I was listening to NPR this morning, masochist that I am. They were interviewing a cross-section of people, asking them their number one issue in choosing a president this fall. The Republicans were consistent with the border, inflation, and the economy as their deciding issues. The democrats were, as expected, influenced by the narratives they’ve been fed in the media. Trump as a “threat to democracy” was high on the list, as was abortion. One woman went on at great length about how she views Trump as better for the economy but is not willing to vote for a short-term economic gain over the potentially devastating loss of democracy. What? You’ll have to explain that one to me without invoking the out-of-context “tyrant on the first day” quip. How ridiculous. And then there are the truly mentally deficient voting solely with their uteruses.
One woman said abortion was her only issue in deciding which candidate to vote for. So, not being able to put food on the table, find a job, and pay the mortgage are all secondary considerations to your access to an abortion, a procedure that may be difficult to obtain in some locales but often accessible with a simple road trip. I have friends who drive two hours to see a dentist. Get a grip. So, in this age of polling, it will be interesting to see if Bill Clinton’s “it’s the economy stupid” mantra has seen its day in the sun. Or will the democrats heed the polls and double down on “democracy” and “abortion rights” as their headlining campaign issues? Of course, they will; they have nothing else to run on!
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