Sunday, September 15, 2024

Rigged Debate ((Part2)

The media is in full attack mode with all their B-list bird cage liners like Slate, Axios, Daily Beast, and HuffPo leading the charge to call Trump’s rambling description “unhinged” and his theory “debunked.”  And yet there exists credible evidence that this immigrant pet-eating story may actually be true, despite no corroborating confirmation from” authorities.”  Reports have surfaced from Springfield, OH, residents that their pets, dogs, and cats have vanished, with at least one witness to the result. Further, when JD Vance jumped into the fray, he suffered the same ridicule after reporting that geese were being plucked from ponds and consumed. Superficially, it may sound far-fetched, if not preposterous, especially to those who reside in those tony suburban enclaves in deep blue states. But alas, Springfield, population 60,000, has been besieged by Haitian immigrants estimated to be near 20,000…one-third of their population

stressing their “social safety net,” to quote city officials. Now, I’m sure there are plenty of Haitian immigrants who are fine people seeking a better life, but recall the current condition of Haiti, which has devolved into chaos with such gang kingpins as “Barbecue,” so named because of his penchant for burning his opposition alive. They say you get the government you deserve, and Haiti is a mess. Why?  Sorry to state the obvious, but because it’s full of Haitians. Statistically, not all of these immigrants are going to be swell people. Especially with a predominantly male influx. And let’s recall a relatively recent event that occurred in the primarily middle-class Syracuse, NY suburb of Manlius in 2023, where three Burmese immigrant teens stole four baby swans, cygnets killed the mother, and served her up as a Memorial Day feast for their family. The swans had been a fixture at a town park and were protected by a fence that the teens breached at 3 AM, which indicates both premeditation and subterfuge. Naturally, in liberal NY, it was dismissed as a “clash of cultures” with the teens “unaware of the significance of the swans” and that they thought they were “large ducks,” didn’t realize they were town property, and intended to raise the cygnets as pets with no intention of eating them. Uh-huh. The 18-year-old ringleader received just three years probation and community service.  Of course, he did. It's just a big misunderstanding. Nothing to see here. Pass the Tabasco. 

So, however, you want to rationalize this nonsense, no matter how absurd you may think it sounds… has happened before. Why should Springfield be immune?

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