Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hochul’s Follies

And now we have Kathy Hochul, fresh off her “black children don’t even know what the word computer means” comment, calling Trump supporters “clowns” and recently opining on the Israel-Hamas conflict and getting sideways with both Palestinian supporters within her own party and the Jewish community as well. With the middle class exiting New York in unprecedented numbers, the totally out-of-touch Governor continues to engage in the Biden exercise of opening her mouth and producing gaffe after gaffe. Just this year alone, she has suggested banning gas stoves, internal combustion automobiles, fossil fuel-fired home heating appliances, and reducing speed limits presumably, as one FOX contributor observed, to slow down the exodus from her heavily taxed and regulated state. And anyone with her Botox distorted facial features and goofy speech delivery should seriously reconsider calling anyone else a clown, let alone the prominently black and Hispanic crowd that showed up at his rally in the Bronx. Oops. Yet she has been on a tear recently making headlines, no doubt feeling the heat as the grandstanding State AG Leticia James nips at her heels with an eye on the Governor’s mansion. What a legacy New York has left us. From Elliott Spitzer and his penchant for prostitutes to Andrew Cuomo’s allegations of sexual misconduct, we are left with the positively vacuous Kathy Hochul, a glaring example of the Peter Principle, potentially challenged by an activist attorney general who based her entire campaign strategy on persecuting Donald Trump. Only in New York. Let the exodus continue. 

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