Monday, August 26, 2024

Penance For ILL-Gotten Gains

These old Democrat dinosaurs like Schumer, Sanders, and Pelosi seem intent on sitting back on their accumulated wealth and nuke the whole system, capitalism, healthcare, and our constitution, on their way out the door. They are untouchable. Why is that?  They clearly benefited from insider trading and capitalism. They just don’t want you to do it. So, is their plan to preserve the oligarch class as an exclusive club and not allow new members?  Is guilt driving them to attempt to “give back” to the masses some of their ill-begotten wealth? Of course, by giving back, I don’t mean their wealth…..I mean yours. Will that make them sleep better at night? Do they think turning this country into a socialist nanny state will cement their legacy? It will if they win. After all, the winners write the history.

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