Saturday, December 28, 2024

NYC Follies

Can you believe this nonsense in NYC, where they won’t release the Guatemalan illegal immigrant who burned a woman alive on the New York subway to ICE because they are a “Sanctuary City?” They are likely protecting this miscreant for fear that the Feds will seek the death penalty, whereas New York is content to let him serve life in prison without parole. With maximum security prisons spending more than $50,000 a year to house and feed these animals, and assuming this 33-year-old has a normal life expectancy of, say another 50 years, this puts the taxpayers on the hook to the tune of 2.5 million dollars to pay for someone who shouldn’t have been in this country in the first place. Where is the logic in this thimking ?

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Courting Disaster

Can you imagine our debt burden has exceeded $33 trillion, and its service of $1 trillion exceeds that of our military budget, a sure indicator we are teetering on the brink of financial disaster? DOGE can't come soon enough! And its toll on budget “Pork” and government management inefficiencies surely will evoke a considerable hue and cry from the establishment. Still, we must persevere lest we burden our children’s children with an insurmountable existential threat to their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness as Americans.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Merry Christmas

Happy holidays to all, and thank you, readers, who have tolerated my incessant ranting and raving over the state of our Republic. Admittedly, I was losing confidence in our citizenry's grasp of our dire straights, that our elected officials on both sides of the aisle were leading us down a path of inevitable disaster, that Donald Trump, the anointed voice of decent, was crying in the wind, and that the enormity of righting our ship of state was beyond us. Then came the elections of November! Hope springs eternal. Our old values held out at the ballot box. Socialism, DEI, and the Woke movements were vanquished. The electorate took a breath and turned back toward constitutional guidance in our governance. Initially, we will be in a damage control posture with the promise of financial, physical, and international reforms being legislated and acted upon, a united United States to emerge representative of its former domestic and international self. Happy New Year!

Friday, December 20, 2024

Shut It Down!

I’m getting sick of the Democrats threatening to shut down the government and blame it on the Republicans. It's the same old tired playbook. Oh, the horror. So a few checks won’t go out, and you won’t be able to visit a National park over the holidays, but other than that, our government will continue to function, albeit the definition of function is subject to scrutiny, especially after leaks from the Biden administration show our commander in chief to have been incapacitated starting early in his term. And when the shutdown is over, our pampered employees will receive back pay anyway. So enough with the threats, and go ahead and shut it down. Maybe our representatives in Congress will have time to read the 1200-page omnibus spending package they’re trying to ram down our throats.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Exhorbinate Wages

Breitbart had their media expert on this morning talking about the future of mainstream media and cable news. The most glaring example was Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, who has been reduced from twice weekly to a single show but only saw her salary reduced from $30M to $25M while her viewership is less than 1mil tuning in, somewhere around 800,000. Compare this to Jesse Watters, who has drawn 4-4.5 million viewers to his show on FOX. Similarly, all the big names, Anderson Cooper, Morning Joe, and Jake Tapper, are all less than 1mil viewers, with CNN as low as 5O,000, which equates to 10,000 per state. The Food Network has more viewers. And they all command exorbitant salaries: $12M for Cooper, $4M for Tapper, and $8M for Morning Joe. At $12M a year, Watters appears to be giving FOX the best return on investment. How exactly is this sustainable, and what network shareholder would approve of Maddow’s salary?

Monday, December 9, 2024

AOC Ever The Race-Baiter

It would appear Jurisprudence in NYC trying to dissuade its detractors in Daniel Penny being acquitted on charges of homicide. Yet Congresswoman AOC thinks she is intellectually and morally superior to the jury of her fellow New Yorkers. She is another reprehensible race-baiting hypocrite following the Obama playbook, hectoring the common folks who have to deal with destructive government policies while she rubs elbows with the political elite and feathers her own nest. Least she forgot there were Blacks and Latinos trapped in that subway car being threatened by a deranged homicidal drug addict. Yet, Penny will undoubtedly be subjected to further legal harassment via a Civil Suit. DA Allen Bragg is a disgrace 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Showing My Age And Bias

I caught myself lamenting the destruction of our culture with a total degradation in our intelligence and taste in music. The WSJ ran an article marveling at the success of Taylor Swift, who surpassed Michael Jackson for an era of dominance in the music industry.  The stunning statistic is that Swift alone commands a significant portion of the market, a figure greater than the entire jazz genre. How depressing. Jazz musicians mastering their craft and toiling in obscurity are overwhelmed monetarily and culturally by a Tina Turner wannabe in a sequined bathing suit and go-go boots who belts out juvenile pop tunes about her failed relationships. She has neither the moves nor the voice of Tina Turner. What she has is technology: a pitch shifter and a hoard of marketing executives preying on our phenomenally brain-dead youth. It’s not music anymore in this age of video, Instagram, and audience participation. How far we’ve fallen. I am just saying.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Here We Go Again

This Hegseth nomination looks doomed, or at best destined for a Kavanaugh-style spectacle where the democrats will resort to their tired old playbook and parade a succession of distraught female victims in front of a Senate committee with the cameras rolling. The moral of the story is that you shouldn’t mess with the gravy train, which is the military-industrial complex. That’s their cash cow. There’s that; apparently, non-disclosure agreements aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. And even email correspondence with your mom isn’t all that private. This is not to say that Hegseth isn’t a flawed candidate with a history of womanizing, failed marriages, and boozing. Check, check, and check. But like Blasey-Ford before her, their star accuser has a story full of holes. With husband and child waiting for her in a hotel room, why exactly did the female conference attendee in question choose to go bar hopping with keynote speaker Hegseth and a group of star-struck women?  All the while texting her husband about what a scumbag she thought Hegseth was. And why did she, after engaging in a heated argument with a “visibly intoxicated” Hegseth, did she choose to accompany him back to his hotel room?  And suggesting that she somehow “blacked out” while claiming not to have been drunk, how did she suddenly become lucid with Hegseth on top of her?  Is she implying that the intoxicated Hegseth was somehow able to slip her a Mickey?  And if so, why would she have accepted a drink, and how would the drunken Hegseth be able to surreptitiously concoct the potion?  Too many questions. But the democrats will smudge up a set of giant spectacles and coach her through a senate investigation, hoping to tip the balance in the republican majority chamber. 

Monday, December 2, 2024


Isn’t it amusing listening to democrats whine that Trump’s choice of Kash Patel as director of the FBI is only because he “agrees with Trump that the DOJ should serve to punish, lock up and intimate [his] political opponents?” Remind me again exactly what the DOJ has been doing for the Democrats the last four years. Hypocrisy reigns supreme.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Brookings Institute

Did you read that article by Brookings on cutting government excess? Therein lies the problem. They are, despite all their “public policy think tank” propaganda, a leftist organization based in the swamp that sends 96% of their donations to the Democrats. Think all you want, Brookings, but you’re yet another progressive branch of the Democrat party, laying the foundation for more “fundamental change.”  As if that’s a good thing. In reality, you’re merely broadcasting what the left thinks. So when you do what Andrew Breitbart has accused the left of doing all along, ”they divide, they divide,” you pass it off as intellectual research and policy recommendations. This article is especially egregious. In analyzing election results, Brookings divided America along urban and exurban/rural lines, painting the 20% of the country by land mass that voted Democrat as being skilled, better educated, more diverse, and economically more productive, whereas the 80% that voted Republican being older, more white, less skilled, less educated, and “reverting” to “traditional” jobs in manufacturing and resource extraction that command a lesser salary. This kind of rhetoric can easily be read as pitting the intelligent, educated, cosmopolitan, diverse, more productive, youthful democrats against the backward, uneducated, old white folks toiling away in factories, farms, and mines at lesser salaries. What America is “becoming” as opposed to what it was—their words.

Interestingly, the left is all about inclusion unless you’re old, white, conservative, live in rural parts of the country, and don’t work at Google. You know, “those people,” clinging to their guns and religion,” the troglodytes. So said the gender studies major over “their” morning latte, most likely working from home. You want to generalize? It goes both ways, Brookings. But the underlying premise is that the urban coastal elites represent the future and should therefore guide us, is making the assumption that they are somehow omniscient, and being better educated and more productive gives them the right to rule over the ignorant masses that occupy the hinterlands. This is the stuff of Hunger Games, if you require a pop culture reference, and is precisely why the Founding Fathers installed the Electoral College.

