Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Incorrigibles

The economic stupidity inherent in the Harris/Welz policy on “price gouging” is unfathomable. So let me get this straight: two socialist flunkies of limited intelligence who have never worked a day in the private sector in their lives have crafted a series of policies that increase corporate taxes, increase the wages of workers, support unions, who ultimately increase salaries and benefits for those workers, while simultaneously they print more money and flood the market by spending it, causing historic levels of inflation that further increases overhead costs, then they criticize businesses who raise their prices to offset the increase in overhead that they created. Did I get that right?  The rallying cry to eliminate price gouging is yet another bumper sticker slogan brought to you by Marxist simpletons trying to appeal to the uninformed. This could be the most anti-business candidate in history, producing policies that will destroy our economy and, ultimately, the country. You, democrats, want “fundamental change”.  Be careful what you wish for. 

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