Saturday, September 7, 2024

Say It Isn’t So

I can't believe that Dick Cheney is endorsing Kamala Harris for President. Or maybe I can. I always respected the elder Cheney for his foreign policy chops and his steely debating skills, even though his daughter was afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome and turned out to be a political hack who now stumps for the left.  But a stalwart conservative icon endorsing a socialist? Say it isn’t so. I have to be missing something. There has to be a bigger picture because something’s amiss here? Is there a bigger game being played, a game of three-dimensional chess of which we are unaware? Could it be that the deep state is threatened by Trump? Is the entrenched military-industrial complex concerned that the cash flow spigot feeding foreign wars and conflicts would be shut off by a Trump presidency?  Is there a deep state club of political power brokers of which Trump is not a member who benefits from keeping him out of the White House?  Is the economy and our domestic well-being secondary considerations to maintaining power and wealth of the elite political class? Is Harris the most malleable puppet the deep state political elite can manipulate? And not to be a conspiracy theorist, but consider the timing of such a defection by a steadfast Republican family from deep red Wyoming, coming on the heels of an assassination attempt on Harris’ political rival where the investigation has yielded nothing more than what appears to be a perfectly timed and alarmingly incompetent performance by the Secret Service as well as a peculiar ability of the shooter’s financially strapped family to retain one of the most prominent and exclusive defense attorneys in the country. Hmmm. 

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