Further, divisive rhetoric of this sort harkens back to the last time this country had a stark cultural divide between the progressive industrial north and the agrarian south that remained rooted in the past, where, aside from slavery, economics also played a pivotal role in the conflict. And that didn’t end well for some 852000 Americans. Yes, there are two Americas, and their demographics may be diverging, but each depends on the other, and our differences should not be exploited for political gain; rather, our common goals and aspirations should be celebrated. But as Americans, we have been provided a framework, and unless we choose to honor our Constitution and the rule of law, we are destined to become yet another failed empire. And in an increasingly dangerous world, we best decide who we are.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Same Old, Same Old

In perusing this morning’s news feed,  it appears that the Democrats have recovered their footing, after reeling and floundering after the election results, and are now back to plotting the resistance to sabotage the Trump administration.  They’ve learned nothing from their recent experience and appear willing to sacrifice our well-being economically and on the world stage to not just maintain power but, in moves that reek of schadenfreude, to assure that Trump fails in his efforts to make America great again. When we have the progressive mayor of Boston proclaim that she will resist federal authorities, and election officials in Pennsylvania openly proclaim that they have no intention of following the law after the state court found them to be in violation……we have a problem. But what to do when half our population, mainly the cultural elite living in coastal urban enclaves, openly defy the rule of law and seek to remake the country when ironically, by land mass, 80% of the country is conservative? And according to the Brookings Institute and the Wall Street Journal, these two disparate factions are diverging at a rate they call unsustainable. Sound familiar? It does not bode well for our future.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

The Remoters Are In A Panic

Reading the liberal comments on HuffPo…..hilarious. “My wife works from home and says she’s more productive than at the office without all the distractions.” Sure you are. And the managers defending their oversight by claiming that the Conservatives just don’t understand all the parameters and guidelines they put in place to gauge productivity, you DEI Woke disciples. With Elon and Vivek wielding an axe in their DOGE marching orders, panic is struck in the hearts of the bureaucratic layabouts.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Where Have Our Morals Gone

What a sad state of affairs when we celebrate “only” 93K overdose deaths because it’s down from 111K last year. The CDC points to fentanyl test strips and ready access to Narcan as being partly responsible for the downward trend. Isn’t that great? It’s not illicit drug use that’s decreasing; it’s our ability to prevent fentanyl overdose by testing our drugs before use and the ability to treat the overdose. The cartels and big pharmaceutical will be pleased to know that the demand for illicit drugs will continue unabated.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

The Losers

The rhetoric and posturing coming from the left in the wake of the Trump victory is bordering on the absurd.  Listening to Blue State Governor’s puff out their chests and proclaim to be defenders of “their people” is not only laughable but totally disregards the millions of citizens in those states who voted for Trump….and not just voted for Trump but voted against their candidate and their progressive agenda.  All it takes is an electoral map to realize that based on land mass, this country remains overwhelmingly conservative, and these governors are appealing only to city dwellers and urban areas of population density more likely to harbor the cultural elite and those that suckle at the government teat.  Behold the wisdom of the Electoral College.  As an example, Kathy Hochul, the decidedly botoxed and intellectually vapid governor of New York, followed in her predecessor Andy Cuomo’s divisive footsteps by calling Trump voters “anti-American” and possessing values that are not consistent with those of the state of New York.  I realize that Ms. Hochul is likely mathematically impairedas are most democrats when faced with statistical reality, but newsflash: 44.2% of the citizens of New York cast their ballots for Donald Trump, nearly 9 million of your constituents who you are casting aside as insignificant or as Cuomo said “not welcome here.  Nice.  No wonder the state of New York continues to see a population exodus, mostly from upstate regions where the perpetually progressive state administration continues to dump their trash, their prisons, their wind farms, and their solar panels all to benefit their wealthy downstate donors so they can virtue signal at the next Met Gala


And then we have Esquire magazine representing the mainstream media, an insignificant publication trolling for readership and validity, who just today opined: “Needless to say, a Republican superfecta—Presidency, Senate, House, SCOTUS—would be an extinction-level event for a lot of the best things about the country, and for the actual humans who depend on those things.” Seriously, an extinction-level event?” Like opening our borders and increasing global conflicts and potentially dragging us into another boots-on-the-ground debacle courtesy of the Warhawks and bumbling incompetence in the Biden-Harris administration wouldn’t be detrimental to our well-beingWhere have you been the last four years? Meanwhile, in the real world, Iran and Putin have already struck conciliatory tones in response to Trump merely being President-elect, and European leaders have called en masse to congratulate him, presumably breathing a collective sigh of relief.  And if “a lot of things” means your transgender ideology, forgiving student loan debt, pouring billions of dollars into corrupt foreign regimes, appeasing our enemies, more social programs, bigger government, price fixing, redistribution of wealth, and non-sensical green new deal policies while defunding the police, decriminalizing theft, decimating our military and our standing on the world stage, then you need to reevaluate your priorities. 


So, enough with the rhetoric. Let’s try unity for a change. Recall Trump won both the Electoral College and the Popular Vote, something Republicans haven’t accomplished in 20 years.  The media and blue state governors cannot simply dismiss more than half the population of the country.  We just spent the entire election cycle with the progressives and their media cabal claiming Trump was somehow a “threat to democracy” and how he ”refused to accept the results of a free and fair election,” yet here you have it, democrat elected officials and their sycophants in the media rejecting over half the electorate.  We are the majority.  We have a mandate. To deny it is divisive and that Kathy Hochul is anti-American.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Sweet Realty Of It All

I  am thoroughly enjoying watching the progressive media’s talking heads explode. Joy Reid calling the Harris campaign “flawless”……twice in one rant….was hilarious. Flawless, except for her astounding failure to win, of course. And what exactly made it flawless?  Parading Oprah and Beyonce on stage?  Sure, keep doing that. Yet the left keeps doubling down, continuing to roll out celebrities and the cultural elite to call us “stupid,” misogynistic, or, at the least, failing to comprehend what the sophisticated democrats can offer us common Americans. Spin it all you want; it’s another way of calling us stupid. Demi Moore committed the ultimate sin, criticizing America while on foreign soil, calling us “Puritans, religious fanatics and criminals.”  No wonder Bruce dumped her. Of course, she was not so much politicking rather on her high horse praising the French for their superior sexual mores and celebrating the human body as an art form. Ahem. She may not recall that even the sexually liberated French have a 16-week abortion ban. This criticism of American culture comes from yet another Hollywood genius who made a career not in intellectual pursuit but in flashing her flesh on the big screen. And from the political class, we get Lloyd Doggett, democrat representative from Texas, whining that they must take the House as a check to the Republicans winning the Senate and the Presidency to prevent the “erosion of freedoms” and the “march towards fascism.”  Really Lloyd? As I recall, the only party that was suggesting censorship and Marxist-style price fixing, along with mass redistribution of wealth, was yours. And I’m referring to the definition of fascism as “authoritarian, intolerant or oppressive ideas or behavior.” It doesn’t have to be “right-wing,” as you leftie nitwits try to spin it. In your case, it’s intolerance of capitalism and any ideas that don’t align with your progressive agenda. So, let your progressive heads continue to explode as a source of endless entertainment for the garbage class. You know, the deplorables, clinging to our guns and religion.  But the American people have spoken, and the mirage of capturing gains in specific racial, gender, or level of education categories evaporated, with Trump overperforming across the board, even amongst your much touted white female demographic. And after four years of listening to the left call American men misogynists, racists, homophobes, and suffering from testosterone poisoning, we came out in force in support of Donald Trump, and that was across all racial lines. Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff did not resonate as the new examples of American masculinity. Our vote of no confidence in Kamala Harris had nothing to do with misogyny but was a rejection of her policies, her mannerisms, her word salads, and how she conducted herself and her campaign. So how about this: we gave you four unhindered years of Biden-Harris, basically an extension of the 12 years in which the Obama administration fundamentally changed America by dividing America, and this is the result. Rejection of your policies and your vision for America. Here’s a novel idea: give Trump four years without lawfare, sham impeachments, and petty attacks on him, and allow him to work with Congress to fulfill his promise to Make America Great Again. Let’s see what he can do. The majority of Americans have spoken. Why don’t you listen this time? And if he fails, vote him out. It’s the American way. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Donald

Whew, it was touch and go there for a while. So, all is not lost; there is still hope that we can right this floundering ship of state! Not to gloat, but: To all the editorial staff of the Atlantic, The Daily Beast, Variety, Huffington Post, Slate, Rolling Stone, NPR, the entire mainstream media cabal, and all of Hollywood-, after having been beaten down, insulted, belittled, and marginalized, the American man with all his quirks, real and contrived is back. And we, the people, have spoken!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


I have succumbed to a doom and gloom scenario. In that it seems the Conservatives are adopting a “the republic can survive this too” attitude, throwing in the towel. But can we this time?  The leftist mice have been nibbling away at our framework for decades, and this next little bite may be the one that brings the whole structure crashing down. We have had our Conservative administrations acting as speed bumps on the roadway to socialism in the past, but never have we faced the prospect of never seeing a Conservative administration again; such is the plan for packing the court, eliminating the filibuster, and welcoming DC and Puerto Rico as states to add four more progressive senators to the cabal. We have also never seen presidential powers at such a zenith where the executive order is an effective end-around the legislative branch. A mere decade ago, would you ever have considered an open border, defunding the police, decriminalizing drugs and theft, men participating in women’s sports, or taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery for illegal aliens?  With 78% of respondents saying the country is on the wrong track, with the world upside down, a Harris Walz administration is not the solution. I’m bummed!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Puerto Rico Statehood

This whole “garbage” diatribe is bordering on the ridiculous. A comedian that Trump has nothing to do with, opens his rally and makes a joke about Puerto Rico, associating the island with a floating garbage dump in the sea. Complain all you want, Geraldo, but Puerto Rico has the highest unemployment rate and the highest poverty rate of any US state or territory, with an estimated 60% of Puerto Ricans on welfare. Adding them as a state would send more federal aid to the island than tax proceeds returning to the IRS. What it would provide is another sinkhole of voters dependent on government handouts and more likely to vote Democrat to continue suckling at the government teat. So if your definition of “garbage” is more democrat voters dependent on taxpayer-funded programs, then there is no better poster child than Puerto Rico. Regardless of how uncouth the delivery, the actual question is: do we need more citizens dependent on government handouts?

