Friday, January 31, 2025

RFK Disappoints

I was pulling for RFK to succeed in his confirmation hearing, if not just to shake things up in the swamp, but he certainly didn’t do himself any favors in that exchange with Liz Warren. I’m no fan of hers, but as the WSJ opined in yesterday’s editorial, his refusing to recuse himself from pursuing any litigation against the pharmaceutical industry while simultaneously running the Department of Health and Human Services is indeed a disqualifier.  We have enough government officials on the other side of the aisle enriching themselves with insider information. We can’t allow that sort of nonsense in our camp, and to do so would be hypocrisy…..and hypocrisy is the exclusive purview of the left. Disappointing that in this line of questioning , RFK came across as yet another swarmy attorney. That we don’t need.

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