Monday, February 3, 2025

Can You Believe This

This morning, Mike Slater on Breitbart defended Elon Musk and DOGE for suggesting that we trim 80% of the federal workforce and reduce government waste. Naturally, the status quo supporters objected vehemently and tended to be former government employees. But in addition to grants supporting such important research as shrimp running on treadmills…really, that’s a thing….DOGE has uncovered non-government NGOs that receive money from the federal government but are not actually the government,  despite doing the bidding of a particular administration. As an example, Slater offered the Lutheran Family Services, an NGO that, despite their innocuous name, re-settles immigrants in the US. An immigrant runs it from Sri Lanka, a former Big Mike Obama and John Kerry staff member. As CEO, she receives a salary of seven hundred thousand dollars annually.  Why is this an essential service paid for with tax dollars?  Possibly for the same reason, we send $50 million to supply condoms to Gaza. Or funding USAID with $72 billion that “assists (foreign) countries whose residents are recovering from disaster or trying to escape poverty” when here at home, we seemed unable or unwilling to provide aid to the citizens of East Palestine and North Carolina. We are only two weeks into the Trump Administration, and DOGE has already uncovered massive government funding for projects and causes that fail to benefit Americans. Yet, the left continues to rail against Trump's policies and Musk’s audit of government spending. Why would anyone object to eliminating the wasteful expenditure of tax dollars? And why is Elon doing the job of Congress? Shouldn’t they control the purse strings? But the resistance continues unabated, which leads us back to the question as to why. Has the money seeped so deeply into the layers of bureaucracy that turning off the spigot will send the whole network crashing down, or is the government so thoroughly corrupt that it fears what else will be uncovered?

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