Monday, July 15, 2024

Truth Be Known

Why is there such vitriol spewed at Trump and such a concerted effort to take him down by leftist partisans?  Why has the left given birth to the “never-Trumpers,” a phenomenon never before seen in politics?  Can you imagine ranks of never-Obama or never-Biden voters receiving such idolization by the media? Why is he such a threat to the left?  It's simple math, really. Bear with me for some statistics: The government employee ranks have swelled to 19 million. Studies show that not only do they make more money than equivalent jobs in the private sector, but they also receive better benefits and retire earlier, and only 4% of them work in an office setting. And they’re rarely fired. Yes, that’s correct. 96% of government employees continue to work from home. How productive. In some states, such as Rhode Island, the largest employer in the state……is the state, which is why Elon Musk suggested firing 94% of government employees, thus adding to the ire he receives from the left. In your average election, 66% voter turnout is the norm. 37% of the population is eligible to vote. In a country of 330 million people, that translates to 80 million voters casting a ballot. Therefore, 19 million government workers, if they all voted, would account for 24 percent of the vote. And which party do you think they overwhelmingly support?  Hidden in the Trump agenda and likely to be visited in a second term was a policy that would allow all government jobs to be assessed and hiring/firing practices to fall under the purview of the President. In other words, deep state positions, regardless of the agency or who appointed them, are subject to review by the President. And before you howl, please note that it was originally designed this way changed in the late 1800s. How can you have government employees with guaranteed positions who do not answer to the current administration?  Can you imagine business operating in this fashion? Look how well the system has worked for the teacher’s union, where a complete disconnect exists between salary, benefits, and job performance. Trump is a threat to the status quo, a businessman who wants to run government efficiently and productively like a business. And that’s a threat to the entrenched bureaucracy. The same bureaucracy that produced career politicians like Pelosi, Biden, Feinstein, (Harry) Reid, and Obama who all made their fortunes in politics on a government salary. 

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