Sunday, December 8, 2024

Showing My Age And Bias

I caught myself lamenting the destruction of our culture with a total degradation in our intelligence and taste in music. The WSJ ran an article marveling at the success of Taylor Swift, who surpassed Michael Jackson for an era of dominance in the music industry.  The stunning statistic is that Swift alone commands a significant portion of the market, a figure greater than the entire jazz genre. How depressing. Jazz musicians mastering their craft and toiling in obscurity are overwhelmed monetarily and culturally by a Tina Turner wannabe in a sequined bathing suit and go-go boots who belts out juvenile pop tunes about her failed relationships. She has neither the moves nor the voice of Tina Turner. What she has is technology: a pitch shifter and a hoard of marketing executives preying on our phenomenally brain-dead youth. It’s not music anymore in this age of video, Instagram, and audience participation. How far we’ve fallen. I am just saying.

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