The leftist media, mainly the second-tier birdcage liners, was in full-throated glee this morning, fact-checking and criticizing everything Trump signed, said, and what the family members wore. Only the fashion-dull Jill Biden received praise for her attire as well as Usha Vance, who frankly could have worn a burlap sack as the media sees her, despite being bright and accomplished, as merely an opportunity as a person of color who may not be fully onboard with MAGA policy. The fashion-forward and perpetually elegant Melania and Ivanka were savaged for their fashion choices, as expected. The one factual description was for the appropriately attired Kamala Harris in a black ensemble zip-up, too casual and forgettable for the occasion, a lot like her campaign. Thankfully, Big Mike Obama failed to make an appearance, sparing us from lavish praise for her questionable fashion choices. And then there was Trump himself, in stark contrast to his predecessor, fielding mostly hostile questions while simultaneously signing executive orders in the Oval Office, parrying, sparring, and toying with the media. 78 years young at 10 PM after a long inauguration day and still sharp, quick on his feet, launching into the job and taking more questions in his first hours in office than Biden did in four years. An impressive display.
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