Despite being accused of driving America towards socialism, it’s hard to believe that Biden would double down and appoint an ivy league Marxist as Comptroller of the Currency. Even Janet Yellen was against this appointment. As reported in the WSJ, Cornell University law professor Saule Omarova graduated from Moscow State University on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship and “still believes that the Soviet economic system was superior.” You just can’t make this stuff up. She openly supports government control over worker’s wages, citing the USSR having achieved gender wage equality through state oversight. But such regulation would be a trickle compared to the deluge of government overreach that she proposes. Asset prices, pay scales, capital, credit, and “systemically important financial assets” as well as the formation of a “National Investment Authority” to finance, you guessed it, a climate agenda is all part of her grand plan according to the WSJ editorial. Even more frightening is the proposal for a “Public Interest Council” made up of “highly paid” (her quote not mine) academics to supervise financial regulatory agencies. That’s highly paid with your money, incidentally. So not only will the government reach deep into the financial sector with Soviet-style oversight, but the newly minted bureaucracy will be made up of a bunch of leftist academic wonks. And this on the heels of the Biden Administration sneaking into their $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill the requirement for banks to report all transactions in your personal accounts that exceed $600 to the IRS. And where’s the outrage? This is not just a violation of your 4th Amendment rights, but a Soviet-style takeover of our economy that reaches into your savings. Anyone lulled into complacency, believing the democrats’ simplistic bumper sticker slogans like “tax the rich,” “pay your fair share,” or “build back better” are succumbing to a smoke and mirror game, convincing you to walk in lockstep with their march towards socialism. American Marxism is here, and best you recognize the threat before it’s too late, comrade.
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