Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Duping Of The U.S

It goes against common sense that all these public school districts in sanctuary cities are vowing to protect their illegal immigrant students from immigration enforcement. According to the Education Department, you know the Federal Bureaucracy that keeps producing lower test scores and poorer outcomes for our public school students, every child “regardless of immigration status” is “entitled to an education.”  Entitled. You mean the children who are draining funds and resources from educating our citizen students, bogging down classrooms with language barriers, adding English as a second language to the curriculum, and, as has become fashionable as of late, feeding them breakfast and lunch at taxpayer expense. Most likely, they are the children of immigrants who don’t own property in the school district and are not paying school taxes. I don’t recall anyone asking me how my school taxes….the largest line item in my property tax bill…..are spent. And I don’t even have any school-age children because this level of global socialism isn’t what I had in mind. 

It seems like the American taxpayer, according to Democrat policy, is nothing more than the world’s cash cow. Domestically, we are expected to fund the importation, education, care, and feeding of unskilled immigrants, pay for the healthcare and living expenses of our own poor, and on the international stage, send exorbitant checks to countries that hate us, and we continue to shell out cash to disproportionately fund corrupt world organizations like the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and NATO. And, lest we forget we pay the salaries of perhaps society's most unproductive members: government workers and suspect career politicians. 

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