Friday, January 31, 2025

RFK Disappoints

I was pulling for RFK to succeed in his confirmation hearing, if not just to shake things up in the swamp, but he certainly didn’t do himself any favors in that exchange with Liz Warren. I’m no fan of hers, but as the WSJ opined in yesterday’s editorial, his refusing to recuse himself from pursuing any litigation against the pharmaceutical industry while simultaneously running the Department of Health and Human Services is indeed a disqualifier.  We have enough government officials on the other side of the aisle enriching themselves with insider information. We can’t allow that sort of nonsense in our camp, and to do so would be hypocrisy…..and hypocrisy is the exclusive purview of the left. Disappointing that in this line of questioning , RFK came across as yet another swarmy attorney. That we don’t need.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Duping Of The U.S

It goes against common sense that all these public school districts in sanctuary cities are vowing to protect their illegal immigrant students from immigration enforcement. According to the Education Department, you know the Federal Bureaucracy that keeps producing lower test scores and poorer outcomes for our public school students, every child “regardless of immigration status” is “entitled to an education.”  Entitled. You mean the children who are draining funds and resources from educating our citizen students, bogging down classrooms with language barriers, adding English as a second language to the curriculum, and, as has become fashionable as of late, feeding them breakfast and lunch at taxpayer expense. Most likely, they are the children of immigrants who don’t own property in the school district and are not paying school taxes. I don’t recall anyone asking me how my school taxes….the largest line item in my property tax bill…..are spent. And I don’t even have any school-age children because this level of global socialism isn’t what I had in mind. 

It seems like the American taxpayer, according to Democrat policy, is nothing more than the world’s cash cow. Domestically, we are expected to fund the importation, education, care, and feeding of unskilled immigrants, pay for the healthcare and living expenses of our own poor, and on the international stage, send exorbitant checks to countries that hate us, and we continue to shell out cash to disproportionately fund corrupt world organizations like the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and NATO. And, lest we forget we pay the salaries of perhaps society's most unproductive members: government workers and suspect career politicians. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Columbia Denmark Rebuke

Columbia has to recognize that they’re a third-world nation and better find a way to capitulate to Trump’s agenda. The same goes for the Danish official who told Trump to F--k off. Denmark, with a population of just under six million, is known for its grit in resisting Russian incursions, but the Danes are long past their Viking heritage having any impact on the world stage. Face it: the US drives the world economy, and it’s refreshing to have a businessman president who recognizes that fact and is willing to deploy it as leverage.

Friday, January 24, 2025


The Golden Globe awards are so patently ridiculous. California is burning and yet the Hollywood bunch so self- absorbed that they continue to reward themselves lavishly with gift bags worth tens of thousands of dollars and lgold trophies. The film with the most nominations, for comedy or musical, Emilia Pérez, is about the leader of a Mexican drug cartel who enlists the help of an attorney to fake his own death and transition into a woman. And it’s a musical.  Come again? Remember the good old days when adultery was risqué, then they moved on to homosexuality, and now transgender themes are in vogue.  Makes you wonder what’s next. Talk about out of touch. 

Hegseth Interrogation

Hegseth is off to the hill today. Once again, the obstructionist democrats are voting en Bloc, and we have in support the usual suspects, those two RINO jackasses Collins and Murkowski, potentially blowing the whole thing up. And all this because Pete, in his macho soldiering days, chased women and drank in excess. Heavens. We would have to fire virtually all our special forces by those standards. The two loudest accusers are an ex-wife and her sister, who happens to be the ex-wife of Pete’s brother. Gee, I wonder if these bitter divorcees have an axe to grind. But break out the smudged oversized eyeglasses because here we go again.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Democrat Projection

We have pointed out on numerous occasions the adage that if you want to know what subterfuge the Democrats are up to, you simply have to take note of the accusations that they are hurling at Republicans. The shrinks like to call this projection. Yet on his way out the door, the cynical, bitter, vindictive, and patently corrupt Joe Biden issued this statement, perhaps his most preposterous example of hypocrisy:  “I believe in the rule of law,” said the man who graduated at the very the bottom of his law school class, “But baseless and politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on the lives, safety, and financial security of targeted individuals and their families,” even when they “have done nothing wrong and will ultimately be exonerated.”  Good riddance, Joe. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Let The Games Begin

The leftist media, mainly the second-tier birdcage liners, was in full-throated glee this morning, fact-checking and criticizing everything Trump signed, said, and what the family members wore. Only the fashion-dull Jill Biden received praise for her attire as well as Usha Vance, who frankly could have worn a burlap sack as the media sees her, despite being bright and accomplished, as merely an opportunity as a person of color who may not be fully onboard with MAGA policy. The fashion-forward and perpetually elegant Melania and Ivanka were savaged for their fashion choices, as expected. The one factual description was for the appropriately attired Kamala Harris in a black ensemble zip-up, too casual and forgettable for the occasion, a lot like her campaign. Thankfully, Big Mike Obama failed to make an appearance, sparing us from lavish praise for her questionable fashion choices. And then there was Trump himself, in stark contrast to his predecessor, fielding mostly hostile questions while simultaneously signing executive orders in the Oval Office, parrying, sparring, and toying with the media. 78 years young at 10 PM after a long inauguration day and still sharp, quick on his feet, launching into the job and taking more questions in his first hours in office than Biden did in four years. An impressive display.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Justice Unserved

So Biden, on his way out the door, issued pardons for Milley, Fauci, Liz Cheney, and scores of Jan6 investigators…..all partisan traitors who flaunted our laws to gain power over the opposition. If they are all innocent, why are pardons necessary? And why shouldn’t they be persecuted and subjected to hearings by the opposition just as Trump was? Shouldn’t the public know Fauci’s role in the COVID pandemic?  And shouldn’t history's most “transparent administration” be willing to give us that information? Remind me, who said, “Elections have consequences?”