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The Defamation of Rudy G

Being in the camp of Donald Trump can be precarious. Did you see what the Manhattan judge is doing to Rudy Giuliani, the once revered Mayor of NYC and hero of 9/11?  Not just punitive damages, but seeking to humiliate him in yet another bogus lawsuit where he is being forced to turn over “luxury items” such as his residence, televisions, cars, and sports memorabilia as settlement to a couple of Georgia poll workers he accused of election interference. And yet, in each passing day, more and more examples are surfacing that make Trump’s claims of a stolen election more credible. They are merely parsing words, changing definitions, and suggesting that only isolated cases had no significant effect on the outcome. Justice in America has been turned upside down and weaponized by the left. We must right the politicization of law enforcement by an unscrupulous government administration, or our very democracy will be threatened.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Crime Running Rampant

Breitbart did a piece this morning on the Biden Administration's claim that crime has decreased under their watch based on flawed FBI statistics. As you recall, David Muir famously “fact-checked” Trump in the debate with Harris, debunking Trump's assertion that crime is on the rise. Once again, Trump was correct. Not only did the FBI revise their figures from a reduction in crime to a 4% increase, but even this figure only represents reported crime. This figure is based on actual police reports and not merely the public contacting 911. Factoring in unreported crime, failure of DAs to prosecute or even police departments to investigate, let alone the failure of the public to even bother filling out police documentation, which is most often a total waste of time, actual crime that is crime based on incident, has risen 55%. Despite television propaganda with programs such as CSI, Lincoln Lawyer, and historically crime for entertainment going all the way back to Miami Vice, the number of actually solved crimes, including murder, is minuscule, on the order of single-digit percentages. Property crime is the lowest at 1%. Doesn’t that make you and your family feel safe and secure in this age of gun bans and defunding the police?

Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Fright

Viewing the Baier/ Harris interview last evening, can you imagine Harris negotiating with Putin or Xi?  Think about it. Nodding, shaking the imaginary box, and droning on with that annoying whine at the end of every sentence. “Let me be clear,”…..followed by a word salad that is anything but. The interpreters are going to want to off themselves. Putin may just want to push the button, launch the missiles, and take his chances on assured mutual destruction rather than listen to another word from this empty pantsuit. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Hypocrisy Abounds

The height of hypocrisy when Bill Clinton, looking a bit the worse for wear incidentally, harangued us with a lesson in economics, stating that our birth rate in this country is the lowest it’s been in 100 years, making immigrants necessary to grow the economy. This coming from the party that supports abortion on demand, with conservative estimates at just over one million performed in 2023. And that number is rising even in the post-Roe era. It seems if it wasn’t for that policy, we could be working on replenishing our own population without resorting to importing low-skill, predominantly male laborers from the third world. That’s if they choose to labor at all. And it’s important to note that we are getting no help from the one-child Clinton family, and we have precisely zero children from Kamala. Husband Dougie would be credited with at least one child but is a net zero after aborting the nanny’s offspring. Of course, this vectors into the whole man-made climate change debate where the left hypocritically complains about increasing population but then favors importing more humans that will presumably increase our carbon footprint. And how about that housing issue?  More building, more destruction of natural habitat, more heating and air-conditioning to house our growing immigrant population is hardly a carbon neutral endeavor. But energy derived from windmills and solar panels will surely offset the consumption of population growth. Sure it will. Keep telling yourself that, or better yet, ask Kamala to explain it to you.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Only A Few And Fractional.…

These Lefties are really something in trying to play gotcha with JD Vance when they and the progressive Mainstream were forced to admit that Venezuelan gangs are indeed taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, CO, but said, “It’s only a few.”  To which JD responded, “Are you hearing yourself?”  Only a few are few too many. Again, this confirms that the left is mathematically impaired. As they also advised, late-term abortions are exceedingly rare, only hundredths of a percent. Do the math, you spinners. That amounts to some 9000 late-term abortions a year, but that doesn’t raise an eyebrow? Come on, get real; it is what it is!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Is There Anything Beyond These People

Trump derangement syndrome beyond the pale! The Democrats and their media minions have proceeded to portray  “The Donald,” the biggest baddest bogeyman of all times, representative of all things they purportedly despise: he’s a racist, he’s a misogynist, he’s a homophobe, he’s going to take away your healthcare, he’s going to separate immigrant children from their families, he’s going to give tax breaks to the rich, he’s a friend to dictators, and he is to be a dictator on day one of his presidency. And, of course, on cue, they are rolling out the old abortion playbook.  Accusing all the republican candidates of seeking a national abortion ban and even proposing a pregnancy registry to track them when, in fact, abortion rights groups are doing that now. This is nothing more than the throws of desperation from the Democrat Pols and their entrenched dark side D.C bureaucracy jobs being threatened.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Great Kamala Cover-Up

After watching Harris word-salad her way through the 60 Minutes interview, this morning’s Washington Post assembled an article that bashed Trump for ducking the “traditional” appearance on the show and edited her responses to make her sound glib and articulate when, in fact, she is none of the above. Her off-teleprompter brain freeze this week brings a glaring example. Ironically, Harris continues to limit her exposure to friendly venues where she knows she will be lobbed softball questions, while in comparison, Trump and Vance are everywhere, especially Vance, who has endured some scathing encounters with the leftist media. Witness today’s scheduled appearances by Harris on The View, Colbert, and Howard Stern. Lovefests all. So explain to me why Trump would bother subjecting himself to a left-wing media lynching when Harris has limited her exposure and still is woefully short of supplying any detail to her grandiose plans for an opportunity economy. Whatever that means. And please, in the name of all things holy, tell me exactly how much a “fair share” is.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Is The Tide Turning

Interesting that the Wall Street Journal ran an article outlining network plans to reduce the salaries of headlining stars to their news programs and talk shows in a cost-cutting measure. Such prominent faces as George Stephanopoulos, Robin Roberts, and Michael Strahan are currently receiving astronomical salary packages in the range of $25 million annually for their appearances on Good Morning America. MSNBC pays Rachel Maddow $30 million for her embarrassingly partisan rants on a program that airs only once a week. Today, show anchor Hoda Kotb announced her retirement but was said to have been facing a significant cut in her $20 million salary, a reduction that her co-host Savannah Guthrie may also be facing. Late-night stalwarts Fallon, Kimmel, and leftist darling Colbert have all had their appearances reduced by eliminating Friday night programming in a cost-cutting measure. Seth Meyers was also on the chopping block, reports the Journal, but the network elected to trim costs by firing his band instead. Even Norah O’Donnell, fresh off her partisan Vice Presidential Debate performance, is being removed as anchor for the CBS Evening News. Why the cost-cutting measures?  The Journal quotes former TV executive Joe Peyronnin, who now teaches journalism at NYU, as saying television is undergoing a shakeup in how it is “delivered and received” and that “the business is going through a major struggle to grow and retain revenue.” They conclude that “legacy cable and broadcast TV” are facing diminishing returns and “streaming services aren’t generating the revenue to make up for the shortfall.”  However, to blame more viewing options, competition, and streaming services alone does not in itself explain why the popularity of programs anchored by these exorbitantly overpaid talking heads has tanked. The most obvious answer is to analyze what these elite media superstars have in common besides their preposterous inflated salaries. They are all liberals, and in the case of Stephanopolous, Maddow, and Colbert, they are radically partisan mouthpieces for the left. Could it be that in a politically divided America, one that polls almost equally divided between conservative and liberal, that half of the country has effectively boycotted the liberal programming anchored by this cadre of left-wing radicals?  How else can you explain the late-night rating success of the abrasive and only modestly talented but conservative Gutfeld over the big-name but thoroughly progressive programming offered by Kimmel, Fallon, Colbert, and Meyers, especially given their stream of high-profile Hollywood guests? If you choose to alienate half of your viewership with your less-than-inclusive reporting and entertainment offerings then your ratings are going to suffer.  Surprise. The left likes to call that a boycott when they do it. It's nice to see them get a taste of their own medicine finally. It’s about time. And it couldn’t happen to a more reprehensible, condescending bunch of elitists who are finally getting hit in the pocketbook for their partisan disservice to the viewing public.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

