Thursday, February 6, 2025

Breitbart Observation

This morning, Slater on Breitbart was still marveling at the amount of taxpayer money that vanishes into thin air. Today, he was railing about an $8 million study on menthol cigarettes and lesbians. Really? You wonder why DC is the most expensive zip code in the country, he lamented.  It’s because they’re all grifters. He lumped academia into the same category. Why is a college education, four years to attain a worthless degree, so expensive in this country?  Because universities are essentially taxpayer-funded. We supply government-backed student loans….government backed because no bank in the world would bankroll $250K for a four-year degree in gender studies……and then we subsidize these useless research studies with exorbitant grant rewards. The university skims its take-off the top. You really think a study on menthol cigarettes and lesbians will cost $8 million?  Of course not. The lion’s share of that is going to the university and professor salaries, who spend it as they see fit. The whole system is a scam. Let’s hope Elon ends the taxpayer-funded gravy train and makes education affordable again.

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