Thursday, January 16, 2025

On The Fashion Side

Wow. AOL/Huffington Post ran an article entitled “The 29 Best Inauguration Outfits of All Time” by Joel Calfee of Bazaar Magazine.  Another partisan with questionable judgement to add to the list of miscreants. His best-dressed list included the usual suspects, such as Jackie Kennedy, and a host of celebrities, such as Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce. It stooped so low as to include Hillary Clinton (twice) and Big “Mike” Obama (twice as well). Recall her hideous yellow sparkly train wreck she threw together in 2009, long before she apparently hired a stylist as part of the largest First Lady staff ever. Yuck. Republican bones were thrown to Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan, but the list, also including Eleanor Roosevelt, was a bit of a stretch. The glaring omission?  Melania Trump of course, who was simply at another level for her blue ensemble in 2016. They even included Doug Emhoff’s “model” daughter as well as Jill Biden. But to leave out the stunningly attired and poised Melania Trump is just another example of the leftist media being petty, tone-deaf, and having questionable fashion sense. Not nice. Pantsuit anyone?

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Public Servants

Alas, remember the days when a government job was low paying but with the promise of early retirement and good benefits?  Now they have it all. It has been shown that employment in the private sector no longer pays as much as the equivalent job in the public sector. And as we have witnessed, there appears to be no accountability in those government jobs. Do the incompetent ever get fired for poor performance?  Never. Not to detract from the tragedy of the disastrous California wildfires, but it was disclosed that the LA firefighter’s average salary is $200K with an additional $90K in benefits, retiring at 55 years of age with 90% of their final salaries. They are no longer considered conscientious public servants but highly paid public employees exorbitantly and unconditionally rewarded by us, the private sector taxpayers, via quasi-philanthropic politicians to garner approval and votes.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Lost My Cool

Recently, I had the displeasure of attending a conference as an observer that turned into a Trump-bashing session. The conference was primarily attended by retired State and Federal employees. In closing the session, the moderator announced that he hoped there weren’t any “Trumpers” in the room, but if there is one, stand up and be counted! I usually fly under the radar on these occasions, but I had enough and said, “Right here, there is at least one.” All the usual nonsensical Democrat arguments had preceded: he’s a jackass, he’s a convicted felon, he’s a rapist, he’s anti-gay, he’s anti-abortion, he wants to drill everywhere, he’s going to destroy the environment, he’s going to start a war, he wants to invade Greenland, he’s going to pardon all the January sixers, yadayadayada. How can anyone in their right mind support him? They were rabid. So, in other words, they don’t like him personally, I ger that, but the fictional embellisment? So in rebuttal I offered ,so many words: It is the economy, people! Some of us in the private sector and owners of small businesses are getting taxed out of existence and facing unsustainable regulations, and we don’t have the benefit of state and federal pensions with built-in cost of living increases. Do you want to know where my retirement subsidy comes from? You’are looking at him. The expression on their faces told me I was persons non grata. Oh, well, I gave it a shot.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Give Me A Break

Press conferences featuring the Mayor and the Fire Chief of Los Angeles praised the department for DEI initiatives and for expanding the number of LGBTQ+  and female recruits into their ranks. They also praised themselves for making the LA fire department an “example to the world” for their commitment to DEI and fighting climate change. Nowhere was their ability to fight fires or to prevent them mentioned. The level of political absurdity in California is mind-boggling. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Carbon Neutral Hypocrisy

The Democrats running California are being exposed for the fools they are. Billions of dollars were proposed to convert the port of Los Angeles to carbon neutrality when they simultaneously cut the firefighting budget and failed once again to conserve rainwater, build more reservoirs, and manage their forests,  resulting in forest fires spewing millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere. All in the subterfuge of saving, endangered species. How are those crispy critters doing now? Such hypocrisy. This conflagration isn’t because of climate change; this disaster is because of stupidity. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

A Party Of Masochist

I agree that in the initial reconciliation package of pork that the Democrats tried to ram through at the close of the last session, Johnson was far too conciliatory, which irked the party's ultra-conservative wing. Face it: any Democrat legislation that passes will result in increased spending, mostly spending that will expand government. If we want to affect change and support the Trump agenda, we must adopt a harder stance and demonstrate consistency in our policies. But why can’t the Republicans ever do what the Democrats have turned into an art form? They meet behind closed doors where they hash it out, do their arm-twisting, and emerge as a unified front without airing all their dirty laundry in public. The Republicans insist on bickering in broad daylight, a habit that makes us look divided and weak, giving the mainstream media more fodder to feed their partisan attacks. And to hold out and potentially allow the minority to install their candidate as speaker, in this case, the reprehensible dead-eyed Hakeem Jeffries, is an act bordering on treason. How is it that the state of New York continues to produce such blatantly partisan, self-serving, and sometimes just morally corrupt, power-hungry hacks as Schumer, Spitzer, Cuomo, Nadler, AOC, Hochul, Alvin Bragg, Leticia James, Sheldon Silver, Eric Schneiderman and now Jeffries, who apparently is unaware of the concept of audio recordings where he can be heard vacillating in his policies and criticisms to suit the most recent polling data. Maybe Bobby Kennedy can get to the bottom of it. Be it vaccines, microplastics, pollution, or nutrition, there’s something wrong with the health of New Yorkers, the candidates, and the citizenry who continues to vote them into office.