UAW/ILA Indiscretion

Wow. The UAW set the standard for less work and more pay, but now the ILA, representing Longshoremen, is demanding a 77% increase in pay over six years with a ban on automation, technology that makes the world's ports vastly more efficient than ours. Piling on are the Boeing machinists, demanding a 40% pay increase and generous pension plan contributions from a company that has lost $25 over the last six years, according to the WSJ. I’m sure Airbus is most appreciative of their union’s efforts. Following their lead, 5000 machinists at Textron, who make Cessna and Beechcraft airplanes, have walked off the job after rejecting the employers offer of a paltry 26% pay increase, a $1500 annual COL increase, a lump sum payment of 3 grand and an extremely generous 9% 401K match. Who in the private sector wouldn’t jump at a 26% pay increase, let alone have the intestinal fortitude to ask the boss for a 77% raise? We need to keep manufacturing in America, but at what cost?  If a business cannot remain profitable, and in the face of exorbitant wage increases, inflation, and a Harris Administration threat to increase corporate taxes, American manufacturing will indeed flee to business-friendly shores abroad where wages are lower, and government overreach is held in check.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Debate Fact And Fiction

Once again, the moderators followed David Muir’s precedent by attempting to slip in a “final word” before moving on to the next question. This appears to be a popular modus operandi within the liberal media where a question is couched in a progressive slant; the candidate is allowed to respond, only to have the interviewer either paraphrase or outright choose to issue a so-called fact check. NPR has it down to a fine art. And as we’ve come to find out, courtesy of such deep state drones such as Dr. Fauci, facts are manipulated and spun to their convenience. Bravo to Vance for not letting Margaret Brennan, all primped and posturing for her 15 minutes of fame, to insert a “legal Haitian immigrant” comment at the end of Vance’s well-constructed answer to a question on immigration. That opened the door for Vance, who pointed out that the CBS rules of engagement called for no such fact-checking, then he proceeded to school her on the concept of legality for this particular issue. That is, until they muted the mics. Real mature journalism. It may be technically legal, but the fact is that these immigrants did not achieve their status through traditional pathways; they were provided a special pathway and bestowed legal status courtesy of the Harris-Biden administration. It's not the same thing Maggie. Stay in your lane.

A BA from UVA should not be engaging in a legal discussion with a Yale-educated attorney. And speaking of education, how does your alma mater, the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Greenwich, Connecticut, the poster child for privilege, feel about your position on abortion? Another hypocritical Irish Catholic we don’t need. And her partner in crime, Norah O’Donnell, was no better inserting a “scientists agree that the global temperature is rising” after an exchange on climate change. Really, Norah?  How can you just hang a statement out there without allowing a rebuttal for context?  Is that journalism?  What scientists?  How was the temperature measured, and how much increase are we talking? Even our USDA reported that global annual air surface temperature has increased only 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 115 years. Considering that we have only been recording global temperatures since the 1880s on a planet that has existed for 4.5 billion years, we hardly have a representative sample to conclude that man is responsible for weather patterns. Explain the ice age and then the subsequent warming trend. Explain the Dust Bowl in 1930-1936 when the population of the US was 123 million, nearly a third of what it is today.  Explain why, with sea levels rising, Obama purchased a 14.5 million dollar oceanfront estate on an island. What about Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and John Kerry, who all own beachfront properties? Are they not concerned about the existential climate crisis they’ve been haranguing us about? Apparently, it’s just not that existential. But I digress. Enough of these over-coiffed, spray-painted talking heads who somehow suspect that they are the most intelligent people in the room, subjecting us to their peculiar form of biased journalism. You’re the moderator, not the appointed occupier of the bully pulpit. We tuned in to hear the candidates speak, not you. You are to referee, not to bend the rules to your bias, not to assist the candidate of your choosing, and certainly not to offer your opinion, whether you disguise it as fact-check or not. And enough of these liberal networks installing their obviously partisan talking heads as moderators. They have track records and it’s all available on video, their bias laid bare for all to see. Journalism is no longer objective; it’s playing to your audience in the name of ratings, giving them what they need to return for more. It has become editorializing. More ratings mean more advertising revenue, after all. If we were interested in facts, the debates would be held at a neutral venue, with moderators with no political bent.  Of course, that would be virtually impossible, so appointing a moderator from each side would be the next best solution. Perhaps professionalism would prevail, and they would keep each other in check. Or perhaps it would degenerate into a partisan brawl. Either way, at least there would be some semblance of fairness, something we have yet to see in this election cycle.

Bias CBS/Apple News

Same old VP debate fact-check spin with most comments taken out of context. Walz had a lot of folksy, feel-good platitudes but was woefully short on proposals on how to fix things. Vance appeared composed, smart, in command of the facts and actually proposed solutions. Walz was all fuzzy and folksy by design but came across as inadequate and out of his depth. I cringe to think of this political hack making decisions at any level of our government, let alone as VP.

Not the guy I want anywhere near the helm of our ship of state with the world in crisis!

Friday, September 27, 2024

They Know Not What They Are Doing

Are you listening to these people? They are deranged! Harris’s recently divulged economic plan again demonstrates her complete lack of appreciation for our financial crisis. Good God, she is inadequate beyond words. Corporate tax increases and sunset the tax break on S -corps and pass-thru businesses, our small entrepreneurs will simply wilt on the vine. But handouts for everyone else assured, because the rich will “pay their fair share.” Nothing annoys me more than that trite Democrat mantra. And yet none of these economically challenged political talking heads can tell us exactly how much is fair. Sound bite, bumper sticker simpletons. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Cause And Effect

Everyone’s squawking about Trump suggesting he would place tariffs on John Deere products after they announced they’re moving a large manufacturing segment to Mexico.  According to the WSJ, the perfect storm precipitated this when the UAW negotiated a sweetheart deal increasing worker pay and benefits when Deere faced decreasing demand for their products once the post-Covid boom began to subside. The result was that Deere laid off 2000 workers and moved manufacturing to Mexico as a cost-saving measure. It would objectively appear that the greatest threat to American manufacturing is the Democratic Party and their continued support for workers unions that ultimately benefit only the workers that remain employed after the purge. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Demonizing Of Trump

The media just keeps chipping away at him, now somehow suggesting that he himself is at fault for the assassination attempt because of his tone and combativeness. Witness the phenomenally vacuous DEI hire KJP chastising Peter Doucy for suggesting that Biden, Harris, and their media minions constantly calling Trump “a threat to democracy” is mobilizing the left to violence against at him. They will speak to anything but the policies. What is truly concerning is that the left has effectively turned this campaign into a sideshow by demonizing Trump, goading him into a defensive and combative posture that they then point out is a flaw in his character that makes him unfit for office. Frankly, anyone who can withstand this incessant onslaught over his appearance, his personality, his wealth, his family, the personal attacks on his character, and two physical attempts on his life makes him the candidate MOST suited for the presidency. The man has a will of steel. In a world unraveling with Putin, Xi, and the Iranian mullahs (who recently displayed their formerly secretive uranium enrichment facilities) coalescing as our adversaries, who would you rather have at the negotiating table, Trump or the empty socialist pantsuit? 

Taylor Swift

What has become of us when we can make this 35-year-old, of the sequin-adorned bathing suit and knee-high disco boots, intellectually challenged, prancing singing Barbie Doll, a cultural icon and political influencer? That is precisely what brings us the Democrat presidential ticket of Harris and Walz!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Rigged Debate (Part 3)

Davis ( Kamala’s sorority sister) correcting Trump on his abortion assertion that unwanted viable late-term babies may be allowed to die under democrat proposals is yet another example of bias, with reports clearly indicating a minimum of 5 botched abortions in which the infants survived the procedure, and were allowed to die on the table when medical intervention was withheld. These five incidents were all in Minnesota, where Tim Walz was governor, and both Walz and Harris have voted against Republican-sponsored bills that required life-saving measures to be instituted in such cases as when the baby survives the abortion attempt. However, no correction was forthcoming from the panel, and Trump missed the opportunity to riposte effectively. He appeared rattled and frustrated, and rightfully so, as Kamala was repeatedly allowed to skate without correction. Out-of-context democrat talking points that have been, as the Democrats say about all of Trump's assertions, “debunked”  were leveled with impunity. The Charlottesville “good people” comment was not about Nazis,  the “bloodbath” comment was referencing what would happen to the US auto industry under EV mandates, and the Heritage Foundation produced the 2025 Project with no input from, or affiliation with, Donald Trump. Yet all three accusations by Harris resulted in no corrections, redirection, or request for clarification from the moderators. Disgraceful. And Harris’s assertion that she and Walz are gun owners and have no intention of banning guns was an alternate reality coming so close on the heels of her well publicized proposals for “mandatory” gun buy-back programs and an outright ban on so-called “assault weapons.”  Again, crickets from the moderators left Trump to howl in the wind. And with so many examples of policies that she contradicted in this debate performance, and indeed, performance is what it was, how can the moderators disavow knowledge of her position on the issues when there have been so few? The only explanation can be either journalistic malpractice or partisan bias on the parts of Muir and Davis. This is a shameful example of the state of journalism in America. But it was a win for Harris, a dirty win based on style and not substance, with all the condescending facial expressions adored by her proponents, which only galvanized her detractors. Interestingly, a study showed in real time how her antics caused her positive appraisal to soar amongst hardened supporters, but independents tracked in lockstep in a downward spiral alongside Republicans. We know nothing more about her policies and have no idea what “opportunity economy” even means, let alone how she plans to institute it. Like doling out $50,000 to small business start-ups is going to counter her potentially disastrous tax proposals. And how will Marxist style price fixing and taxing unrealized capital gains provide any opportunity at all? Besides, I can guess which businesses will selectively receive that 50K handout. And suggesting that Goldman-Sachs, after having been bailed out by government funds in the last recession, and a mysterious cadre of “award-winning” economists are somehow to be trusted to approve her economic plan over Trump’s is laughable at best. Tell me again about her vast experience in the private sector. And if Trump has been called unhinged, what can you possibly make of her comment that she supports legalization of the sex trade because, after all, “nobody gets hurt,” and it’s between “consenting adults.”Really?  What meager policy proposals of hers that have leaked out, spell disaster for the economy and the financial viability of the middle class. Taxation and anti-business policies will cripple investment and take the stock market with it, draining retirement savings and 401Ks. Coupled with the prediction that social security may face a 21% reduction in payouts by 2033 while our Medicaid rolls continually expand, along with a myriad of poorly managed government programs for the poor, and with the injection of some $20 million unskilled immigrants into the country we have the making of a toxic brew to explode government spending and kill the economy. 1929 will be dwarfed in both scale and severity in a Venezuelan-style collapse of historic proportion. I understand that liberals, obsessed with firsts, especially the first woman of color, are blinded by the blitzkrieg style Harris campaign and an intense, media-fueled criticism of all things Trump. But choose wisely. Harris is a radical candidate not deserving of the title of first woman president, and with the world on fire, now is not the time to take a chance on destructive domestic policies that will cripple America when the world needs us most.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Rigged Debate ((Part2)

