This morning NPR was crowing about Biden’s overwhelming support amongst college-educated white women and his posting a 20% lead in the polls with college-educated white men. They surmised that the reason was abortion, followed by January 6 and, of course, Trump’s abrasive personality. How disappointing…. yet another depressing yet predictable sign of the times. It is generally accepted that women vote with their uterus first and foremost. Go ahead, call me a misogynist, but facts are facts. Witness the demise of the red wave in 2022, largely attributed to the democrats running the tried and true abortion issue up the flagpole shortly before the midterms. And they’re at it again. It’s their only viable game plan. And you continually allow the leftist media to manipulate you. Calm down. Nobody is going to take away your ability to get an abortion in America despite Arizona recently going off the rails. Sure, some states may restrict access, but other blue states may make it even more accessible. That’s up to the voters in those states, as it should be. Roe v Wade was overturned on legal grounds, turning the issue over to the states where it belongs. Hate him all you want, but Trump got that right in his recent comment, the one that gave the media fodder to rile up you mentally deficient liberals once again. And another thing, over 60% of Americans support limiting abortion to 16 weeks. In other words, the first trimester. And why do you think that is? Because medical science has shown that 16 weeks is when the developing fetus can feel pain. Dismembering a fetus after that is barbaric. Aren’t you the same activists that get upset with force-fed geese, caged chickens, and milk-fed veal? If you aren’t responsible enough to get your act together at three months, you should have your tubes tied, you heathens. Lest you pass on your flawed set of chromosomes to another generation. Even the French understood the 16-week limit and made it law. Mon Dieu. But I digress. What happened to the white college-educated American male that he now votes and presumably thinks like his female counterpart? That hasn’t ever been a thing. Men were traditionally the breadwinners, concerned about the economy, business, the labor market, and stock market performance. Suddenly, the media is telling us that the educated man is all about abortion rights and upset that Trump posts mean tweets. He’s a sensitive guy in skinny jeans. Really? And we wonder why sperm counts are at an all-time low amongst white males. Masculinity is becoming a rare commodity, shunned and condemned in polite society. The media has gone so far as to label it “toxic.” Upwards of 70% of our youth can’t even qualify to serve in the military, unable to pass the entrance exam or meet physical standards for fitness. It’s embarrassing. But there may be more to it than that. College-educated white males are more likely to be cubicle workers, blue-collar workers, workers tied to their computer screens. They are more likely to be higher wage earners living in the city or the suburbs. We’re talking about your BMW-driving yuppie types, more likely to spend a day at the spa or on the golf course rather than brush-hogging the back forty. They’ve been divorced from their hunter-gatherer roles for so long that they’ve morphed into a more feminized version of a man, made soft by being fed a liberal college education, no military service, and a job devoid of manual labor. They are comfortably affluent, so much so that they can afford to support liberal policies that have resulted in historic inflation with painful price increases at the supermarket and the pump. Their privileged upbringing and cushy lifestyle, coupled with the media’s incessant barrage of DEI and the demonization of white men for all our social ills, has led to the development of white guilt, alleviated only through overcompensation by virtue signaling. Thus, the support for all things DEI, and indeed everything these days qualifies. Your very existence is a result of white privilege, your suburban community lacks diversity, your salary is disproportionate to women in similar positions, your business doesn’t employ enough people of color, you consume more fossil fuels than minority communities, you consume climate killing quantities of meat, you drive a gas-guzzling SUV, you take vacations that consume resources and your air travel pollutes the environment from airports that reside in lower-income communities in cities that were built by slave labor in an America built on the backs of people of color, stolen from the indigenous. Yadayada. Demagogue much? So what’s a man to do other than morph into that shadow of a man that you see frequenting the line at the local Starbucks to buy an iced caramel macchiato on his way to the abortion rights march. My body my choice. Uh-huh. Maybe that’s why Biden opened the southern border. To get an infusion of machismo into America. We certainly could use it, especially amongst college-educated white men.
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