here’s a novel idea: give Trump four years without lawfare, sham impeachments, and petty attacks on him, and allow him to work with Congress to fulfill his promise to Make America Great Again. Let’s see what he can do. The majority of Americans have spoken. Why don’t you listen this time? And if he fails, vote him out. It’s the American way. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Donald

Whew, it was touch and go there for a while. So, all is not lost; there is still hope that we can right this floundering ship of state! Not to gloat, but: To all the editorial staff of the Atlantic, The Daily Beast, Variety, Huffington Post, Slate, Rolling Stone, NPR, the entire mainstream media cabal, and all of Hollywood-, after having been beaten down, insulted, belittled, and marginalized, the American man with all his quirks, real and contrived is back. And we, the people, have spoken!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


I have succumbed to a doom and gloom scenario. In that it seems the Conservatives are adopting a “the republic can survive this too” attitude, throwing in the towel. But can we this time?  The leftist mice have been nibbling away at our framework for decades, and this next little bite may be the one that brings the whole structure crashing down. We have had our Conservative administrations acting as speed bumps on the roadway to socialism in the past, but never have we faced the prospect of never seeing a Conservative administration again; such is the plan for packing the court, eliminating the filibuster, and welcoming DC and Puerto Rico as states to add four more progressive senators to the cabal. We have also never seen presidential powers at such a zenith where the executive order is an effective end-around the legislative branch. A mere decade ago, would you ever have considered an open border, defunding the police, decriminalizing drugs and theft, men participating in women’s sports, or taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery for illegal aliens?  With 78% of respondents saying the country is on the wrong track, with the world upside down, a Harris Walz administration is not the solution. I’m bummed!