In perusing this morning’s news feed, it appears that the Democrats have recovered their footing, after reeling and floundering after the election results, and are now back to plotting the resistance to sabotage the Trump administration. They’ve learned nothing from their recent experience and appear willing to sacrifice our well-being economically and on the world stage to not just maintain power but, in moves that reek of schadenfreude, to assure that Trump fails in his efforts to make America great again. When we have the progressive mayor of Boston proclaim that she will resist federal authorities, and election officials in Pennsylvania openly proclaim that they have no intention of following the law after the state court found them to be in violation……we have a problem. But what to do when half our population, mainly the cultural elite living in coastal urban enclaves, openly defy the rule of law and seek to remake the country when ironically, by land mass, 80% of the country is conservative? And according to the Brookings Institute and the Wall Street Journal, these two disparate factions are diverging at a rate they call unsustainable. Sound familiar? It does not bode well for our future.
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