The media is in full attack mode with all their B-list bird cage liners like Slate, Axios, Daily Beast, and HuffPo leading the charge to call Trump’s rambling description “unhinged” and his theory “debunked.”  And yet there exists credible evidence that this immigrant pet-eating story may actually be true, despite no corroborating confirmation from” authorities.”  Reports have surfaced from Springfield, OH, residents that their pets, dogs, and cats have vanished, with at least one witness to the result. Further, when JD Vance jumped into the fray, he suffered the same ridicule after reporting that geese were being plucked from ponds and consumed. Superficially, it may sound far-fetched, if not preposterous, especially to those who reside in those tony suburban enclaves in deep blue states. But alas, Springfield, population 60,000, has been besieged by Haitian immigrants estimated to be near 20,000…one-third of their population

stressing their “social safety net,” to quote city officials. Now, I’m sure there are plenty of Haitian immigrants who are fine people seeking a better life, but recall the current condition of Haiti, which has devolved into chaos with such gang kingpins as “Barbecue,” so named because of his penchant for burning his opposition alive. They say you get the government you deserve, and Haiti is a mess. Why?  Sorry to state the obvious, but because it’s full of Haitians. Statistically, not all of these immigrants are going to be swell people. Especially with a predominantly male influx. And let’s recall a relatively recent event that occurred in the primarily middle-class Syracuse, NY suburb of Manlius in 2023, where three Burmese immigrant teens stole four baby swans, cygnets killed the mother, and served her up as a Memorial Day feast for their family. The swans had been a fixture at a town park and were protected by a fence that the teens breached at 3 AM, which indicates both premeditation and subterfuge. Naturally, in liberal NY, it was dismissed as a “clash of cultures” with the teens “unaware of the significance of the swans” and that they thought they were “large ducks,” didn’t realize they were town property, and intended to raise the cygnets as pets with no intention of eating them. Uh-huh. The 18-year-old ringleader received just three years probation and community service.  Of course, he did. It's just a big misunderstanding. Nothing to see here. Pass the Tabasco. 

So, however, you want to rationalize this nonsense, no matter how absurd you may think it sounds… has happened before. Why should Springfield be immune?

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Rigged Debate (Part1)

It’s interesting seeing the media mocking Trump for the ill-advised tangent he took into “immigrants eating people’s pets” at the debate. As Sebastian Gorka pointed out, it was fresh news that very morning, had not been confirmed and was thus anecdotal, territory into which Trump should never have ventured as it elicited laughs from the press and yet another exaggerated facial expression from Kamala. As an aside, note her constant mugging, smirking, and posturing for the camera with a much closer cropped view of the candidates than what we’ve seen in the past, favoring her by eliminating the podium so as not to appear short of stature, but also to take advantage of her animated facial expressions. It is almost as though they planned it, such as the cornucopia of emotive facial contortions, including the preposterous hand-on-chin contemplative pose made famous by AOC. Oh yeah, she’s been coached. There was not one ounce of spontaneity in Kamala’s retorts. Admittedly, she delivered her lines well in this Political Theater saga.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

ABC Farse

The mere stat that Trump was fact-checked 33 times instead of once for Harris is telling. And she let loose all the standard talking points that have all been “debunked,” as the Dems like to say: “bloodbath,” “good people on both sides,” and the 2025 plan link have all been proven to be total BS but only crickets from the moderators. I had higher hopes after CNN did a respectable job in moderating some degree of objectivity, but these two clowns, Muir and Linsey, were a disgrace. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Say It Isn’t So

I can't believe that Dick Cheney is endorsing Kamala Harris for President. Or maybe I can. I always respected the elder Cheney for his foreign policy chops and his steely debating skills, even though his daughter was afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome and turned out to be a political hack who now stumps for the left.  But a stalwart conservative icon endorsing a socialist? Say it isn’t so. I have to be missing something. There has to be a bigger picture because something’s amiss here? Is there a bigger game being played, a game of three-dimensional chess of which we are unaware? Could it be that the deep state is threatened by Trump? Is the entrenched military-industrial complex concerned that the cash flow spigot feeding foreign wars and conflicts would be shut off by a Trump presidency?  Is there a deep state club of political power brokers of which Trump is not a member who benefits from keeping him out of the White House?  Is the economy and our domestic well-being secondary considerations to maintaining power and wealth of the elite political class? Is Harris the most malleable puppet the deep state political elite can manipulate? And not to be a conspiracy theorist, but consider the timing of such a defection by a steadfast Republican family from deep red Wyoming, coming on the heels of an assassination attempt on Harris’ political rival where the investigation has yielded nothing more than what appears to be a perfectly timed and alarmingly incompetent performance by the Secret Service as well as a peculiar ability of the shooter’s financially strapped family to retain one of the most prominent and exclusive defense attorneys in the country. Hmmm. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Biased Apple Sauce

So this morning, on Apple’s newsfeed, the “politics” section featured five stories, all of which were negative attacks on the Trump campaign. Of course, the culprits were the usual suspects: Rolling Stone, Huffington Post, and The Daily Beast. The latter two seem to make Trump bashing their reason d’etre, and Rolling Stone(d) just can’t seem to stay in their lane, suddenly suspecting they’re political pundits when they can barely manage substantive reporting on the music industry. And shame on Apple. With a recent mea culpa from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, admitting that his organization engaged in censorship by suppressing favorable stories on Republican candidates at the behest of the Biden Administration, we have to suspect that propagandizing is rampant in the tech industry and Apple is probably guilty of tipping the scales as well. There are 153 million iPhones in circulation in the United States, and users, especially youth, get their news from sources like Facebook, TikTok, and Apple. With so much attention lavished on preposterous Russia collusion accusations, we should probably take a closer look at organizations seeking to influence the election closer to home.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Double Talk

For the wealthy politicians, who have gotten theirs through nefarious government-sanctioned malfeasances, it’s easy to be benevolent to the great unwashed when you can be magnanimous with other people’s money, we the people's money. And, of course, they also have license to print as much money as they’d like: the potential results, hyperinflation, and debt. Don’t you get it, and again I say, the Democrats are encouraging you to be all you can be, get a job, and work hard so that the government can redistribute your earnings to those who have not. It’s a death spiral to Socialism.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Don't Be Gullible

It’s so infuriating when the Democrats come up with these catchy, populist slogans that simplistically seek to frame complex problems. “A woman’s right to choose,” “climate change,” “Medicare for all,” “pay your fair share,” and “price gouging” are all populist concepts that appeal to low-information voters. All of them, Madison Avenue constructs to sell progressive ideas that require complex analysis and even more complex solutions. Call it what it is: Progressive propaganda, the end-game Socialism!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Incorrigibles

The economic stupidity inherent in the Harris/Welz policy on “price gouging” is unfathomable. So let me get this straight: two socialist flunkies of limited intelligence who have never worked a day in the private sector in their lives have crafted a series of policies that increase corporate taxes, increase the wages of workers, support unions, who ultimately increase salaries and benefits for those workers, while simultaneously they print more money and flood the market by spending it, causing historic levels of inflation that further increases overhead costs, then they criticize businesses who raise their prices to offset the increase in overhead that they created. Did I get that right?  The rallying cry to eliminate price gouging is yet another bumper sticker slogan brought to you by Marxist simpletons trying to appeal to the uninformed. This could be the most anti-business candidate in history, producing policies that will destroy our economy and, ultimately, the country. You, democrats, want “fundamental change”.  Be careful what you wish for. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Penance For ILL-Gotten Gains

