Thursday, August 29, 2024

Double Talk

For the wealthy politicians, who have gotten theirs through nefarious government-sanctioned malfeasances, it’s easy to be benevolent to the great unwashed when you can be magnanimous with other people’s money, we the people's money. And, of course, they also have license to print as much money as they’d like: the potential results, hyperinflation, and debt. Don’t you get it, and again I say, the Democrats are encouraging you to be all you can be, get a job, and work hard so that the government can redistribute your earnings to those who have not. It’s a death spiral to Socialism.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Don't Be Gullible

It’s so infuriating when the Democrats come up with these catchy, populist slogans that simplistically seek to frame complex problems. “A woman’s right to choose,” “climate change,” “Medicare for all,” “pay your fair share,” and “price gouging” are all populist concepts that appeal to low-information voters. All of them, Madison Avenue constructs to sell progressive ideas that require complex analysis and even more complex solutions. Call it what it is: Progressive propaganda, the end-game Socialism!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Incorrigibles

The economic stupidity inherent in the Harris/Welz policy on “price gouging” is unfathomable. So let me get this straight: two socialist flunkies of limited intelligence who have never worked a day in the private sector in their lives have crafted a series of policies that increase corporate taxes, increase the wages of workers, support unions, who ultimately increase salaries and benefits for those workers, while simultaneously they print more money and flood the market by spending it, causing historic levels of inflation that further increases overhead costs, then they criticize businesses who raise their prices to offset the increase in overhead that they created. Did I get that right?  The rallying cry to eliminate price gouging is yet another bumper sticker slogan brought to you by Marxist simpletons trying to appeal to the uninformed. This could be the most anti-business candidate in history, producing policies that will destroy our economy and, ultimately, the country. You, democrats, want “fundamental change”.  Be careful what you wish for. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Penance For ILL-Gotten Gains

These old Democrat dinosaurs like Schumer, Sanders, and Pelosi seem intent on sitting back on their accumulated wealth and nuke the whole system, capitalism, healthcare, and our constitution, on their way out the door. They are untouchable. Why is that?  They clearly benefited from insider trading and capitalism. They just don’t want you to do it. So, is their plan to preserve the oligarch class as an exclusive club and not allow new members?  Is guilt driving them to attempt to “give back” to the masses some of their ill-begotten wealth? Of course, by giving back, I don’t mean their wealth…..I mean yours. Will that make them sleep better at night? Do they think turning this country into a socialist nanny state will cement their legacy? It will if they win. After all, the winners write the history.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

DNC Smoke And Mirrors

It’s the entire Democrat party wrapping themselves in flags and claiming patriotism at the NDC when their agenda is pure Socialism. Now, co-opting Republican themes. It’s a sham, and Conservative never-Trumpers yearning for the days of Reagan are mesmerized by their tactics, a contrived media extravaganza with the sole purpose of masking their flawed Harris/Welz presidential candidates. It just shows you how gullible they think we are. And as for the ever-blaring Springsteen “National Anthem” Born in America, has anyone read its lyrics, they are anything but patriotic.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Empire Failed

What is so frightening the Democrat base hails from three camps: 1. well-off virtue signalers unconcerned about higher taxes, 2. union or government workers whose sweetheart deals more than offset a tax increase and whose retirement is not dependent on a 401K or savings and lastly 3. the entitlement class dependent on government programs. And lest we forget, as we’ve already established, 20% of likely voters are government workers. Throw in the unions and the welfare recipients, and that’s an overwhelming voting block that just keeps getting bigger. We are on the slow slide into becoming yet another failed empire, eaten from within. What’s really frightening is when we are gone, what will fill the vacuum?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Michelle The Fallen Saint

Michelle Obama demonstrated outrageous hypocrisy when she declared in her speech Tuesday night at the DNC that her mother warned her about greed and people who have too much. Apparently, Michelle, you feel the value of your real estate holdings, Netflix and Amazon deals, your book sales, amounting to well over $200 million, and the egregious fact that you own a $15 million spread on Martha’s Vineyard, a DC mansion appraised at $8.1 million, a NYC apartment appraised at $1.45 million, a Chicago mansion appraised at $2.4 million as well as an oceanfront Hawaii property recently purchased for $8.7 million Is not what your mother meant as  too much? Give me a break, Michelle, and you tag Trump the evil rich guy, the monopoly man, but Nancy Pelosi, the Bidens, Liz Warren, the Clintons, Bernie Sanders, and you, the Obamas,  all who made your money in politics are somehow immune to criticism, are thought of as not having too much by your mother’s standards?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

DNC Theater

It’s become such theater. Reading a pre-prepared speech off a teleprompter written by a team of writers. How spontaneous. We are in the age of Obama, a guy who was reduced to incoherent babbling when his teleprompter went down and he was forced to ad-lib. But still widely viewed as a brilliant orator. Hardly. Kamala even produced a “rally” on a sound stage, with a hundred extras cheering wildly behind her with tight shots and multiple camera angles highlighting her ability to pose and look presidential as she read her lines. They’re all Robert DeNiro: brilliant actors on the stage but when off script, nothing more than empty suits. No depth, no substance, and only marginally intelligent performers. How will that play on the world stage?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Out The Posers

