Listening to NPR on my way to work this morning almost prompted to drive into a bridge abutment. Today's propaganda exercise was interviewing Georgians in growing suburban counties of Atlanta. One red, one blue. Artful editing allowed them to feature a transplanted white liberal who claimed that the issues that would affect her vote were “the big lie” and abortion rights. Seriously sweetie, have you put gas in your car recently? Have you been to the grocery store? They also disparaged Redistricting that “allowed” legislators in Republican controlled states to construct districts to favor republicans. No mention if the blue states that gave engaged in gerrymandering to such an extent that the courts had to intervene. New York ring a bell? And of course the “great replacement” got air time as well in the wake of the Buffalo shooting. On one hand they ridicule it as preposterous right wing conspiracy theory but in the next sentence congratulate themselves on the influx of immigrants from Latin America that has changed the demographics of the district. Call it what you will, but your hypocrisy is showing. The last laugh may be that the Hispanic vote is not as blue as you suspect with conservative values and religion resulting in many immigrants leaning Republican. And as a parting shot they did manage through leading questions put to one immigrant from Venezuela to compare Trump to the strongman dictator Maduro. Remind me again why my tax dollars fund NPR. Oh yeah, to act as a vasopressor.
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