These old Democrat dinosaurs like Schumer, Sanders, and Pelosi seem intent on sitting back on their accumulated wealth and nuke the whole system, capitalism, healthcare, and our constitution, on their way out the door. They are untouchable. Why is that?  They clearly benefited from insider trading and capitalism. They just don’t want you to do it. So, is their plan to preserve the oligarch class as an exclusive club and not allow new members?  Is guilt driving them to attempt to “give back” to the masses some of their ill-begotten wealth? Of course, by giving back, I don’t mean their wealth…..I mean yours. Will that make them sleep better at night? Do they think turning this country into a socialist nanny state will cement their legacy? It will if they win. After all, the winners write the history.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

DNC Smoke And Mirrors

It’s the entire Democrat party wrapping themselves in flags and claiming patriotism at the NDC when their agenda is pure Socialism. Now, co-opting Republican themes. It’s a sham, and Conservative never-Trumpers yearning for the days of Reagan are mesmerized by their tactics, a contrived media extravaganza with the sole purpose of masking their flawed Harris/Welz presidential candidates. It just shows you how gullible they think we are. And as for the ever-blaring Springsteen “National Anthem” Born in America, has anyone read its lyrics, they are anything but patriotic.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Empire Failed

What is so frightening the Democrat base hails from three camps: 1. well-off virtue signalers unconcerned about higher taxes, 2. union or government workers whose sweetheart deals more than offset a tax increase and whose retirement is not dependent on a 401K or savings and lastly 3. the entitlement class dependent on government programs. And lest we forget, as we’ve already established, 20% of likely voters are government workers. Throw in the unions and the welfare recipients, and that’s an overwhelming voting block that just keeps getting bigger. We are on the slow slide into becoming yet another failed empire, eaten from within. What’s really frightening is when we are gone, what will fill the vacuum?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Michelle The Fallen Saint

Michelle Obama demonstrated outrageous hypocrisy when she declared in her speech Tuesday night at the DNC that her mother warned her about greed and people who have too much. Apparently, Michelle, you feel the value of your real estate holdings, Netflix and Amazon deals, your book sales, amounting to well over $200 million, and the egregious fact that you own a $15 million spread on Martha’s Vineyard, a DC mansion appraised at $8.1 million, a NYC apartment appraised at $1.45 million, a Chicago mansion appraised at $2.4 million as well as an oceanfront Hawaii property recently purchased for $8.7 million Is not what your mother meant as  too much? Give me a break, Michelle, and you tag Trump the evil rich guy, the monopoly man, but Nancy Pelosi, the Bidens, Liz Warren, the Clintons, Bernie Sanders, and you, the Obamas,  all who made your money in politics are somehow immune to criticism, are thought of as not having too much by your mother’s standards?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

DNC Theater

It’s become such theater. Reading a pre-prepared speech off a teleprompter written by a team of writers. How spontaneous. We are in the age of Obama, a guy who was reduced to incoherent babbling when his teleprompter went down and he was forced to ad-lib. But still widely viewed as a brilliant orator. Hardly. Kamala even produced a “rally” on a sound stage, with a hundred extras cheering wildly behind her with tight shots and multiple camera angles highlighting her ability to pose and look presidential as she read her lines. They’re all Robert DeNiro: brilliant actors on the stage but when off script, nothing more than empty suits. No depth, no substance, and only marginally intelligent performers. How will that play on the world stage?

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Out The Posers

Trump’s campaign has to be more aggressive in exposing these posers for who they are. For example, Harris is a socialist to the core, as is Walz, and their policies have been catastrophic whenever and wherever applied. Buttigieg, as mayor of South Bend, his performance was pedestrian at best, and as transportation secretary has been a total disaster. AOC, yet another fabricated persona pretending to have the sensitivity of a Chiquita from the hood when, in fact, she’s an architect’s daughter from tony Westchester and the Donaid says,”she has spark.” Gimme a break. And we have the POTUS himself, Scranton Joe, a fabricated political operative with fifty years of disservice to the republic. Trump may be an abrasive, pompous ass on occasion, but at least he’s not pretending to be something he’s not. And, as president, in four short years distinguished himself as both an accomplished legislator   and diplomat.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The WSJ Disappoints

The Wall Street Journal should come with a complimentary prescription for an anti-depressant. Such is the state of news today.  Never particularly enthralled with Mr. Trump’s candidacy, they are prone to fanning the flames by praising Kamala Harris’ lightening campaign tactics of reading from a teleprompter, flip-flopping on the issues posing, and hiding from media interviews while criticizing the Trump campaign’s response to it all. And as a backdrop, the world continues to burn. Assuming, and I’m basing this on photographs alone, Joe Biden is more intent on lounging on the Rehoboth beach sand, you have to wonder exactly who is at the helm. With Iran capable of producing a nuclear weapon within weeks, their proxies launching ballistic missiles at Israel and her allies, the war in Ukraine raging, China making provocative moves against Taiwan, we pause to reflect. Domestically, inflation continues to simmer, the cost of living has increased dramatically, the housing market remains unaffordable, and the economy teeters on poor job growth while Ms. Harris shows a penchant for saying anything to appeal to voters regardless of whether it contradicts her record or virtually everything she has said about policy since she emerged as a contender for the presidency in 2019. That goes for the progressive Pillsbury doughboy currently assuming the role as her running mate. We know your stance on increasing taxes, on implementing universal healthcare, on open border policies, and disastrous Green New Deal initiatives, regardless of what you read off the prompter or whatever word salad you will concoct on the rare occasion that you are required to speak extemporaneously. The disaster is there in the making, just requiring the American public to swallow this slick and devious blitzkrieg campaign plan. So, in the most cynical way, as we lurch towards a socialist state, allow me to help get there faster and be done with it. I hereby cast my vote for Kamala. Let the socialists own it. For the rest of you conservatives: Build a bunker, stock up on ammo and food, convert your cash to gold, buy iodine tablets, and ride out the impending storm. Maybe take lessons in Mandarin. Hunker down because it’s a coming. And it’s going to be a rough ride. World War III, global jihad, economic collapse, or just the unfettered joy of living under the oppressive yoke of socialism. Perhaps all of the above. Pick your poison. And who do you want to inherit the guaranteed disaster that the left has created?  Certainly not DJT, who inevitably will be blamed for the catastrophe. Let Kamala and her minions have it. We will be there to pick up the pieces…..if there are any left to be picked up!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Democrat Genius

The democrat genius here is that of timing. They’ve known Joe is impaired for quite some time, as well as knowing Kamala is a seriously flawed candidate whose only attribute is appearance: she is the left’s high-value person of color, and a female one at that, thus checking two out of the three coveted DEI boxes. Thus, the strategy has been to hide Joe from public view, parry the criticism of the limited gaffes they’ve allowed him to have, then, when the time was right, thrust him into the spotlight on the debate stage and let America see for themselves just how far his cognitive abilities have deteriorated, supplying the evidence to justify the back room deal that resulted in his removal. Cold-hearted calculus. Now, with Harris at the top of the ticket and only 90 days until Election Day, they know they will ride a wave of enthusiasm that comes from the announcement of her coronation, followed by her naming a running mate, followed by the national convention, all events that produce a bump in the polls. But this time, it’s happening so late in the election cycle that the public has little time to get over the excitement and watch the inevitable reveal of Harris’ incompetence and policy that would have occurred in a protracted run-up to the election. The 90 days are actually closer to 60…..two months….with early voting, another democrat ploy to shorten our exposure to the candidate, happening in some states nearly one month prior to November 5. And the second part of the plan is already implemented. Harris is never far from her teleprompter; she has eschewed interviews and has not been questioned by the media. Her ads are scripted and staged, and there is no room for improvisation. We are being exposed to a media construct of Harris, designed to hide her biggest flaw….her inability to convey her thoughts and policies. So the media and her handlers will do it for her. The appearance of moving to the center, the abandonment of her most radical policies on gun control, abortion, healthcare, and the environment. No word, of course, on foreign policy or the economy because she has no plan. If the Democrats succeed in these smoke-and-mirror tactics and are able to hide the real Kamala from public scrutiny, aided by a complicit mainstream media, we will have ourselves the most radical, progressive president in history. As well, if succeeded we are doomed!

Monday, July 29, 2024


O, you French are so universal. And the Olympic committee issued a statement condoning  the transgender re-enactment of the Last Supper at the opening of the Olympics as being an example of their “diversity.”  Alrighty then. As a further example of your diversity, I would like to see a transgender Mohammed representing Islam. See how that kind of diversity is received in Paris. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

l Pause

I have to not listen to the news for a while and collect my thoughts; this chain of events isn’t good for my health. How Kamala Harris is suddenly viewed as the Messiah in her candidacy for POTUS baffles me to no end when her record, including her last three years of bungling her assignments and giggling through her word salad filled appearances as VP, speaks for itself. She is the definition of an empty pantsuit. I’m sure most of that money suddenly contributed to her campaign is from big corporate donors releasing those earmarked funds they withheld from Biden, never less in itself is astounding! And they’ve already rolled out the discrimination card claiming she is being criticized because she is a woman of color. Harris has  proven she can be bought, so this is just more of the same.  Meanwhile, the mean-spirited attacks on Vance, a man of substance, coming from partisan lightweights like Beshear are beyond the pale when his accomplishments are compared to Kamala’s record. And the polls suggesting it’s an even tighter race with Kamala at the top of the ticket?  DEI insanity prevailing. I need time to collect my thoughts and give myself pause to recover from this avalanche of political insanity. It would help if you too, were weighing carefully what is happening to us, our America. We are slipping over the edge of obscurity as a nation, as a culture!   

