Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Are You Kidding Me

The Wall Street Journal’s Bill McGurn reported that should Biden step aside, Kamala Harris is the “favored replacement,” according to a Bloomberg/Morning Consult Poll. He goes on to outline how Ms. Harris would fare in a head-to-head matchup against Donald Trump in seven swing states, where Harris trails the former president by 3 (Michigan) to 10 points (North Carolina). McGurn goes on to claim that Ms. Harris is a liability as a result of her dejection based solely on identity politics. Sure, I agree, but I think McGurn is missing a larger point: After nearly four years of cackling, nonsensical word salad with virtually no accomplishments, embarrassing this country repeatedly on the world stage, she is ONLY trailing Trump by 3 to 10 points. Hell, the margin of error in these polls usually hovers at plus or minus 3 to 5 percentage points, therefore making nearly half the swing states potentially a dead heat. So my question is: even in light of Mr. Trump’s foibles, who in their right mind would elect Kamala Harris, a train wreck unfolding before our eyes, to lead the nation?  Have we become so hopelessly partisan, or perhaps so vehemently anti-Trump, that half the voters in swing states would support Harris at the head of the Democratic ticket? This country is indeed at the edge of a precipice. 

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