I don't understand where Biden and the Progressives are trying to take us; what is their motivation? I can't imagine that these DC ensconced employees of ours in their guise as public servants and elected officials can be so out of touch with we the people, yet be so in touch with the malcontents, anarchist, socialist among us. Their numbers keep growing exponentially no matter which political party is in power. Our Consitution once had assured, we the people, were the prime movers in determining the fate of our nation and that of its citizenry. Still, somehow that authority has been wrested away from us in political deception. We have lost touch with who we are, what we Americans are supposed to be, what the United States of America has been and stood for in the international community of nations. We've turned inward, consuming ourselves in division and mistrust, demonstrated in lawlessness and social disobedience. Reality has been replaced with aberrations of a socialist state free of all social and economic strife and angst. It isn't going to happen, people; it has been tried the world over in various versions, never sustained.-, it simply doesn't work. How many times am I going to have to say it? It's abhorrent to human nature. What will it take for us to realize this Republic of ours is as good as it's going to get! Those illegal emigrants penetrating our borders know it.
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