Monday, July 22, 2024

Harris For President

There is a non-stop deluge of articles today proclaiming Kamala Harris as being both Trump’s worst nightmare and a superior candidate for the Democrats. Huh? It always amazes me when politicians seem to have no long-term memory. She promiscuously earned her way into office in California, paid back those appointments as AG with partisan decisions favoring political allies, totally embarrassed herself as a presidential candidate, dropped out before the primaries, was selected for VP based on race and gender, then further embarrassed herself with failures at the border, in Europe and virtually every time she speaks, and now has ascended to the top of the Democratic ticket not through excellence but happenstance. What insiped credentials for President of the United States?

Woke Across The Pond

This Argentinian racist chant nonsense is getting to be another ridiculous example of Woke outrage.  I am amused by the Argentina VP response that basically says we are not going to get hectored by a colonizing country (England started all this when Enzo Fernandez of Chelsea FC posted the video and was reprimanded) about a chant pointing out a fact (well most of it, I’m not sure about Mbappe’s sexual proclivities ) and she fired the minister of sport for suggesting that Messi should apologize. What makes international football so appealing is that it pits nations against each other, contrasting their styles of play and reflecting on their national identities. Globalism is eroding that part of the game, making it less interesting to watch a team of Dutch African immigrants (or children of immigrants) playing against a team of French African immigrants. And in the case of the French, their team is overwhelmingly of African descent, making them a glaringly obvious example of how immigration has changed the racial makeup of many European country’s sports programs. Recall in the last World Cup, when photos of the French and Moroccan teams were placed side by side, it was pointed out that the French team ironically looked, based on skin color alone, decidedly more African than the team from Africa. You must bear in mind the European education system, which steers young people into career paths at a very early age, where it is more likely that underprivileged immigrant people of color will choose a career in sports despite overwhelming odds against success. Most will likely end up in unskilled labor and the service industry. And Football in Europe is a game of the common man, a game of the streets where most players learned their craft before their potential caught the eye of the sports development program’s scouts. And when did Americans get so incensed over trash-talking?  We practically invented it. The jawing that goes on in American sports is of epic proportions, most of it highly vulgar and often tinged with racism—anything to get into your opponent’s head. Recall the Dutch fans of old, some of the world’s most creative fans, who hurled cleaning supplies onto the pitch when they played against the Turks, a reference to most immigrant Turks in the country working as domestics. Or when playing Germany, bicycle parts were thrown with signs asking, “Where’s my bicycle” a reference to the Nazi occupation when the Germans commandeered bicycles. Racist? Perhaps. But amusing in the context of national identities.  The English are widely known for their creative chants, most of which shouldn’t be repeated in polite company, but you have to draw the line at the monkey noises and bananas thrown at African players. Still, that’s perhaps a less disgusting display than chants of “Gringos go home” and bags of urine thrown at American players on their forays south of the border. So we have established that international football, futbal, calcio, or soccer is a rough game played by ruffians, not likely the upper crust of society nor the overcompensating white suburban college-educated class that finds these events so untoward. And victory is a great source of national pride, especially for countries like Argentina in such political upheaval and social turmoil. And so what? The chant made fun of France fielding a team mostly of recent African origin, a contrast to the stereotypical and historical perception of France being populated by a bunch of beret-wearing, baguette-eating, wine-swilling surrender monkeys. Sorry, too soon? And they used a slang expression suggesting that their star Mbappe has sex with transgender partners. I thought that was now a source of pride.  But trans-phobic?  Get over it. Maybe if their star, Killian Mbappe, had a more French-sounding name like Jean-Paul Sartre, critics would be more accepting. But then, it would truly be an existential crisis. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Same Ole Bernie

Bernie interviewed on NPR this morning with his usual litany of bumper sticker slogans:  the rich have to pay their fair share, women should be able to choose what they do with their bodies, climate change, expand social security and Medicare for all yadayadayada. His new spin: Biden was never a great speaker, prone to gaffes his entire career. However, we shouldn’t choose presidents based on their oratorical skills but on their accomplishments. So, remind me again why we chose Obama, for that matter, Biden for his 50 years of public service nonperformance.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Truth Be Known

Why is there such vitriol spewed at Trump and such a concerted effort to take him down by leftist partisans?  Why has the left given birth to the “never-Trumpers,” a phenomenon never before seen in politics?  Can you imagine ranks of never-Obama or never-Biden voters receiving such idolization by the media? Why is he such a threat to the left?  It's simple math, really. Bear with me for some statistics: The government employee ranks have swelled to 19 million. Studies show that not only do they make more money than equivalent jobs in the private sector, but they also receive better benefits and retire earlier, and only 4% of them work in an office setting. And they’re rarely fired. Yes, that’s correct. 96% of government employees continue to work from home. How productive. In some states, such as Rhode Island, the largest employer in the state……is the state, which is why Elon Musk suggested firing 94% of government employees, thus adding to the ire he receives from the left. In your average election, 66% voter turnout is the norm. 37% of the population is eligible to vote. In a country of 330 million people, that translates to 80 million voters casting a ballot. Therefore, 19 million government workers, if they all voted, would account for 24 percent of the vote. And which party do you think they overwhelmingly support?  Hidden in the Trump agenda and likely to be visited in a second term was a policy that would allow all government jobs to be assessed and hiring/firing practices to fall under the purview of the President. In other words, deep state positions, regardless of the agency or who appointed them, are subject to review by the President. And before you howl, please note that it was originally designed this way changed in the late 1800s. How can you have government employees with guaranteed positions who do not answer to the current administration?  Can you imagine business operating in this fashion? Look how well the system has worked for the teacher’s union, where a complete disconnect exists between salary, benefits, and job performance. Trump is a threat to the status quo, a businessman who wants to run government efficiently and productively like a business. And that’s a threat to the entrenched bureaucracy. The same bureaucracy that produced career politicians like Pelosi, Biden, Feinstein, (Harry) Reid, and Obama who all made their fortunes in politics on a government salary. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

What Did We Expect

Is anyone actually surprised by this?  After months of heated rhetoric coming from the left, their weaponized Department of Justice implemented lawfare designed to brand Trump a felon and cripple his candidacy, repeatedly accusing him of being not only a threat to democracy but an “existential” threat, an “insurrectionist” and lest we forget, two impeachments to his credit and the whole “Russia collusion” hoax, we reach the culmination of the propaganda campaign with an attempt on his life. Frothy editorializing from media lightweights like Rachel Maddow, Morning Joe, Joy Reid, and the entire cast of The View have been whipping the left into a frenzy.  And with their candidate cognitively on the ropes, we get this. Congratulations. It’s so often that Republicans are painted with the broad brush as being violent, white supremacist, bible-thumping, gun-toting extremists that we tend to forget that assassination attempts in the modern age on Steve Scalise (and indeed all his republican teammates), Ronald Reagan, Brett Kavanaugh and now Donald Trump were all perpetrated by progressive extremists. Hmmm. And indeed, the vast majority of the school shootings have all been brought to you courtesy of the children of the left. So, let’s just put a stop to that spin now. If you really want “sensible gun laws,” then banning Democrats from buying guns appears to be the best policy moving forward. And how do I know the Trump shooter was a Democrat?  Because he missed. And another thing: let’s stop calling this a “shooting at a Trump rally.” This was an assassination attempt. Call it what it is. News reports that Biden, Harris, and Mayorkas had been briefed” shouldn’t convince anyone that the electoral process is safer this morning. One of the mainstream media’s talking heads in the field actually asked a witness if they thought it was an assassination attempt. Seriously. No, I think the shooter was hunting wabbits. Duh. But let the spin begin. Already, the shooter has been identified as a 20-year-old “former registered Republican” using an “AR-type rifle.”  How convenient a deflection. Why would a Republican attempt to assassinate his party’s overwhelmingly popular candidate?  We will likely never know after the Secret Service “neutralized” the threat. And despite a commendable job of whisking the wounded former President off stage, I have questions. We’ve all seen enough sniper movies to know that these event venues should be thoroughly vetted for potential vantage points for a shooter. How exactly did this guy access a rooftop only 450 feet away from the stage, especially after spectators reported seeing a man with a gun? And why didn’t the counter-sniper team engage him before he was able to squeeze off at least three to five shots? It’s not like he popped up and began firing randomly. Even at that relatively short distance, a shot still requires target acquisition. Somebody dropped the ball. But we may never know.  After all, the FBI is “leading the investigation.”  Yeah, those guys. What we do know is that Trump was incredibly lucky to have survived, the incident producing perhaps one of the most iconic images of our time, a bloodied, defiant Trump raising a fist with the American flag behind him. Although future attendance at his trademark rallies may be negatively impacted, once again, an attempt to bring him down may have the opposite effect of increasing his popularity.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Happy Birthday

A sobering thought on this 4th of July: We owe much to our European founders who envisioned the productivity of a nation unencumbered by restraints to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yet, here we are nearly 250 later, questioning that wisdom, degrading them and their vision in light of that envisioned nation’s accomplishments, productivity, prosperity, and benevolence. A nation of immigrants of all religious, ethnic, and racial persuasions, once united in our differences, is now torn asunder by them.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

An Alarming Thought

If Biden gets in again, they’re going to pack  SCOTUS. It’s interesting to note that the three liberal justices NEVER fail to vote en bloc on partisan issues, whereas the conservatives often do not. When have you ever heard Kagan, Sotomayor, Brown, or any liberal justice criticized for their decisions?  NEVER. But the conservatives are brutalized by the press frequently. And now, with selection based on affiliation with a special interest group, they are immune from criticism because she’s Hispanic, or she’s black, or she’s gay, thus making the criticism based on discrimination not merit. When the Supremes get politicized…’s all over for this Republic as we know it!

