Nothing illustrates the democrats’ agenda for undermining the second amendment more than the fact that Chuck Schumer blocked a Republican proposal to establish federal school safety standards, instead countering that they should support further gun control legislation. There you have it. Safety is not the issue; incremental laws to prevent access to firearms with the ultimate goal of a European-style gun ban is more what they have in mind; always has been. Never mind the overwhelming evidence that clearly shows that gun laws are ineffective, rarely enforced and only serve to inconvenience the law-abiding. Abortion, gun control, January 6, white supremacy, tax and spend. Blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile in other news, our economy contracted in the last quarter, inflation hit a 40 year high, gas prices are at record levels, the stock market flirted with the bear, our southern border remains porous, we are sending tens of billions to Ukraine, North Korea is lobbing missiles into the sea, and we have to import baby formula. Oh yeah, and Hillary was behind the Russia collusion scam. Nothing but crickets from the media. My America is disappearing before my eyes!
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