Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Merry Christmas!

NPR this morning featured a story about how we Americans have to stop buying stuff because although consumerism is good for the economy, it’s bad for the environment. Huh?  So I have a novel idea: how about we close the border and stop letting more consumers into the country?  Seeing as how the Biden Administration intends to destroy the economy anyway and can’t seem to solve supply chain issues, this would appear to be a typical progressive tactic of spinning it into something that the proletariat class may not want, but our omniscient government shall provide. For their betterment, of course. After all, a little sacrifice is all they ask to save the planet. Just stop trying to buy stuff, you extravagant Americans; your bleating is irking the Bidenites!

Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Atlantic Swerve

The Atlantic magazine continues to be a source of absurdity. Today’s article in question surmises that the majority of traffic fatalities in the US are not the result of driver error, rather the fault of car manufacturers for making heavy SUVs with not enough safety features, the designers of the road for not making signs visible enough and roadways that compel the driver to slow down. And of course, there’s the weather. Climate change, you know. The conclusion is that we should be more like Europe (of course) and drive little bitty underpowered cars for our own good. We should also employ their brilliant highway engineers who are apparently better than we are at fabricating annoying signage, suggesting they’ve never been to New York, and making roads unsuitable for speeds fast enough to cause any carnage. All part of the movement I suppose for us to cower in identifying yet another contrived threat to our well-being and to lower our standard of living expectations. The Atlantic must sequester their writers in cities where they have no use for a car and make sure they never travel abroad to make disparaging comparisons. Give me a break!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Fanning The Flames

Listening to NPR this morning lament that although Boston elected the first Woman of color as mayor, it is not enough. With three black candidates in the race and one of them the incumbent, they pointed to the overwhelming support of those candidates in black-majority districts at 75% but only 25% support for those black candidates in white-majority districts. Their goal conclusion? Racism, of course. And the implication that black voters should only vote for black candidates, despite Pressley, a member of the Squad, supporting the Asian candidate. So once again, to combat perceived racism, we must engage in more racism. The logic escapes me!

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Invasion

We are being invaded by immigrants who mostly stood idly by witnessing their own  Socialist/ Dictatorship led countries slip into the abyss of tyranny and oppression and now want out.  The vast majority of those coming are not seeking legal asylum from duress, but because the Biden administration invited them to come, even facilitated their coming by opening our southern border and incentivizing their coming with promises of citizenship, welfare, and retribution. And you can bet among them are those purely intent on doing us harm one way or another. A variation on this invasion is happening right here in our own backyard, our citizens fleeing Blue cities and states led by socialist bent politicians for Red suburbs and states less oppressive. Unfortunately, those citizen migrators of ours have many of the same bad intentions toward us as their foreign brethren. It appears nothing short of a total rebuke by congress of the Biden so-called “Build back better” legislation and related budgets will stem the tide.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Maddow’s Railings

She claims CRT was fabricated by the right wing media and Fox winning the day for Youngkin. Ridiculous. Doesn’t she recall when she banged the drum for Russia collusion ad nauseum?  Short memories these lefties. And NPR having the audacity to suggest that progressive voices on campus are being silenced when conservative speakers have been shouted down and their speaking invitations revoked under what amounts to liberal censorship. Does anyone on the left have any sense of self-awareness?

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Virginia, New Jersey Tell

Did the Progressives, Racists, and Liberals finally go too far in their BLM, Woke, and CRT agendas? Have they so antagonized and aroused the Republicans, Independents, and Moderate Democrats to rise up out of their lethargy and proclaim enough is enough and are not going to take it anymore? One can only hope. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

What Would The Pope know?

It amused me to no end that Biden claims that the Pope declared him a “good Catholic,” despite his stance on abortion rights and that he should continue receiving communion. All this despite a meeting two weeks hence when American bishops will have their say on the matter. This, of course, opens a whole new chapter on what the church is willing to overlook, as long as you continue being a “good Catholic.” Perhaps the pontiff should clarify exactly what that entails. But one would have expected such a decision from this, perhaps the most liberal pope ever appointed. Might the Vatican be willing to overlook something as inconvenient and theologically abhorrent as abortion if the good Catholic in question is a progressive whose politics are more consistent with the Pope’s worldview?