Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The WSJ Disappoints

The Wall Street Journal should come with a complimentary prescription for an anti-depressant. Such is the state of news today.  Never particularly enthralled with Mr. Trump’s candidacy, they are prone to fanning the flames by praising Kamala Harris’ lightening campaign tactics of reading from a teleprompter, flip-flopping on the issues posing, and hiding from media interviews while criticizing the Trump campaign’s response to it all. And as a backdrop, the world continues to burn. Assuming, and I’m basing this on photographs alone, Joe Biden is more intent on lounging on the Rehoboth beach sand, you have to wonder exactly who is at the helm. With Iran capable of producing a nuclear weapon within weeks, their proxies launching ballistic missiles at Israel and her allies, the war in Ukraine raging, China making provocative moves against Taiwan, we pause to reflect. Domestically, inflation continues to simmer, the cost of living has increased dramatically, the housing market remains unaffordable, and the economy teeters on poor job growth while Ms. Harris shows a penchant for saying anything to appeal to voters regardless of whether it contradicts her record or virtually everything she has said about policy since she emerged as a contender for the presidency in 2019. That goes for the progressive Pillsbury doughboy currently assuming the role as her running mate. We know your stance on increasing taxes, on implementing universal healthcare, on open border policies, and disastrous Green New Deal initiatives, regardless of what you read off the prompter or whatever word salad you will concoct on the rare occasion that you are required to speak extemporaneously. The disaster is there in the making, just requiring the American public to swallow this slick and devious blitzkrieg campaign plan. So, in the most cynical way, as we lurch towards a socialist state, allow me to help get there faster and be done with it. I hereby cast my vote for Kamala. Let the socialists own it. For the rest of you conservatives: Build a bunker, stock up on ammo and food, convert your cash to gold, buy iodine tablets, and ride out the impending storm. Maybe take lessons in Mandarin. Hunker down because it’s a coming. And it’s going to be a rough ride. World War III, global jihad, economic collapse, or just the unfettered joy of living under the oppressive yoke of socialism. Perhaps all of the above. Pick your poison. And who do you want to inherit the guaranteed disaster that the left has created?  Certainly not DJT, who inevitably will be blamed for the catastrophe. Let Kamala and her minions have it. We will be there to pick up the pieces…..if there are any left to be picked up!

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