Monday, September 16, 2024

Rigged Debate (Part 3)

Davis ( Kamala’s sorority sister) correcting Trump on his abortion assertion that unwanted viable late-term babies may be allowed to die under democrat proposals is yet another example of bias, with reports clearly indicating a minimum of 5 botched abortions in which the infants survived the procedure, and were allowed to die on the table when medical intervention was withheld. These five incidents were all in Minnesota, where Tim Walz was governor, and both Walz and Harris have voted against Republican-sponsored bills that required life-saving measures to be instituted in such cases as when the baby survives the abortion attempt. However, no correction was forthcoming from the panel, and Trump missed the opportunity to riposte effectively. He appeared rattled and frustrated, and rightfully so, as Kamala was repeatedly allowed to skate without correction. Out-of-context democrat talking points that have been, as the Democrats say about all of Trump's assertions, “debunked”  were leveled with impunity. The Charlottesville “good people” comment was not about Nazis,  the “bloodbath” comment was referencing what would happen to the US auto industry under EV mandates, and the Heritage Foundation produced the 2025 Project with no input from, or affiliation with, Donald Trump. Yet all three accusations by Harris resulted in no corrections, redirection, or request for clarification from the moderators. Disgraceful. And Harris’s assertion that she and Walz are gun owners and have no intention of banning guns was an alternate reality coming so close on the heels of her well publicized proposals for “mandatory” gun buy-back programs and an outright ban on so-called “assault weapons.”  Again, crickets from the moderators left Trump to howl in the wind. And with so many examples of policies that she contradicted in this debate performance, and indeed, performance is what it was, how can the moderators disavow knowledge of her position on the issues when there have been so few? The only explanation can be either journalistic malpractice or partisan bias on the parts of Muir and Davis. This is a shameful example of the state of journalism in America. But it was a win for Harris, a dirty win based on style and not substance, with all the condescending facial expressions adored by her proponents, which only galvanized her detractors. Interestingly, a study showed in real time how her antics caused her positive appraisal to soar amongst hardened supporters, but independents tracked in lockstep in a downward spiral alongside Republicans. We know nothing more about her policies and have no idea what “opportunity economy” even means, let alone how she plans to institute it. Like doling out $50,000 to small business start-ups is going to counter her potentially disastrous tax proposals. And how will Marxist style price fixing and taxing unrealized capital gains provide any opportunity at all? Besides, I can guess which businesses will selectively receive that 50K handout. And suggesting that Goldman-Sachs, after having been bailed out by government funds in the last recession, and a mysterious cadre of “award-winning” economists are somehow to be trusted to approve her economic plan over Trump’s is laughable at best. Tell me again about her vast experience in the private sector. And if Trump has been called unhinged, what can you possibly make of her comment that she supports legalization of the sex trade because, after all, “nobody gets hurt,” and it’s between “consenting adults.”Really?  What meager policy proposals of hers that have leaked out, spell disaster for the economy and the financial viability of the middle class. Taxation and anti-business policies will cripple investment and take the stock market with it, draining retirement savings and 401Ks. Coupled with the prediction that social security may face a 21% reduction in payouts by 2033 while our Medicaid rolls continually expand, along with a myriad of poorly managed government programs for the poor, and with the injection of some $20 million unskilled immigrants into the country we have the making of a toxic brew to explode government spending and kill the economy. 1929 will be dwarfed in both scale and severity in a Venezuelan-style collapse of historic proportion. I understand that liberals, obsessed with firsts, especially the first woman of color, are blinded by the blitzkrieg style Harris campaign and an intense, media-fueled criticism of all things Trump. But choose wisely. Harris is a radical candidate not deserving of the title of first woman president, and with the world on fire, now is not the time to take a chance on destructive domestic policies that will cripple America when the world needs us most.

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