Trump’s campaign has to be more aggressive in exposing these posers for who they are. For example, Harris is a socialist to the core, as is Walz, and their policies have been catastrophic whenever and wherever applied. Buttigieg, as mayor of South Bend, his performance was pedestrian at best, and as transportation secretary has been a total disaster. AOC, yet another fabricated persona pretending to have the sensitivity of a Chiquita from the hood when, in fact, she’s an architect’s daughter from tony Westchester and the Donaid says,”she has spark.” Gimme a break. And we have the POTUS himself, Scranton Joe, a fabricated political operative with fifty years of disservice to the republic. Trump may be an abrasive, pompous ass on occasion, but at least he’s not pretending to be something he’s not. And, as president, in four short years distinguished himself as both an accomplished legislator   and diplomat.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The WSJ Disappoints

The Wall Street Journal should come with a complimentary prescription for an anti-depressant. Such is the state of news today.  Never particularly enthralled with Mr. Trump’s candidacy, they are prone to fanning the flames by praising Kamala Harris’ lightening campaign tactics of reading from a teleprompter, flip-flopping on the issues posing, and hiding from media interviews while criticizing the Trump campaign’s response to it all. And as a backdrop, the world continues to burn. Assuming, and I’m basing this on photographs alone, Joe Biden is more intent on lounging on the Rehoboth beach sand, you have to wonder exactly who is at the helm. With Iran capable of producing a nuclear weapon within weeks, their proxies launching ballistic missiles at Israel and her allies, the war in Ukraine raging, China making provocative moves against Taiwan, we pause to reflect. Domestically, inflation continues to simmer, the cost of living has increased dramatically, the housing market remains unaffordable, and the economy teeters on poor job growth while Ms. Harris shows a penchant for saying anything to appeal to voters regardless of whether it contradicts her record or virtually everything she has said about policy since she emerged as a contender for the presidency in 2019. That goes for the progressive Pillsbury doughboy currently assuming the role as her running mate. We know your stance on increasing taxes, on implementing universal healthcare, on open border policies, and disastrous Green New Deal initiatives, regardless of what you read off the prompter or whatever word salad you will concoct on the rare occasion that you are required to speak extemporaneously. The disaster is there in the making, just requiring the American public to swallow this slick and devious blitzkrieg campaign plan. So, in the most cynical way, as we lurch towards a socialist state, allow me to help get there faster and be done with it. I hereby cast my vote for Kamala. Let the socialists own it. For the rest of you conservatives: Build a bunker, stock up on ammo and food, convert your cash to gold, buy iodine tablets, and ride out the impending storm. Maybe take lessons in Mandarin. Hunker down because it’s a coming. And it’s going to be a rough ride. World War III, global jihad, economic collapse, or just the unfettered joy of living under the oppressive yoke of socialism. Perhaps all of the above. Pick your poison. And who do you want to inherit the guaranteed disaster that the left has created?  Certainly not DJT, who inevitably will be blamed for the catastrophe. Let Kamala and her minions have it. We will be there to pick up the pieces…..if there are any left to be picked up!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Democrat Genius

The democrat genius here is that of timing. They’ve known Joe is impaired for quite some time, as well as knowing Kamala is a seriously flawed candidate whose only attribute is appearance: she is the left’s high-value person of color, and a female one at that, thus checking two out of the three coveted DEI boxes. Thus, the strategy has been to hide Joe from public view, parry the criticism of the limited gaffes they’ve allowed him to have, then, when the time was right, thrust him into the spotlight on the debate stage and let America see for themselves just how far his cognitive abilities have deteriorated, supplying the evidence to justify the back room deal that resulted in his removal. Cold-hearted calculus. Now, with Harris at the top of the ticket and only 90 days until Election Day, they know they will ride a wave of enthusiasm that comes from the announcement of her coronation, followed by her naming a running mate, followed by the national convention, all events that produce a bump in the polls. But this time, it’s happening so late in the election cycle that the public has little time to get over the excitement and watch the inevitable reveal of Harris’ incompetence and policy that would have occurred in a protracted run-up to the election. The 90 days are actually closer to 60…..two months….with early voting, another democrat ploy to shorten our exposure to the candidate, happening in some states nearly one month prior to November 5. And the second part of the plan is already implemented. Harris is never far from her teleprompter; she has eschewed interviews and has not been questioned by the media. Her ads are scripted and staged, and there is no room for improvisation. We are being exposed to a media construct of Harris, designed to hide her biggest flaw….her inability to convey her thoughts and policies. So the media and her handlers will do it for her. The appearance of moving to the center, the abandonment of her most radical policies on gun control, abortion, healthcare, and the environment. No word, of course, on foreign policy or the economy because she has no plan. If the Democrats succeed in these smoke-and-mirror tactics and are able to hide the real Kamala from public scrutiny, aided by a complicit mainstream media, we will have ourselves the most radical, progressive president in history. As well, if succeeded we are doomed!