Monday, July 1, 2024

The WSJ Disappoints

The WSJ has a profound case of multiple personality disorder. After associate editor John Bussey was seen on FOX criticizing Trump’s debate performance for continuing to repeat false narratives, the weekend print edition echoed his comments with a headline proclaiming, “Falsehoods Mark Trump’s Debate Night.” The article, a fact-check piece right out of the democrat playbook, went through five major issues and slammed Trump for “false or misleading statements.”  Really, misleading statements from a politician? The horror. For example, when Trump said “every legal scholar” wanted Roe v Wade overturned, nobody thought he meant EVERY legal scholar. However, a significant number of constitutional scholars did, and to suggest otherwise is nitpicking. Further, no one argues that some miscreants were involved in the January 6 debacle. Still, to suggest that everyone who took a stroll through the capitol that day had “overrun” police looks preposterous when watching video of the event; a good percentage of the “mob” appeared to be elderly tourists.  No guns, no weapons, and the only “death,” an unarmed female protester. Hmm. A rather anemic insurrection in a nation purportedly overcome with gun violence.  Regarding immigration, the repose to Trump's assertion that migrants are dependent on public benefits was to state that “in the long term,” immigrants tend to pay taxes without tapping public benefits. Splitting hairs again. How about in the short term?  And how much and how long does the public have to subsidize them before they are self supporting? The article’s claims are even more ethereal than Trump’s statements. Specifics, please. And references as well. Trump may have exaggerated by pointing to Social Security as a source of assistance. Still, the fact remains that illegal immigration is a financial burden to the American taxpayer, regardless of where the funds come from. On the economy, Trump asserted that Biden has “the largest deficit in the history of our country.”  The Wall Street countered that Trump ran up a deficit of 14.7% of GDP, but “mostly as a result of emergency pandemic relief.”  What’s Biden’s excuse for unchecked spending?  Although Biden and the moderators didn’t dispute Trump's assertion that inflation was under control on his watch, the Journal nitpicks and states that inflation was “starting to pick up toward the end of (his) presidency.”  Maybe so, but we will never know if it would have continued to increase or if Trump could have brought it under control had he remained in office. Speculation at best, but it does not qualify as falsehood. What we do know is that prices ballooned under the Biden Administration’s policies after the pandemic crisis had waned. Lastly, they attacked Trump on his claim that Putin “never would have invaded Ukraine” under his watch. Maybe. Maybe not. But hardly a “falsehood.”  Stating that Putin’s invasion was “long in the works” is hardly evidence that a Trump administration wouldn’t have been a deterrent. They also criticize Trump for claiming that European nations were spending less on Ukraine than the US, stating that the EU spent $110 billion, and after adding in non-EU member states, the total came to $190 billion, more than the US contribution of $175 billion. But to hurl the falsehood cudgel at this is again splitting hairs. Technically, the US did indeed outspend the EU $175B to $110B to fund a war that is not even on our doorstep. So, Trump technically is correct in his assertion to the tune of $65 billion. And nowhere in this article is there any criticism of Biden's policies, only negative assertions to bolster the left’s incessant claims that Trump is a liar, a narrative featured in Jill Biden’s extraordinarily abrasive and embarrassing stand-in speech for her cadaveric husband post-debate. And in the most head-turning example of publication schizophrenia, only six pages later appeared an editorial by Peggy Noonan, a Reagan conservative who has taken to the Journal’s pages with nothing short of a constant stream of abuse directed at Trump, praising his debate performance as measured and composed while lambasting Biden as having done irreparable harm to his reelection efforts in the worst debate performance in history.  Wow. Who are you?  Now granted, the Trump Falsehood article was written by a gang of six and reflected the associate editor Bussey’s opinion either by direction or happenstance, but Ms. Noonan, having been so critical and personally repulsed by Mr. Trump, was a real shocker, female, and college-educated to boot. The Wall Street Journal, long a standard bearer for conservatives, appears to be struggling in this presidential election cycle. They’re giving me whiplash.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Debate Debacle

This morning, they’re admitting Biden was weak, but he was faced with “a barrage of false accusations.” that put him off his game. Yet not a word about Biden repeating scores of fabricated nonsense such as “suckers and losers,” “injecting bleach in your arm,” “good people on both sides,” and claiming the guilty verdicts against him were for sexual assault and sleeping with a porn star…..all disproven, out of context and factually incorrect. Biden, who clearly lost the debate, was positively cadaveric, managing to mumble out more than his share of unproven distortions and claims that are not going to face any challenge in the media. What are the Democrats thinking? What an embarrassment to the office of POTUS to the nation!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Misplaced Sympathy

I am rapidly losing any shred of sympathy I may have had for the Palestinians trapped in the crossfire in Gaza after the latest propagandized spin on the Israeli hostage rescue. Why should we give a rip about how many Palestinians were killed in an assault to rescue hostages? Especially hostages that we find have been tormented and mistreated by their captors. We forget that they, too, are innocent civilians, and Americans among them to boot. And we keep hearing about “many women and children killed,”…..according to Hamas or according to Palestinian authorities. So, we are now taking these heathens at their word?  Why should we, especially after Hamas proclaimed that a civilian body count was good for their cause? Have we learned nothing after the Vietnam conflict when the Vietcong savagely fought against American forces, then ditched their military gear to don straw hats and work the rice paddies, blending into the civilian population?  How did that work out for us? What a short memory we have. Anyone short of intellectual deficiency has to conclude that Hamas are nothing short of barbarians who, in the tradition of Yassar Arafat, entered into negotiations in which all sides were in agreement to a cease-fire, Israel, Hamas, and the US, only to pull the rug out from under the proceedings with last minute haggling and impossible demands. Like this is a flea market. Talk about stereotypes. Further, reports of the hostage rescue detail that the hostages were being held in civilian housing, in and amongst families and refugees, with one hostage actually being held by an Al Jazeera reporter in his apartment. They played semantics with that one, of course, claiming he was only an op/ed contributor. But if you’re allowing a hostage captor to print an opinion editorial in your publication, you own him. And the fact that Israeli forces immediately came under fire from Hamas fighters who emerged from seemingly everywhere within this civilian enclave is telling. We used to call this “aiding and abetting” back when there was a rule of law not bent to your political whims. If you’re going to house the terrorists with their captors in your community, where they are essentially using the civilian population as a shield for both protection and to garner international sympathy from civilian deaths, you are complicit. Suffer the consequences. And with the media lining up to condemn Israel’s actions, supported by hoards of protesters in the streets, we have to assume at this juncture that we are witnessing yet another historic wave of antisemitism. Chanting “Death to the Zionists” and praising Adolph Hitler is no way to garner sympathy for your cause. Attacking museums and the homes of Jewish museum patrons for being supporters of the Zionist cause is beyond the pale. And enough with defacing our historical monuments and tormenting the police. That nonsense is wearing thin after the BLM cause turned out to be a scam that enriched the organizers. In this day and age, it’s all about somebody making money or staying in power, and you peons are just useful idiots. That goes for the media, too; I’m just not sure which end of the spectrum they’re on useful idiots or those making money and gaining power. The protesters are just plain unhinged. And lastly, I leave you with one question to ponder: if your loved ones, your daughters, were kidnapped, held hostage, brutally raped, and tortured by terrorists, who would you want looking for them?  The Biden Administration or the Israelis? 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Let's Hear It For Texas

Bravo Texas plans to compete with New York-based exchanges, namely the NYSE and NASDAQ, with the announcement of the Texas Stock Exchange. Terminally liberal New York, with their distinctly anti-business and redistribution style of government, is the last place that should host this duopoly and serve as the seat of America’s financial power. Higher fees associated with listing on the New York exchanges is one thing, but when NASDAQ decided to impose DEI standards as a prerequisite for listing shares…….that’s quite another. As an investor, I am more concerned about a company’s bottom line and the hiring of competent managers, not the number of women and “underrepresented minorities” or “LGBTQ+” members in their boardrooms.  ESG and DEI standards should remain in Europe and have no place in America’s financial exchanges. This PC attitude is stifling commerce and distorting social values.